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Adult Erotic Roleplay Server XXX 18+ (For Conan Exiles)


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Hello, exiled stranger!  If you are reading this and are looking for a pleasant community of role players to RP with, we hope you will find your way to our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/nEK2bJ6 to get a sense of what we are like as a community.  We have a variety of tastes ...mostly delicious!  And if you find us an interesting bunch, feel free to visit our server at IP  Our server name is Adult Erotic Roleplay Server XXX 18+, and we would be delighted to meet you!

Our server settings are:


  • VAC Protect Enabled
  • Items in inventory are kept on death
  • Only owner can loot corpse
  • Harvest Amount Multiplier: 2.5
  • Combat Mode: Player vs. Player
  • Experience Multiplier: 1.0
  • Thrall Conversion Multiplier: 0.1
  • Item Conversion Multiplier: 0.1
  • Idle Thirst Multiplier: 0.1
  • Active Thirst Multiplier: 0.1
  • Idle Hunger Multiplier: 0.1
  • Active Hunger Multiplier: 0.1
  • Restrict PVP Building Damage: Off
  • Character does not stay in the game when logging out
  • Durability Multiplier: 0.1
  • Item Spoil Rate Scale: 0.1
  • Resource Respawn Speed Multiplier: 2.5
  • Unconcious Time: 1200.0 sec
  • Max Clan Size: 25




We use the following mods in this load order:
Pippi - User & Server Management...https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=880454836
Stone Statues...https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=975647996


The following mods are disabled for now:
Immersive Sexiles Extensions...https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1164148209
Conan Sexiles Immersive Update...https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1206493209


What We Are:
We are a community playing on a North American server based on the USA east coast (EST). We enjoy the same things that have probably brought you this far in your search for a server and we would be warm and welcoming to you as a new player in our community. We have very active admins who are diligent to provide the entire community a fair and safe place to enjoy their fancies while at the same time promoting a pleasant role play environment. First and foremost, we will always encourage everyone to have fun while respecting each other's differences.


We are a mature community and enjoy each other's company. We support each other in a game we all have fun playing and to that end create stories that our characters live through. We have a website at http://www.exiles-erp.org/ that we wish was used more often but understand with such an active Discord that much of the website's usefulness is often overlooked.


We have players logging in from Europe and as far away as Australia which blesses us with almost always having someone online to role play with. However, in all honesty; we do have a lower population during morning and early afternoon EST hours. That being said, we do also have much busier evenings with several active role play hot spots that I'm sure would meet your role play expectations and perhaps even your other fancies if your role play leads you in that direction.


What We Are Not:
We are neither a political nor religious propaganda community. We are a tolerant bunch but only to a point and any agendas toward political or religious ideology should be left far away from our community. We do not support drama in any way whatsoever and those two subjects are very well known to only ever lead in that direction.


We are not a "true" PvP server. Although we support it, we do so from the perspective of role playing possible PvP encounters and conflicts with Out Of Character communication first before the actual PvP event. We do, however; use "red hats" clothing to identify PvPers who actively wish their PvP to be a random surprise.


What You Can Expect:
You will find it very rare that an admin is not available.  We have two primary admins and as many as seven others who have designated and very specific goals.  Such as our Blight Admin who is responsible for cleaning up old, out of use buildings so there are always clear places to build for everyone.  We have role play admins who create server story lines that anyone who enjoys role playing can become a part of.  With the support available, we are certain you will never have an issue that can not be resolved quickly.


We have many interesting clans.  As you can find on any server, I'm sure.  Each one serves its own purpose but what I think sets our community apart from many other ones (not all of course!) is how functional you might find some of our villages.  They aren't just a bunch of buildings to look at.  Someone actually works (read that as "role plays") in them.


I could go on.  And I would love to.  But at some point it would get tiresome to continue to read.  I can't encourage you enough to come give us a try.  We have so many brilliant role players with interesting backgrounds and internal stories that I can't imagine you would ever be disappointed!


Did I mention we're an Erotic Role Play (ERP) server too?

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I just wanted to say that I play on this server, and I can vouch for it.    I've been playing CE since release, and I started on the R18 LL server that was here.   Been an number of different places since that one shut down, and I've seen all sorts of drama and things.


  This is where I have landed.  It is full of some really good people, accepting of  everything, drama free, and quite enjoyable.

