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  1. Hey there, running into an odd issue where I talk to the wisp at the serpent stone (I'm using scv in addition to SCL) but it won't add the two shouts I supposedly get from doing so, I can add them manually via console but they don't appear to have any functionality?


    Edit: Nvm, seems I had an old Mod in play preventing it from working properly, had Racemenu still active with Nioveride running as well, getting rid of the former seems to have it finally working as intended. =w=; Just tried it not 10 minutes ago and it added both spells/shouts.

    1. kontolllllll


      Yoo, i'm new to modding so i can't seem to get it to work. So if you don't mind, how did u install it?I got the mod on my mod manager but i also didn't get the shouts

    2. kontolllllll


      Actually I can't seem to make both of em work.Is there any tutorial for this?Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong

  2. Hey are you planing to port SLC to sse


    1. DaddyNepNep


      i've actually been hoping it gets updated eventually. i've gotten the bare minimum to work but it keeps causing ctd's 

  3. Hey, I'm trying to get SCL to work, but for some reason my character is not appearing on the actor list.

  4. Huh, they're supposed to automatically defecate when it reaches a certain point. I'll look over things again.
  5. I did consider turning this into a full needs-immersion mod, but there's already some good ones available (Weightmorphs for both genders, SAMPLE for Men). I might consider it down the road if demand is high enough.
  6. Okay, I'll look into it. It's no longer a cloak spell, it uses reference aliases.
  7. Heh, yeah, that's an oversight. I already found the problem , so it'll be fixed in the next version (I accidentally set it to add placed items in the source container, AKA the player, instead of the target. Noticed one other thing; seems like this needs to be run through xedit and cleaned. The aelea edit seems like a dirty edit. I think I looked at her to find out how keywords worked on actors. I don't recall making any edits, but I'll clean it for the next version.
  8. Heh, yeah, that's an oversight. I already found the problem , so it'll be fixed in the next version (I accidentally set it to add placed items in the source container, AKA the player, instead of the target.
  9. Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I've been busy with the new version. Information on items is stored in JContainers with two variables: Int "STIsNotFood" and Int "STIsInContainer" (There's no bool variable type, so set them to 1 for true) "STIsNotFood" is used for poultices and poisons while "STIsInContainer" is used for items inside non-digestible containers such as bottles To add item info: Make a script attached to something so that it'll run on startup (such as a quest) Extend SCLDatabase so that you can wait until it finishes initializing Find or make the item entry in the database using JFormDB.makeEntry and put info into it Save, compile, and test. It's not necessary to make dependencies if you don't want to, just make sure you know the string ids for SCL and get your item using Game.GetFormFromFile. P.S. Is it okay if I put this on the front page for reference?
  10. Hi darkconsole, I was looking at your scripts and I wanted to ask if I could base my mod off of yours? I'm using cloaks and magic effects right now and am worried about the script load. I wanted to ask because I don't feel well just taking some else's work like this.
  11. Do you mean the wheel menu? I'll see if there are any problems when upgrading from 0.1
  12. Uploaded a new version, for anyone interested. Not a lot of features, mostly bugfixes and adding stuff for add-ons.
  13. 1. is likely because I was inconsistent with my naming, I'll check it out 2. I, uh, actually forgot to impliment that. Whoops. 3. The "Overfull" effect is based off how much higher your fullness is compared to your base capacity, thus it lasts depending on what that base capacity is and your digestion rate. I'll consider reducing the starting digestion rate for all actors.
  14. Sorry I left for so long, I was traveling on school-related business. Just to update, I've rewritten the mod almost from scratch, reconsidered some of the features, and am currently testing it. It's going to be a little while longer, though. Things got really hectic before I left, but I should've left a message before then.
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