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This mod is deprecated.
You should switch to Holdup, which does the same and more.

If you install MCM, you can turn off the other features of Holdup, so you get almost exactly what this mod did.


This mod intends to improve the gameplay of the rank 1 Intimidation perk. When I first selected the perk I was quite disappointed:

  • I could not loot the equipment of pacified enemies.
  • I could not pick locks or hack computers - if I tried, the apparently pacified enemies decided to draw their weapons and shoot me in the back.

The best thing to do with pacified enemies seems to be to calmly walk up to them, aim at their head while they stand with hands up, and kill them in cold blood. With this mod keeping pacified enemies alive will become a viable alternative.


This mod allows you to do the following:

  • Tie up pacified enemies. Tied up enemies will not be able to fight and therefore not become hostile if you decide to pick locks, hack computers, or do whatever else you decide to do.
  • Once they are tied up, open their inventory and take their stuff.
  • Untie them. They will return to the ‘hands up’ pose they had before being tied up. Of course they may decide to attack you if you do certain things after untying them.

Known Limitations
This is an early but well working beta. It has the following known limitations:

  • There is no visual representation of bindings. Tied up enemies just sit on the ground with their hands behind their back.
  • Tying up enemies is free and does not use up any resources.
  • In some cases (e.g. after leaving and reentering the cell, or after previously being caught pickpocketing) untying a tied up enemy may show him hostile for a split second and start the combat music. No actual combat will take place.

Not in Scope
As mentioned above, this mod has the simple purpose of improving the gameplay of the intimidation perk. I am open for further ideas, but I will not implement features outside of that purpose. Things that I will not implement include:

  • Lowering the charisma requirements of the intimidation perk.
  • Fixing bugs of the intimidation perk – use the UOF4P, it fixes them.
  • Converting pacified enemies to slaves – other authors are already working on that.

Only base Fallout 4 at the moment – this should work without F4SS, DLCs and other mods.


Compatibility in General
I expect that this mod is compatible with almost all other mods. Consequently all the things mentioned above in the ‘Not in Scope’ section can be provided by other mods, some of them already existing. Of course if you want to be really, really sure, you will have to try it out.
Technical details: Even though this mod seems to modify the Intimidation 1 perk, it does so without touching any existing quests, perks, spells, effects or scripts. The goal was to make this very compatible with other mods. That being said, the original holdup script written by Bethesda is a big messy bowl of spaghetti in my not-so-humble opinion, and I had to use some workarounds to implement everything without changing that original code. If another mod decides to rip out that original system and replace it with something ‘better’, it will probably break my mod (and every other mod that changes the Intimidation perks) by doing so.


List of Known (In-)Compatible Mods

  • UOF4P: Fully compatible, and highly recommended as it fixes the calculation of the bonus from the Black Widow / Lady Killer perks.
  • Intimidation Redone: Mostly compatible. Intimidation Redone allows to tie up pacified enemies, too; the tie up options of the two mods are independent of each other, so a pacified enemy could be tied up twice, needing to be untied twice. I suggest not using the tie up function of Intimidation Redone when using it with my mod.
  • F4:SS: Compatible. Tied up enemies can be captured just like anybody else (e.g. using Pax syringes). Note that F4:SS will replace the standard activation function with a menu, making it impossible to use the untie option of my mod after capturing an enemy. My mod will recognize the situation and automatically untie them when the player interacts with them.
  • Abduction: Compatible. Tied up enemies can be abducted and will stay tied up. Enemies ‘Restrained’ by Abduction cannot be tied up, as the animation played by Abduction will prevent the tied up animation. This is only a visual bug: Once the ‘Restrained’ animation stops (e.g. after abduction, or after walking far away), they will correctly assume tied up position. Note that you need to recruit a tied up abductee to get the untie option.

Please tell me if you find out about (in-)compatibility with other mods that modify the Intimidation perk.


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What is the advantaegs/disadvantaegs of your mod vs intimidation redone?  This simpler which is not always a bad thing but since you looked at it why did you make this?  


Besides the fact that I wanted to get my feet wet with creating mods? blush.gif


My start point was that I wanted to have a simple companion mod to F4:SS that allowed me to tie up intimidated raiders as I cleaned a place and take their stuff. Once I am finished with the place I can decide at my leisure which ones (if any) I want to enslave, and which once I am not interested in.


Intimidation Redone is larger, does not allow to intimidate during combat, and the tying up needs to be done using a menu which takes longer. It also had some issues for me and looked like it was dead for a while. The author said that he will make a new version with some improvements shy.gif and I really hope that he will, I see a lot of potential in his mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Installed the mod, gave it a quick whirl. Looks to work great! Just one bug? If you command the NPC to follow you can't tie them up again. You can choose the tie option (which becomes untie), but it'll do nothing.


"If you command the NPC to follow" - is that using the Intimidation 3 perk?

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  • 9 months later...

I know this mod is not active anymore, but still is my preferred method to follow F4:SS slavery than other big mods that just mess up my already messed scripts. I just wonder if I can edit it to myself to force trade even equipped clothes and stuff (is kinda annoying when you have to always bring an one piece outfit and some modular armor to rob everything).

I mean, the F4:SS script deletes some of equipped stuff before enslaving, so i have to make sure to rob ALL of my tied up enemies to enslave them (so I can profit on their stuff ;))

I know you aren`t thinking on making an update, but if you could instruct me to tweak this petty issue I would be very glad.

Thanks for the mod :smile:


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As far as I am aware there is no simple way - the game not showing worn clothes in NPC's inventory is an engine thing, not something I do in my mod.

It could be possible to work around the problem by unequipping (by script) the clothes directly before opening the npc inventory, and then reequipping them again when the inventory is closed unless they were removed. My guess is that such a script could be quite complex though.


Maybe I should tinker with that idea in Holdup (the mod that I am working on, and using with F4SS)...

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I have added an experimental undressing feature to the Rob option of Holdup Beta 2. If you want to test it, take note that I have no idea if it is compatible with this mod, so you might want to create a dedicated savegame and then disable this one and install Holdup for testing. Both mods contain their source, so if you have some experience creating mods you should be able to port that experimantal feature from Holdup to this mod. Ask me if you need more directions.

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