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Introducing Nym




The magic showed its effect immediately. A blueish gleam began to radiate from the fingers of my casting hand. I slowly moved them towards my nether lips. When I was still an inch away, I began to feel a strange pressure down there, like a force field which was already stimulating me in a strange and unfamiliar way. The force grew stronger the closer I got. I felt an immense tension building up. When two of my fingers touched my lips all of this tension resolved in fiery explosion, like an orgasm, only much more intense, but also not longer then a fraction of a second. For this very brief instant instant, the world went black before my eyes, my body began shaking and I lost my sense of balance. But as far as I can tell only a silent squeak escaped my mouth.
Already it felt more intense then all of the orgasms I had before. And I had done nothing more then touching my nether lips. With the magic in effect it was exhausting even to slowly move my fingers up and down. The strange force was pushing me back, but overcoming the pressure set free vast amounts of energy which dashed through my vagina and streamed through my whole body from there.
I had reached my clitoris with my index finger. My heart was pounding and my body shaking. I was almost more than I couldn't endure, but the pleasure was so intense that I lusted for even more. I took all my strength together and began to rub my clitoris. It was unlike everything I had experienced before. I put my fingers deeper inside and rubbed harder and faster. The previous feeling of nausea went as I lost myself in sexual ecstasy. Tears came from my eyes as waves of sweet pain and pleasure rushed trough my body.
Under these circumstances I could have never been able to maintain any regular spell, but the magic I was using seemed to sustain itself more and more the stronger my orgasms got. Blue light was still radiating from my hand even as I had lost all mental focus. I wasn't in control of my spell anymore and I did not knew how to stop it. But I didn't want so stop. I wanted to go as far as possible.
The stream of magic did not break off even as every last bit of my strength had left me. I just couldn't go on by myself. With my other hand, I gave my apprentice a sign, just a weak and barely visible gesture. But we had planned everything in advance and she immediately grasped what she had to do. She seemed insecure and even a little frightened, which was to be expected, given the impression I must have made. She probably couldn't tell if I still was enjoying it or not. But I was. And even if I wasn't, I would have wanted her to go on. She knew how committed I was, so in the end she hesitated not longer then a brief instant before she grabbed my casting hand as she was supposed to. With her hand guiding mine, she continued to stimulate my vagina. She pushed my fingers in and out. I managed to send her a stressed smile, but could not see anymore if she smiled back. I passed out.

As I woke up, my body was still hot and my heart was still pounding faster then usual. My face was wet from tears just as my legs were from vaginal fluids. I was dirty, weak and helpless. But I found myself in the soft embrace of my apprentice. Under normal circumstances she would have never touched me as long as I had not asked for it. We had sex countless times before, but always as part of one of my experiments and never just out of pure lust.
She was completely committed to me, she had no secrets in front of me and I knew she was attracted my be, maybe even I love. Still I always kept a certain distance. Maybe it was foolish and pointless that I never showed much feelings and always acted quite authoritarian. But now, as I lay in her arms, we both knew that all of that has changed now. Although I was naked and powerless, and although it was she who watched over me now, I did not feel any shame or regret. For one time, I wanted to be weak, I wanted her to care for me. Through the thin little gown she wore I sensed her soft breasts on my cheek and felt secure. We didn't speak a word, but we both knew.
Then she carefully reached her hand out and went down my belly. As she touched my vagina, I winced as a sudden shock rushed through my body – it was an aftereffect of the spell, but it went as fast as it came. I felt her soft touch on my nether lips and it was wonderful.



It wasn't the first time that I read this passage and surely it wasn't the first time that I found my cunt dripping on the blanket while reading it. It's my favourite part of my favourite book. I've always been wondering whether all of this is true. But I really hope it is. Thinking of the possibility of such spells is more exciting then anything else. And this little love story is so sweet.
The woman who supposedly experienced and wrote all of this was a great sorceress who passionately studied the mysteries of magic and sex. Quite like I am... well, except that I'm probably not so great and that I don't really have the hang of this magic stuff yet. But I am studying with great dedication and I may get results some day.


I really wish I could ask the author of this book about anything... but I don't know where she lives, but probably in some remote secret location I'm never going to find. Actually I don't even know if she lives and when this book was written. She didn't even leave her name in it.


