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About Spicycat

  • Birthday August 26

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  1. Anyone know if their no-scripts version of invested magic can still be downloaded?

  2. I'm not sure a screenshot would be worth it... but ok.
  3. I've been playing around with editing armor in nifskope to make it transparent and glowing, as if it were a kind of force armor. I keep running into problems with hands and feet not actually being inside the gloves and boots of the armors I choose.. is there a way to add in the meshes to an existing piece of armor? I'd love to make the Nova armor from the flat pack transparent. edit - I got it to work sort-of, by cutting meshes from other armors and pasting them into the nova gloves and boots. The meshes don't really match, but it's better than totally missing hands and feet. Here's a screenshot of a transparent, glowing FX Nova armor:
  4. I just ran across another camera mod that may also work, 'Customizable Camera' at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37347/? I don't know it if will end up being better or worse than Enhanced 3rd-Person Camera. Also, E3PC is being updated this weekend apparently, so check back on it later.
  5. Well, what I've been trying to do is make sheathed weapons appear at the same size as drawn weapons. The idea that I sheath a sword and it suddenly grows 40% is a little silly to me. The problem is that there's an offset built into the sheathed weapon meshes, which shifts them away from the node that they're attached to, and resizing the weapon resizes that offset and pulls the weapon into the thigh of the character. To be clear: I'm altering the scale of the mount point, so that the sheathed weapon's size is changing. I can easily counter the offset by making a master node for all the hip-sheathed weapons to attach to and moving it towards the side of the character, and that works for the normal weapons. I did the same with the back nodes, making a master back weapon node for the sheath points to attach to. The problem comes in with the alternate-side dual sheaths; with the offset shrunk and then countered by moving the nodes outward, simply reversing x, pitch, and roll does not reverse where the weapon lands. It's really frustrating. I've tried making an alternate-side offset node, but even then I've had to tinker with yaw/pitch/roll even after I got the x, y, and z fairly close. Even more frustrating is that for some reason even if I alter the yaw/pitch/roll of the main sheath it doesn't actually rotate, which makes figuring out how to rotate the alternate sheathes even harder. Maybe it would be better to just alter the drawn weapon size, so that a weapon in a child's hand is exactly the same size as it is in an adult's hand, and then move all the longer sheaths to the back?
  6. Yes, but not easily. What you need is two child bodies, one male, one female, that are all put together and not separated into hands, head, feet, and body. Place them at data/meshes/actors/children/femalechild.nif and data/meshes/actors/children/malechild.nif Those files contain the body and the face all put together, so simply placing them in the appropriate folder will do; the originals are compressed into the .bsa files. The reason that all children look identical is that they're all using these two files.
  7. When you say that you're trying to get rid of the hairstyles, do you mean on yourself or on other children? If it's on other children, then the short answer is that you really can't... xvision's children requires apachii hair to load at all, and CotS depends on the xvision mod, so... yeah. If you want different choices for yourself, then probably the best option is to install another hair mod, and use those hairs instead. Also install the racemenu precache killer, found at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33226//?
  8. Are the modified skeletons compatible with dual sheaths redux? I've been trying to get the edited skeleton I'm working on to work with it, and the back weapons work but the alternate-side hip weapons are just impossible to place properly. Annoyingly, the standard XPMS skeleton just reverses the sign on x, pitch, and roll and that works for it, but since I'm trying to modify the size of the weapons everything is suddenly a thousand times harder. I'm looking forward to the completed version of this.
  9. If it's not too much of a problem, could you post a short summary on how you made a vampire lord replacement? I'd like to make one for the child/x117 races, along with a 'cub' werewolf replacement, but every time I poke at it I end up with this horribly obscenely tall thing. >_<
  10. 1) Other UNP textures seem to work with the x117 skeleton and body without a problem. They even work with the flat variant. 2) As far as hip width is concerned... I'm not sure. I could try to make a skeleton with wider hips, but I don't know if it would affect the body or not. I suspect not, from other experiments I've done with editing skeletons. You could possibly load up the body in 3ds and widen the hips manually, then copy the edited body into the x117 folder you're using. I would post the exact path for CotS, but right now I'm not using CotS but instead an edit to the YgNord race from ECE-CME that I made. If you're using CotS, then it's the body within the data/meshes/actors/character/(I think)oriental folder. Sorry, I don't really remember. If you want to use my YgNord edit, look for ECE-x117 in the non-adult mods section, and for that you would replace the body in data/meshes/actors/character/ygNord/ Either way, though, editing the body is the only way I see that would work.
  11. The Creation Kit will seem to let you make a mod of an esp file, but it's a lie. You can only make mods that work from esm files, and there are a limit to how many esm files a mod can be dependent on. Editing the CotS esp file directly would work. I don't think that turning it into a master file would work, as that might be too many master files in the dependency list, but you could always try.
  12. yes and i am assuming others would be interested too. Just the other day i was wishing something like that. but i know nothing about creating my own mods, or tweaking other mods. Ah, wish granted? http://www.loverslab.com/topic/17841-ece-x117/ This has some caveats: it is in no way compatible with the actual CotS mod, installing it over CotS will get you a YgNord of the right size that can't access the ECE-CME sliders. Annoying. I'm not sure if I'll be able to fix this... I'll have to poke at it more to see. Also, this is female-only, as only the female YgNord has a skeleton file I can overwrite. If there was a separate male YgNord then I could include a male compatible skeleton, but... meh. So if you use this, you'll be the only child that looks at all good.
  13. Version 1


