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About this blog



I made this bog to post all my test reports and test finding during Testing PAradise Halls Enchanted (PAHE) and mods that based on PAHE.

I make this blog in hope encorage others to help mod creators via testing.

I plan posting here my testing methods mod setups, and looot of test reports so probably more easy to find specific test report here instead the mod suport topick thread.


About me:

i know littile about CK or other tols that used to create mods. I know only how to install mods, and use some basic tools very basic functions.

I wish give back something to the community this is why i started playtesting.

My english skills not so goodi hope this improve over time.



PAHE is the mod allow you enslave NPC and beasts. Yes you can enslave falmers and some other animal.

Use them as you see feeit.


i written a gude for pahe and DOM i put it here may some one intrested this more easy to find here.

This one need to updated and gramar fixed.




Here is InsanityFactor guide to DOM. 


Entries in this blog

How i test Skyrim mods part 2 - About mod requierments...

Based ony my recent experiences finding out what is a mod requierments not as easy.   One can think as me reading the installation section of the mod page enught. some times not at least if you wish see nice empty papyrus log. As i need to see to close out other mods faulty as possibility my testing.   In my expereince missing requerment errors pop up on skyrim start or new game start/game load. so realtive easy to find out some file/script/mod missing. At leas


Nonseen in Testin lessons learned

Possible mistake i made during testing

At the time of writing this i realized i possibly  made a mistake during my PAHE 8.0.2 testing.   My PAHE Testrun in 8.0.2 version and 8.0.1 concentrated conform or deny naked bandit bug is fixed.   To those who dont know: naked bandit bug happens af you capture a bandit, something happen in skyrim spawn system. Skyrim use same "base look" of characters that not uniqes. So one can encaounter multiple times same looking enemys. Problem is after capturing a respawning enemy all


Nonseen in Testin lessons learned

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