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About this blog

nothing to see here. mostly just me thinking aloud and organizing my thoughts


(These are mostly from before I discovered 'status updates' - much better format for thinking aloud since it doesn't clutter up the general blogs feed with my inane thoughts. For more short vignettes please go to Cautionary Tales From A Perilous Province.)

Entries in this blog

Exploring Bleak Falls Barrow, blindfolded

After hundreds of hours with a load-order built around Devious Followers I've been testing out a SL/Devious playthrough centered around a solo experience, leaning more on licences in SL Survival as a money sink. I've set up Deviously Enchanted Chests to have a 7.5% chance of a trapped container, with a 15% chance at finding keys in containers and corpses once I had at least one restraint. The thought being that it'd give me a window of time where I had to put up with the devious device,



Captured and enslaved by Forsworn

[Messing around with the CBBE Morph sliders in RaceMenu. I didn't think I was into the whole pregnancy thing, but damn. Gonna have to download that soulgem oven mod now.]   The lawless Reach, in the end, proved to be more than a match for the so-called Dragonborn...     Other heroines, other bad ends: Fallen Champion of Light



Resource faucets and sinks, part 3 (and other things)

I think I've, finally, settled on a configuration for Devious Followers-centered Skyrim that works pretty much as I want it to (as I laid out previously). The relevant settings being: Trade and Barter:  fBarterMax 8.00, fBarterMin 2.00 Scarcity: 2x loot rarity .esp SexLab Survival: 50g toll, non level-based Devious Followers Continued: 500/50 base/level-based debt, 50% interest, 1000/1000 deal agreement/removal Perseids Inns and Taverns: 50% of default rental



Resource faucets and sinks, part 2

Quick follow-up from my previous post, having played a new game for about six hours.   So, of course, the in-hindsight entirely predictable outcome of removing/gutting all other major resource faucets in my game except for alchemy is, alchemy is even more relatively profitable than before. And it really is shockingly profitable once you discover the high-value potions. (For instance, blue butterfly wing plus blue mountain flower, both cheap and relatively common ingredients, make a two



Resource faucets and sinks from a player POV

Not strictly speaking a topic for LL, but eh. I'm here.   I've been thinking about the economy loop for Skyrim. The very core of the problem here is that it is really easy to make lots of money in vanilla Skyrim - you very quickly get into a post-scarcity situation where you have so much gold and nice things that you have no more compelling reasons to engage in the game's "kill-loot-sell" core gameplay loop except for its own sake. And every aspect of Skyrim seems designed to funnel yo



Issues with defeat sex and followers

Been playing a healslut run with a modlist built around Devious Followers Continued.   Generally, the idea is to play support for a follower who does all the actual fighting while I deal with all the “boring” stuff like looting, gear upgrades, selling stuff, getting leads for bounties, setting up camp. In combat I'm a healstick cowering behind my follower buffing his health while he goes on the attack with a melee weapon. I've played almost 150 hours over four playthroughs, and there h



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