    This is an edited version of the YgNord skeleton that comes with the ECE package, modified to fit the x117 clothing. It's shorter than YgNord, being about as tall as the children in Skyrim. It's female-only... sorry about that. I also packaged the body and textures from Children of the Sky with it. Basically, you get a Sky Child that can use ECE, but you'll be the only one in all of Skyrim. This does not play well with the Children of the Sky mod, but the ECE works fine. I have no idea if it works with xvisionchildren, since I can't find a copy to download anywhere except the one contained in and merged with CotS. The skeleton isn't fully set up for dual weapon sheaths or staves on the back or anything like that. I kinda gave up halfway through setting that up. Also, it doesn't have the tail bones, wing bones, cloak bones, or hair bones that the CotS skeleton has, so if you have costumes that use those pieces I have no idea what'll happen. What I did to make the skeleton work is add a scaling node before each normal node, and then I moved all the scaling to the scaling nodes so that every normal node has scale 1.0000. Since ECE requires a skeleton with bones scaled to 1.0000, it works even though the skeleton is actually scaled differently. It also means that if someone wanted to, they could make something like ECE-CME to alter only the scaling nodes, and morph shape on the fly. If someone got the scales for all the different bodies, and added the bones that this skeleton is missing, then you could have a body that could be adjusted to fit all the current skeletons. Of course, it would have double the normal number of nodes due to the scaling nodes, but there isn't any reason if shouldn't work. That being said, I'm not ever going to make such a thing. I lack the programming knowledge to do it. Anyhow, so this works fine and is easier to install than CotS if you just want to play a Sky Child and don't mind all the other children looking dumpy and boring and stuff. If you use it, don't forget to get some x117 clothing to wear!
  14. View File This is an edited version of the YgNord skeleton that comes with the ECE package, modified to fit the x117 clothing. It's shorter than YgNord, being about as tall as the children in Skyrim. It's female-only... sorry about that. I also packaged the body and textures from Children of the Sky with it. Basically, you get a Sky Child that can use ECE, but you'll be the only one in all of Skyrim. This does not play well with the Children of the Sky mod, but the ECE works fine. I have no idea if it works with xvisionchildren, since I can't find a copy to download anywhere except the one contained in and merged with CotS. The skeleton isn't fully set up for dual weapon sheaths or staves on the back or anything like that. I kinda gave up halfway through setting that up. Also, it doesn't have the tail bones, wing bones, cloak bones, or hair bones that the CotS skeleton has, so if you have costumes that use those pieces I have no idea what'll happen. What I did to make the skeleton work is add a scaling node before each normal node, and then I moved all the scaling to the scaling nodes so that every normal node has scale 1.0000. Since ECE requires a skeleton with bones scaled to 1.0000, it works even though the skeleton is actually scaled differently. It also means that if someone wanted to, they could make something like ECE-CME to alter only the scaling nodes, and morph shape on the fly. If someone got the scales for all the different bodies, and added the bones that this skeleton is missing, then you could have a body that could be adjusted to fit all the current skeletons. Of course, it would have double the normal number of nodes due to the scaling nodes, but there isn't any reason if shouldn't work. That being said, I'm not ever going to make such a thing. I lack the programming knowledge to do it. Anyhow, so this works fine and is easier to install than CotS if you just want to play a Sky Child and don't mind all the other children looking dumpy and boring and stuff. If you use it, don't forget to get some x117 clothing to wear! Submitter Spicycat Submitted 06/01/2013 Category Body Replacers  
  15. If a mod happens by, please delete this file. I would, but I can't find a link to delete it anywhere. It won't work; the Creation Kit specifically won't let someone make a mod of an esp file, only an esm file. Thus, the only way this could work is if I released an edited version of True Bound Armors, and I don't have permission to do that.
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