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  • Unlicensed back-alley shitpoaster
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  1. Thought it was something from Fuse00 or 4thUnknown, but neither of them have a set like this.
  2. Yes, the follower mods which try to externally hook into ChatGPT for dialogue are, uh, interesting, but a long way off being useful for prime time. There's the uncanny valley factor, but another layer to that is also never being quite sure whether the dialogue spoken is specific to the NPC in some way (i.e. background or personality input into the model), or just drawing on the generic response set these models have been trained on. It's all very Alien-in-a-human-suit.
  3. I think an overlooked aspect of the overall discussion is that throughout Skyrim's life, there have been some modders willing to pay original Skyrim VA's for mod dialogue. And I don't mean like $50, I mean actually pay for work at rate. Yes, this was rare, but the intention (and money!) was there a few times, and perhaps it would have happened more if anyone had had any notable success. As for any conflict with Beth, it would have been legal so long as the mods weren't monetized, just like any mod. As far as I know, not once did this ever come to pass, because even though most Skyrim VAs are far more obscure, from a modder's point of view such people are busy and effectively unobtainable as any Hollywood star. From the VA's perspective, they don't know which modder is worth working with, as most are random amateurs with no idea how professional VA hiring goes. Forgetting the broader implications of machine learning for a bit, AI as used to replicate voices for video game mods is essentially being used to plug a hole in between professional VA work and resources available to modders.
  4. I wonder how many of those people's names he's citing have in fact given him permission to do so.
  5. "Banner made by Robbie, all rights, etc." on something like that is some huge "ORIGINAL IDEA DO NOT STEAL" energy.
  6. There's some asshole shit-disturber "Robbie92_" who's on a personal crusade to notify every game VC they can find if any mod has been made using their voice lines, even if the mods are perfectly ethical and approved. He says it's only about NSFW mods, but I personally know multiple modders he's harassed and tagged who have nothing to do with NSFW mods. I'd expect this to get more attention just because his one-man dumbass crusade is the sort of thing trash game site love publishing.
  7. I don't remember seeing that shield or mace in any Mordhau pack though.
  8. There's at least two vanilla beards like that. Maybe look for upgraded vanilla textures or retextures?
  9. You may have seen that big studios are drooling at the idea of using AIs to replace writers and also that the writers are on strike as a result. Considering this, if we're very lucky we'll soon be entertained by some of the worst-written TV to ever hit the screen.
  10. At least you can search for Skyrim Patreons... I wish there was some sort of index of Skyrim Discords with mods unavailable elsewhere.
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