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*Posted by permission*

He stood on the balcony of his home, listening to the sound of the cold night air blow by him. The snow was falling heavy, forcing him to blink before it landed in his eyes. He remained still for the most part, lost in thought of the coming days. The sound was faint in the distance and he almost missed it, and probably would have if it hadn't come a second time. It was a loud horn in the distance. Twice, thrice it blew. And a fourth. It was unmistakable now. This was the sound of a battle horn. Quickly he moved now, cursing under his breath. Why did it have to be now of all times? Most of the clan was away from the base and he was alone other than a few thralls, but they were useless in combat. Grabbing his armor, he pulled it on as quickly as he could, picking up his sword on the way out the door.

Below him in the snow, there was a small gathering of ice giants making their way towards Valholl. They had marched east from the ice caves, searching for targets to pillage. They had noticed the buildings atop the hills, lights shining in the dark night, beckoning them to approach. Soon new prizes would be within their reach.

Red swore to himself again as he decended the side of the mountain on a rope elevator. he had no clue to how many where there, only that he was the only one around to protect the clan. It was hard to make out anything in the dark and he wasn't about to light a torch to give himself away. Upon reaching the bottom, he quickly made his way through the trees. He had recently spent much time in this area gathering resources so it knew it well by this point. It didn't take him long to hear the approaching danger. The chatter of ice giants already gloating over what spoils they might find nearby.

Again he cursed to himself.

Grabbing the tree in front of him, he began to climb. He wasn't the stealthiest of men, but he used the steps of the giants to hide any noise he made as best he could, climbing until he was almost to the top, hiding among the branches. Readying his sword, he waited and watched. He saw the giants walking by now. How many where there? Ten? Twelve? It was hard to tell in the dark, only the faint glimmer of barely visible moonlight to give any indication. He remained still though, and as soon as the last passed by, he made his move, leaping onto the back of the closest one.

Red had been lucky, able to take one down as quickly as he did, but the element of surprise was lost and the real fight just beginning. Twisting his sword in the back of the giuant before pulling it free, he lept off, charging towards the next closest, his sword swinging at the knees. He felt his sword bite into flesh, and another howl of pain echoing into the wind. He wasted no time though, swinging against the giants other leg before dashing away. The last thing he wanted was to get surrounded, and he could hear their stomps, feel the virbrations in the ground as they ran towards him.

The giants were furious. How dare some small man attack them. Some of them looked around, seeing if they could find others, but it was too dark to see far. The majority of them ran towards the sounds of pain, swinging clubs where they could, hoping to catch their attacker.

Red moved quickly, dodging as best he could, he weaved in between the giants and their legs, doing his best to confuse them. Ice giants were never the brightest, but he was outnumbered, outsized and out... everything. Almost. He was smarter and faster and he would have to use this to his advantage. This wasn't the first time he had fought ice giants. he had even managed to take out four on his own. But this was a lot more than four and it would take everything he had to survive. Moving seemingly in a chaotic way, his sword flashed as it hit flesh over and over, biting into the legs of the giants, each yowling as they felt his blade.

The howls of pain echoed loudly, the giants getting more furious with each moment. Feet stomped the ground, clubs smashed down everywhere. Still the man continued to avoid them. But most injuries were only superficial, made to cause pain. Only two of the giants had actually fallen since the fight began. They had the numbers advantage still. The leader of the group moved toward the center of everything. He managed to remain calmer than the other, but his anger still grew. His eyes darted around, looking for any trace of the man, and in a moment, he suddenly saw a flash and swung as hard as he could.

Red was feeling lucky he had avoided their blows so far, cutting at them quickly. He wouldn't be able to keep this up forever and had to think of another plan quickly. But at just the wrong moment, his thoughts were distracting trying to come up with a plan, when the club connected. The leader had managed to score a hit, and he felt every ounce of that blow crashing into him. He flew into the air, his sword wrenched from his grasp. It felt like an eternity in the air, and then suddenly the feeling of the ground as he landed hard. The air had been knocked out of him, and he was gasping for air, trying to pull it back into his lungs. he knew instantly his arm was broken, and probably several ribs as well. With his remaining arm, he started to drag himself away. He didn't know where, but he couldn't stay still.

The giants watched as Red had been launched through the air, cackling with glee when he landed. The leader shoved some of the other out of the way as he strod towards the man. With a grin, he watched as Red tried to crawl away, barely making it to his knees. Drawing his foot back, the leader kicked Red into a tree trunk. With another loud snap, Red could feel more ribs breaking. Landing at the base of the tree, he looked up, seeing the leader of the giants moving towards him again, coming in for the sure kill at this point. His hand swung around, searching for something... anything he could use. His knuckles smacked against a box beside him. Looking at it, he swung it open. The gods must be on his side tonight, because he had found one of Hondo's item deposits that he tends to leave in the land everywhere. Ymir bless that asshole. Reaching into the box, he pulled out a bottle, recognizing it as an explosive. There were several more in the box, but he didn't have the strength in him to throw.