Aside from being a brilliant sorceress she's kinda the woman I dream of. I love the way how she's writing about herself experimenting with her body and having sex with her assistant, who probably also was quite a cute girl. It's so shameless and it turns me on. Too bad there's no picture of her. But there are passages where she describes every inch of her body in detail...


Oh yeah, my Name is Nym, just so you know. As for myself I'm also living in a quite secluded cabin in the woods. The silence helps me focusing on my research.


It's really a cozy place.


Since I'm being all alone out here, no one can stop me from walking around naked all the time. Most days I wake up naked, stay naked and go to sleep again naked. I've read some books of people claiming it's a way of being closer to nature or whatever... but honestly it just turns me on.


Concerning books... I've managed to acquire quite a collection and I'm spending a lot of time reading them. Few of them are as valuable as the one I talked about, since there are not many people around who are studying magic as well as sex. It's a shame actually.

But I'm reading a lot of stuff about magic in general to deepen my knowledge and train my skills. If I read about a certain spell, the first thing that comes to my mind is always the question how I may abuse it for sexual purposes.


Then there are books about alchemy. It's a discipline which I already understand a lot better then magic, probably because it's much more mundane in the end. And I can tell that there are a lot of ways to use all these tinctures, salves and concoctions to intensify your experience when you pleasure yourself.


Of course I'm also quite interested in books about anatomy. I already know a lot about the body of men and mer. Especially about the parts concerning... you know. I was quite surprised to learn there is actually an entire volume solely about the cock of the Orsimer. It's really impressive what these guys got between their legs.


And then there are the Tales, fictional and factual. I enjoy reading everything with a good deal of romance and sex in it. There are really not too few books describing the act of sex withquite a lot of detail. But you won't find them everywhere. They are rather hard to come by. Many pieces I have here are actually just original diaries and notes which were never copied or published in any way. For example there's this intriguing account of a vampire who always walked around with his cock exposed. He showed up in some secluded villages from time to time where he then seduced the local girls. Too bad he never showed up here at my home.


When I'm not reading I'm often spending my time at the alchemy table. As I've said, there are some interesting things you can brew. For example there's a recipe for a salve that really increases your sensibility when you apply it to your lower lips. I'm using a lot of it when I'm about to shove something into me. I guess it should also work for men, but sadly I'm missing the cock to give it a try.


Apart from that I'm messing around with enchantments, mostly unsuccessful, sadly...


...or I'm trying to pull off some magic trick...


...or I'm planning one of my journeys through the country...


…or I'm working on something in the cellar.


A lot of the things I need I build by myself. I don't have a lot of money and most of it already goes on books and rare ingredients.


Oh yeah, and I masturbate. A lot.


Sometimes its part of my dilettante magic experiments, but most of the time it's just for simple pleasure.


I'm doing it at least three times a day, but often more.


I'm trying out a lot of different techniques.


It just never gets old.


When the sun goes down I like enjoy some whine, sitting outside at the river.


Sometimes it gets a little chilly and I actually might wear some clothes... but never too much.


It's a good place to live.


I like it here.



It's morning again.


A little bit of exercise is always a good way to start one's day.


I like to wake up early and do a little running in the forest when the sun is still low. It goes without saying that I don't need any clothes for that either.


It's really a great feeling to be in the woods, a good deal away from your home, and you have nothing with you and nothing to protect you except your own naked body.


I do not miss wearing shoes. I just got used to tread into all these sharp and pointy objects on the ground. I don't bother anymore. It makes me feel invicible.


I always think about encountering a cute little boy or girl in the woods on one of my naked walks. I would not flinch, make sure every part of my body is visible and just stand there confident, naked, barefoot, with open legs... as if it was nothing special. Surely he or she would fall in love with me that instant and...


Too bad I never met anyone. There's literally no one out here.


In case you wonder how I make a living... well, I grow some plants here...


...and I'm searching mushrooms in the woods.


Sometimes I'm also searching old ruins for something valuable. But that's hardly enough. Most of my money I make by selling the alchemical products I make. So from time to time I set out for a nearby village or mill to do a little trading.



