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About Twycross448

  • Birthday 10/31/1977

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  1. You do realize the next update could be just around the corner, don't you? Waiting to jump out just when you thought you finally had your load order updated and stabilized..... *evil cackle* 😈 No one is safe!
  2. A matter of definiton. Just remember when counting animations, FNIS counts each individual .hkx file. So if, for example, a blowjob animation by your favourite animator has 5 stages to it, FNIS counts it as 5 animations.
  3. Ever heard of something called "vacation"? Or taken into consideration that around christmas/new year, people may very well decide to take some time off, be with family and focus on more important things than modding some game? (Especially if that game got a mod destroying patch recently and things are not yet stable again...) 😉 In short words: Relax. If Aylis has not posted by the end of february, then you can go be concerened. 😬
  4. First, let me apologise for my prior post. Now that I am fully awake with a can of coffee in my belly I realise that it may have been worded a little confrontational. I am sorry, @Aylis. Second, in regards to the video, it can basically be boiled down to a few important points. 1. We know there is another update (hotfix for the bugs introduced with this update) coming. Presumably in the next few months. 2. Due to the changes made to the plugin headers, newly made or edited plugins may not be compatible anymore with older (unupdated or downpatched) versions of the game and may cause immediate CTDs. (Depends on the situation if I go by the xEdit team.) 3. Most of the bug fixes in this update had long been fixed by the Unofficial SSE Patch or other mods. (So, basically, they just copied those fixes to not have an update solely about their new shop. Positive public perception and all that.) 4. The new store front and its attached creator program sound way more solid than their previous attempt at monetising mods. On paper at least. 5. Sony is still playing a stuck up bitch. 6. Dumping free and paid mods together into a single user interface is not the most user friendly thing to do. 7. Bethedsda secretly planning to axe free mod support... well, for the time being, I do not believe it. But on the other side, we must all realise that it is Microsoft now who makes the final call. And we all can bet our cute asses that the very moment some human calculator deduces that removing free mod support would actually be beneficial to the bottom line, they will axe it. 8. Positive thing last: adding new creations to the shop does not require a game update anymore. Yay. 🥳
  5. Uh... I may be dense here, but what exactly do you want to say, @Aylis? Posting some YT video of some random influencer talking about the new patch tells us what, exatly? That the next update to your guide will take considerably longer than expected? That you're shutting it down here, making a mod out of it and selling it as a Creation on the new storefront? That reindeers do not actually have red noses and rarely answer to the name "Rudolph"?
  6. @LogTM@xm72 Thank you both for your input. I appreciate it. 😄 I'll give the mentioned mod a spin once I have the guide set-up completed. (Side Note: I'm really glad that they went with unvoiced player characters again in Starfield. ^_^" )
  7. @Aylis or anyone else Back when I last modded FO4 5 years ago, there was a mod that made the player character silent. No idea anymore what the name of the mod was. What is the go-to solution these days when one does not want to hear the player characters voice (at all) and which is compatible with this guide?
  8. I'm afraid this time it won't. People are far more accustomed to in-game purchases and microtransactions than they were back in 2014 (or was it 2015?). So likely the system is here to stay. Starfield will get the same treatment next year when official modding capability is introduced, and in my personal opinion, it is only a matter of time until they patch this system into Fallout 4 as well.
  9. Figures. They can't even be arsed to put Patch Notes on Steam, looks like. Sheesh. 😞
  10. @Aylis If I may be so bold to ask, is the next update to this guide more on the "small maintainance" side or on the "significant changes" one? I am currently pondering installing Skyrim AE using this guide, but am unsure if it is wise to do so before the next update, silly as that sounds. ^_^"
  11. a.) Download the file via the green "Download thids file" field. b.) Unpack the archive with 7-Zip. c.) Put the *.package file into your Sims 4 mod folder. Of course, it won't do you much good since WickedWhims does not support Zoophilia out-of-the-box, and the WickedPets plugin has been defunct for years now. There exists a self-proclaimed "competitor" to WickedWhims called DeviousDesires which natively supports Zoo, but it is made by a mod author who has been banned from Loverslab, so I am afraid you need to find it on your own. My apologies.
  12. @t.ara Vielen Dank für diesen Release. Ich bin ziemlich sicher dass du nach all der Zeit, die du an ZAP9 gearbeitet hast, auch ein wenig erleichtert bist, dieses Biest endlich aus dem Haus zu haben (wenn ich es mal so ausdrücken darf). Ein dickes fettes "Danke!" für all deine Mühe. Ich bin zwar einer der bösen bösen SE-Nutzer, und somit nicht zur Party eingeladen, aber ich habe über die Jahre, wo ich noch auf LE unterwegs war, deine Threads verfolgt und weiß daher zumindest im Ansatz, wieviel Zeit, Nerven und Arbeit du hier reingesteckt hast. Und dafür bedanke ich mich. Respekt und Hut ab. *zwei Daumen hoch* --------------------------- English Translation: Many thanks for this release. I'm pretty sure that after all the time that went into ZAP9, you're pretty relieved to have this beast out of the house (if I'm permitted to say it this way). A big fat "Thank you!" for all your efforts. And while I am just one of the evil evil SE Users, and thus not invited to the party, I have followed your threads over the years while I was still on LE and thus know, at least in part, how much time, nerves and effort you have put into this. And that is what I say thanks for. Much respect and hat-tipping from me. *two thumbs up*
  13. If the Sim in question is a teen Sim, then yes, intentional. Official Patch notes from Turbos site: Added 'Post-Puberty' teen-specific Wicked Attribute (trait) After installing the High School Years expansion pack, you might notice that all teen Sims are constantly dealing with puberty and acne. Besides it being annoying for the teen Sims, it can be pretty annoying for the player too, so you can now disable puberty and acne on individual teen Sims with the 'Post-Puberty' Wicked Attribute. Made High School and Auditorium venues excluded from sex and nudity autonomy Made shaving and applying cleanser clean off cum Made 'Crush' sentiment require at least Attractive level of Attractiveness Updated Impressions to support new traits and social interactions Added support for watching porn on dual monitor computers Added support for the Haunted House, Ferris Wheel, Tunnel Love, and Photo Booth WooHoo
  14. I'd really love it if they included the mother of all cryptids, the most legendary urban legend of all time, it's name only spoken in hushed whispers... the "Honest Politician". *ducks and runs to nail down all the windows* 😎
  15. I quote from the description of FG here on LL: Which I read as FG not having a complete set of vanilla refits. Is that wrong?
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