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About Minski

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thanks! I guess that also explains why Hearthfire & USKP changes aren't carried over. Anyway, I briefly tried editing the kids with the Creation Kit, but I honestly don't understand how to change makeup settings, plus as you say you don't really see how it looks in game either. Kudos to you and others who make such beautiful NPCs using the CK.
  2. This is my favorite child replacer mod, so thanks for the excellent work. This time I'm only using it for the kid replacer feature, but I had a Skykid character a while back, which looked great. Anyway, if I had a wish list, it would be to make it possible to give adopted kids clothes. I really like the adoption feature in Skyrim and one of the fun things is to give them gifts, but if you give them a vanilla child outfit, they turn "naked" as they aren't set up to use them.
  3. I really like this replacer. All kids have their individual characters and fit in nicely in the world as well. If I could wish for one thing, it would be that the female kids would have less make up. As it is, the eyes and lips often make them look almost like mini-adults instead.
  4. OK, thanks, I'll check in the main thread. Thanks for this mod BTW - I really like it.
  5. I notice that if my char gives Lucia a child outfit via the dialogue, she turns nude. I guess this is because Skykids aren't wearing vanilla child outfits in the first place. But I can't give her any other clothes either. Is there a mod or something that makes it possible to get access to adopted children's inventory so you can change outfits? Or even better, that changes the child outfits to have meshes that work with Skykids?
  6. I need some help with this. I've installed Python 34 (3.4.3). I've installed PyFFI 2.2.2. to that folder. I've installed RC_89_k_Light to that folder. I'm trying to make a lattice from Roberts NV body mesh to Breezes F3 mesh. I start Make Clothing Converter Lattice Options via the bat file. Choose Robert's mesh in File > Convert from. Choose Breezes mesh in File > Convert to. Right, but what do I do next? The miniguide in the OP sort of ends there. I can pick 3 Vertex targets etc. as the guide says, but how do I create the actual lattice? If I click OK, the app closes without saving anything. If I choose Save as .lat (well, test.lat in my case), the end result is a 0 kB file. Hm, the WinDOS window says that it's "unable to process". Anyway, is there a guide for this that is more detailed than the pointers in the OP? EDIT: OK, according to this guide, it is supposed to create the lattice when clicking OK, so something is up with my install it seems. EDIT2: OK, reading back a couple of pages, someone recommended the Portable version and it seems to work. EDIT3: But the resulting converted clothing mesh was completely messed up.
  7. For the love of god, can someone upload this to something else than Mediafire? It's impossible to get their gotchas correct - I'd guess consciously so so you'll pay for a pro user account. Beyond annoying. EDIT: Honestly, must be the most annoying file upload in the history of LL, with all the updates needed, all on different awful sharing sites. It's as if the uploader wants to drive people insane.
  8. Can someone please give a working link or detailed info on where I can find a T6M bnb body mesh. The one in the OP is for T6 if I understand it correctly - and it doesn't work for me. Then some say that it's included in Sexout "Vanilla", but which file is that? I've download all common resources archives I've found here, but I've found no T6M bnb mesh. In which Sexout download is it? PS. I've also tried the FemaleupperbodyT6M_Bouncing.7z , linked earlier in this thread and that doesn't work either. EDIT: OK, I got it work with a bnb compatible skeleton. Or rather not to be totally messed up. Guess I need animations as well. Would be nice with a small guide for setting it up correctly.
  9. One issue with this mod ATM is that several female children are wearing clothes that aren't converted yet, resulting in them looking more like miniature adults than kids. Perhaps it would be better to have them all wear clothes that are already converted? When all clothes are converted you could release a new version with more variation.
  10. Yeah, I figured as much, though you do realize that you're locking yourself to 0 weight by doing it that way and you can't take advantage of the teen body's weight scaling as a result. As I said in my last post, you need to copy the default hands from the main SK assets not the resource pack. I appear to have left the 100 weight hands in the resource pack on accident, so don't use those. Obviously I can't just update and post that anymore, so stick with the default SK hands if you want it to work properly. I am unfamiliar with this tongues mod you're talking about, can I get a link to it? As for the armor issues, you need to post your load order like the other fellow suggested. A good chunk of the vanilla clothing(ie: not armor) was only converted for the males, which is probably what you're seeing when browsing the armorpack. They'll get converted eventually... Which NPCs specifically are you having issues with? Though honestly this is a question better directed at Spyder instead of myself. Thanks. That would explain the clothing. Also, I misunderstood your first post - the teen body works perfectly with the weight slider using the hands from the main asset. Perfect.
  11. I'm having an issue with some converted outfits not showing up as such. For example, Merchant Clothes, which Lucia wears in SpyderArachnids Child NPC Replacer has boobs. I thought it might be an outfit that wasn't converted yet, but it seems to be converted when checking [Core] Armorpack. The same goes for one of my favorite vanilla outfits, Hammerfell Garb, which also shows up with boobs although it seems to be in the armorpack. I loaded all my mods in TES5Edit and the only mod I had that was affecting Merchant Clothes was Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp, but adding it to the BlockList and generating a new SK Child Armor Swapper.esp didn't help. Most outfits/armors seem to work (although my char is rather new so I haven't checked that many yet), but I'm a bit curious why some don't although they seem to be converted?
  12. Might be an issue with load ordering. Can you post your load order? If using Wrye Bash: right-click File header in the Mod window > List Mods > paste into post Otherwise you find it in: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Skyrim\plugins.txt > copy and paste
  13. Just want to say thanks for this excellent version, which finally made me switch from Children of the Sky to the hassle free and great Skykids.
  14. Yes, that was it. If I turn the character weight to 0 the issue is gone. If I turn the weight up even a notch, there's a visible seam that only gets worse the heigher the weight is set. In short, looks like the teen body needs weight 0 unless I'm missing something. I AM using the hand meshes that came with the Girl assets download. Anyway, thanks, issue solved! EDIT: Sorry for wrong name in the quote - can't even remove it. It was a nightmare trying to edit a quoted post.
  15. Ummm what teen body? From looking over the main page, I don't see any teen body resources. Or even in the download section. There is nothing about a teen body in SkyKids. Are you sure it is from this mod? Cause there is no teen body in SkyKids. And if that is the case, you need to contact the creator of that mod instead of asking here. It's from [Resource] Girl body assets.rar which was up here earlier as well as discussed earlier in the thread, but which I guess was removed as some other Skykids resources from LL due to new policies. So it's made by the creator of this mod, but I'm honestly not sure if it's supported on this forum - but I thought I'd ask. If nothing else it would be nice with a working teen body for Skykids IMO. Here's my new Skykid char, Mina, btw: http://i.imgur.com/7jf7pEq.jpg
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