The thing is, when I'm seeing people, I actually have to wear clothes. Well, I often told myself to give a shit and just don't bother... but somehow I still ended up putting on something every time. I guess I'm a little shy... but really just a little. Surely I wouldn't be ashamed if somebody sees my naked cunt. But I'm just a little afraid of how they might react...


By the way, it's not that I hate clothes or something. I love a sexy outfit and I actually wear one from time to time, sometimes even when I'm alone.

Some days I go through my collection of clothes, try out all kind of different combinations and feel like I princess, although I actually don't have much more than a bunch of old rags. Sometimes I think I should buy some new clothes, but in the end I always spend my coin on books or other stuff. Well, I like my old gear anyway.


More then a half year ago I threw away my last pair of shoes, since it was completely worn out. So I guess I'm always barefoot now. As I already said, that's not much of a problem for me. Not that I would despise a sexy pair of boots.


So I'm heading out to a nearby Inn to buy some supplies. Sometimes the people in this place seem especially prude, so I put on the best garb I have... you know, the one that actually covers my belly and doesn't have holes where my breasts are.


Nym: Well, dear Lady, would it be okay if I'd pay with sex?
Innkeeper: What?


Nym: Instead of coin, I'm offering you my body. You can do everything you want. And don't think you have to be gentle. I'm ready for anything.


Innkeeper: Shut up already, what's wrong with you? Just give me my money and get out of here.


Yeah, I don't see other people that much, but when I do it often goes not very well. For a feisty little sex maniac I don't have a lot of sex. None actually. I had a cute boyfriend some years ago, before I started living in the woods. Man, I miss him. But I'm sure I'll find someone soon.


From time to time I visit a tavern in the hope of finding somebody to spend the night with... like this roguish Elf dude... he looked intriguing.


Nym: Now, since the two fo us seem to come along so well... would you maybe like to share a bed tonight? You know... I'm talking about sex...


Stranger: What?!


Nym: Yeah, I'd love to feel you inside of me. You could blow your load right over my face. And then we'll kiss. It's much more intimate if there's a little cum on our lips. Many boys are seem afraid of their own cum, but I'll bet your not one of them.


Stranger: Girl, this is getting too weird for me.


Guess that's another lonely night. Maybe he's just not into humans. Also I might be a little drunk already...



Oh, there's one guy I forgot to talk about. My fence. It's a Khajiit vendor who has set himself up in a cave nearby. He's a bit strange, but it's always a pleasure doing business with him.


From him I get all the rare ingredients and pieces of writing you'll find nowhere else. Also he pays quite a good price for my alchemical products... you now, the stuff with sexual qualities, not just the healing salves that I sell to humans.


Sometimes I even get a little bit of Moon Sugar from hin... just for experimental reasons.


The best thing about this cat is, that he has no problem with nudity whatsoever. I guess his kind is accustomed to walk around naked. They have fur anyway, why would they need clothes?


Well, he doesn't seem to be interested in me, even when I show up naked in front of him. And to be honest, I'm not really sure if I would fuck a cat anyway. We're not really friends or anything. He's just a good business partner.


And even when there's no sex involved... it's just a good feeling to be naked in front of somebody.



Recommended Comments

Aww this looks really good but only two images are loading. Anyone else see the whole thing

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I dont usually comment but i wanted to tell you this is simply amazing, keep up the awesome work cant wait for your next post with this cutie ^^

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Aww this looks really good but only two images are loading. Anyone else see the whole thing

Sorry, but I have no idea what could be wrong and especially what it is that distinguishes these two images from the rest. I've uploaded all of them on imgur.
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Aww this looks really good but only two images are loading. Anyone else see the whole thing

Sorry, but I have no idea what could be wrong and especially what it is that distinguishes these two images from the rest. I've uploaded all of them on imgur.


Hmm ts strange I have the Imgur work around. Its the first and 4 image that shows nothing else...

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New to your blog!

Sexy, but yet very amusing and comical story. Very pretty screenshots to accompany the writing as well. I absolutely loved reading it, and can't wait to carry on with the following when I get the time. Great work. :)

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Shame this one was before my time on LL (and that you seem to have been gone for two years so I suppose you'll never see my message). Really an amazing first entry. Can't wait to read the rest.

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