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Meeting the twins’ parents



Before I tell you how the twins and their parents’ visit passed, I will tell you how one incident almost ruined an excellent day when my luvs departed from them. Walking toward their car and having our children walking in front of them, suddenly two big and dangerous dogs that were supposed to be leashed, appeared in front of them coming around the corner while their owner walked way behind them typing on his cell phone. Our children were scared by their sudden appearance in front of them and they started to scream. My luvs quickly stepped in front of them to protect them while Silvano kneeled and wrapped his hands around the children. The dogs took an attacking position growling at them. My luvs slowly pulled their guns to shoot them, if necessary when the dogs’ owner came and knelled wrapping his arms around the dogs’ necks and calming them down. When the situation returned to normal, my Prince rebuked the man for letting dangerous dogs run around unleashed, and instead of watching them, he carelessly typed on his cell phone. The man defended their dogs saying they never bit anyone. My Prince asked him to put them on the leash now. The man answered he didn’t bring the leashes. While they were talking, my Ivy took a picture of him and his dogs and sent it to Antonio to check on the guy and report the law offense. Since they were with the children, my luvs didn’t do anything to avoid the risk of a bigger incident and jeopardizing the children’s safety. Silvano was on the guard all the time to shoot the dogs in case of attack and unlike my luvs, he had the real bullets. So, they split and my luvs put the children in the car and returned home. Later on, Antonio called my Prince and said that that guy was sued before for his two dogs attacked some people earlier but he always got away because he has connections in the city hall. He promised he will investigate the whole thing and that the jerk will be punished accordingly.



One more thing before I tell you about the twins and their parents. Our children practice martial arts with my Prince and Ivy very disciplined and dedicated. They do it once a day and they enjoying it so far.



The twins’ parents arrived with their children at 16.00 bringing flowers for us, red wine for my Prince, and candies for our children. Seeing the twins’ mother we realized why their son is dark-skinned and why their daughter is blond ?. They surely recognized why Mikey is dark skinned and that he is my image, and that Precious is pale skinned and looks like my Ivy. Since it was rainy, we stayed in the house. Our children immediately took the twins for hands and led them to their room to play. We offered them beverages, snacks, coffee, and similar. We exchanged basic information about our jobs, things we do and like, hobbies, and similar. During our conversation, Mikey and Precious came to my Ivy and me (he came to my Ivy, and Precious came to me) asking us if they can give to twins toys they like. Their mom reacted immediately thanking them for their kindness and saying that twins have enough toys at home. We insisted on letting the twins take the toys they want. When it was done, my Ivy said:

- Sooo, how do you feel now about us when you discovered our love triangle? …

Twins’ father: I discovered it yesterday, when we were in the sweet store. I noticed how your daughter looks very much like you and how Mikey doesn’t look like you and Prince at all. He is a dark-skinned boy while the three of you are pale. So, I thought he must be somebody else’s son which meant Prince is either divorced or he had another wife or a lover with whom he had a son …

I sat in my Prince’s lap and kissed him. Then I explained to them about our love triangle and how it started. They were surprised to hear that we are bisexual, that my Ivy and I are also in love with one to another and that we are married too. They thought my Prince loves us and that we love him. They said they don’t mind our love triangle. On contrary, they like us, but they only asked my Ivy and me not to kiss in front of their children for now until they explain to them how Mikey and Precious may have two mothers and one father. We all laughed hard hearing the “theories” they will try to use. We invited them to a house Halloween party which they happily accepted. Anyway, we got new friends and our children too.



Edited by Evaloves4


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:classic_laugh: High time to explain to their children that love is not limited to man+woman relationships alone

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3 hours ago, worik said:

:classic_laugh: High time to explain to their children that love is not limited to man+woman relationships alone

> We still didn't explain this to our children. We think they aren't mature enough to understand it. I think we will wait for one year more and then we'll tell them unless they ask us by themselves. :D

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What a story we will forget about the dogs for now and hopefully Antonio will settle it once and for all to stop that guy. He was luck the kids were around. :rage:


Well enough of that try to refrain from kissing Ivy until we come up with a good explanation for za childenz. Oh yeah my favorite part of the entry. :sweat_smile::heart:;):thumbsup:

Edited by Jay-Omms
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2 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

What a story we will forget about the dogs for now and hopefully Antonio will settle it once and for all to stop that guy. He was luck the kids were around. :rage:


Well enough of that try to refrain from kissing Ivy until we come up with a good explanation for za childenz. Oh yeah my favorite part of the entry. :sweat_smile::heart:;):thumbsup:

> Yes, Antonio found out who was protecting the dog owner and he contacted her. She is some local politician in city hall and he, after telling her what happened warned her to stop it or he will start the war against her in which she will lose and will be forced to resign. he told us that she checked on him, and finding out that he has much stronger connections and allies than her, she pulled back and the dog owner was reporting for letting his dogs to jeopardize children's' life. He has to pay 1000 Euros penalty. :)

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