The giant continued walking towards him, and looking up, he knew there was only one way this was going to end. Looking up at the sky, he saw where the clouds had parted above him, showing him the stars that sparkled. His thoughts moved towards his father, the man who had trained him to be a smith, who put the first sword he ever held into his hands. His father would never come to know the weapons Red had forged in these lands. And then he thought of the people he had met, the clans of Ethos, Wolves Den, Valholl, Propchecy, the newer clans that had arrived like The House of Wolff and the Dragon's Cult. His thoughts finally came to the face of a woman. One he had finally been able to become close to after all his time here. The brief time he had gotten to spend with her was precious.

Looking up at the giant, his eyes showed defiance and strength. Holding his arm up as high as he could, he roared out at the giants "For Valholl!" and brought his arm down, the bottle smashing into the others in the box.

A large explosion rocked the mountainside. The fire could be seen as far away as the dam, the vibrations causing snow and ice to fall, crashing into the ground. What giants weren't caught in the explosion were engulfed in an avalanche of snow, ice and rocks, crushing them under the weight. As quickly as the chaos had started, it ended just as fast. The only sound was the wind blowing through the trees. The world was deathly still except the rustling of trees and snow falling around. The avalanche had erased all signs of battle in the area, the only thing to mark that something had happened here, was a sword sticking from the snow.


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It was a warm afternoon in the north and Rasala was enjoying sitting on the small bench outside her clinic with a pile of freshly cut bandages she had been cutting. The smell of honey from the many Simply Sweet beehives lingered in the air and mixed pleasantly with the scent of wildflowers that blew in on a cool breeze from the south. She still had a lot of work to do to finish making the bandages but she would take a moment to lean back against the wall behind her, close her eyes, and enjoy the peaceful afternoon.


It was then that she felt the ground tremble and a second later the definite sound of a terrible explosion. She sat up quickly as if startled out of a deep sleep! The thunderous sound echoed through the valleys of the mountains to the north and made it difficult for her to know for sure where it originated from but once she stood up and walked around the corner of the clinic, she could see in the distant northeast a pillar of smoke and misting snow thrust high into the air and her breath caught in her throat.


"No..." was all she could muster before starting to walk in that direction, After only a few steps, and as the realization of what she feared struck her; she started running as fast as she could.


She was unaware the bandits who constantly threatened the northern boundary of Prophecy Village had seen her and were chasing after her until she had jumped upon the river trolley and had released the lever to be pulled across. Their taunts as she watched them fade out of sight were meaningless though and once she was finally to the other side of the river, she began to trudge through the deepening snow toward the Valholl Khanate chateau Redgrave had shown her once and where she had left him only a few hours before.


She was not used to such exertions and fought for every step through the snow wondering why it had seemed so much less intimidating when he had brought her this exact way several weeks ago. Her breathing was haggard and heavy and each labored exhale crystalized her breath into frosted steam as she continued. The subtle fear of getting lost found her trying to remember landmarks Redgrave had pointed out and she would keep herself moving between them.


At the edge of exhaustion, she came upon a mountain of snow that blocked her path. She did not remember this at all but there was something strange to it that she couldn't be sure off. It was freshly packed and evenly sloped as if it had not fallen from the sky at all. And then she saw the trees and boulders at the edges of the slope and assumed the snow had swept down from the cliffs above. An avalanche that broke the ground and everything in its path beneath it.


Rasala tried to find a way beyond the fresh mountain of snow and debris but dusk was coming so quickly and she was not dressed to stay exposed to the northern cold for an entire night! She had not brought anything to protect her from the notorious wolves that would surely find her or any warmer clothing than her thin furs. She would rest a moment and catch her breath before hurrying back to the village and gathering help to search for Redgrave again the next day.


Then, as she listened to the frightening stillness, a glimmer in the snow caught her eye. She quirked her head and peeked closer until it struck her what it was...


...and she knew.


It was a sword standing against the frozen ground. Its blade buried in the earth and snow. The hilt of it stood proudly as any true champion might after a tremendous sacrifice. In that moment, as she imagined she saw his face, she remembered him saying goodbye to her earlier that morning, she heard his voice rustling in the wind through the trees telling her his most precious wish "...that one day my father could be proud of my skill as a blacksmith." She recalled he had shown her that same sword as he told her that.


Her eyes closed then and she let herself cry for the man she barely even knew...

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