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The Basics of BDSM, Consent

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This thread is created to make one point clear most porn, games or stories display wrong.



Dont get me wrong, i understand the thrill some may have at this "domination + rape" fantasys.



I just want to make Clear here, that BDSM is Consentual play, like every Sex should be and not a form of Rape as some media may show.



BDSM is build on multiple systems, the most commen used is S.S.C:





safe: attempts should be made to identify and prevent risks to health

sane: activities should be undertaken in a sane and sensible frame of mind

consensual: all activities should involve the full consent of all parties involved.



Its a thrill to think about having total control of someone, specially if they cant defend theirself. Thats why its such a whidely spread fantasy. There are also many members of my local BDSM community who show interest in "Fake Rape" where Partners that know another since a very long time (and know what their partner likes, dislikes, where their limits are) just randomly grab them and do whatever they want with them.



This is still done with Safewords tho.


(for everyone who doesnt know what Safewords are, in the spoiler below i will try to explain it)




In BDSM , a safeword is a code word, series of code words or other signal used by a submissive or bottom to unambiguously communicate their physical or emotional state to a dominant or top, typically when approaching, or crossing, a physical, emotional, or moral boundary. Some safewords are used to stop the scene outright, while others can communicate a willingness to continue, but at a reduced level of intensity. Safewords are usually agreed upon before playing a scene by all participants, and many organized BDSM groups have standard safewords that all members agree to use to avoid confusion at organized play events.


i just copied this from wikipedia tbh, as it describes it pretty well.


So i can totaly understand anyone having Rape fantasys, there is nothing wrong about them. Its just important to seperate those fantasys from real life BDSM, otherwise misconseptions will be created and already exist, 50 shades for example, which  already caused bodily and mental harm to multiple people i know and to myself.


I hope this thread explained some things for people new to BDSM

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