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Project Sexout Doggie's Bitch Help Wanted

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So I always get ambitious with ideas but my lack of knowledge tends to dryout all my ideas.


As soon as I can use GECK again (Not Loading any ESMs currently) I'll get started on the base IOW Store Location, House Locations, and NPC's.


There are 2 things I have no idea how to do and I'm looking for someone to do what I (currently) can't.


1. If you've used Lovers Bitch for Oblivion then you know about the crawling/mounting animation that pretty much tells dogs you're ready. Need this ported/recreated for the mod.


2. I have no clue when it comes to scripting, so I'll provided the basic story arch. It's just the concept whoever writes the scripts has full creativity for it.


See Attachment for the Basic Idea. (Most of what I wrote was before I knew what was available in the Sexout Mods so just ignore those bits IE, impregnation, butt plugs, etc... I'll have that stuff applied to the bitches before hand.)

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I recall someone finding a way to force NPCs into certain walk animations via factions, but I'm not sure that's possible for the player. NVSE doesn't have all the nice features OBSE had.


I read the basic idea, and have some comments. Largely regarding the female questline:


Avoid doing what I call "lockout actions" for any set period of game time. Use real time only. A "lockout action" is something that prevents the player from doing anything but what you want until you say otherwise. The new SexoutStore quest is an example of a "lockout action", you can't do anything but that quest until you complete it. The important thing is that it can be completed in under five minutes real time.

This is mainly regarding the "two days" comment at the start of the Female Quest Chain, though it does depend on exactly how you plan to implement things. Just keep in mind that not everyone runs the standard 30:1 timescale. In my game, for example, to complete two days of gameplay I would have to let the game run for 48 hours.


Also keep in mind the player's equipment and stats when knocking them out. This was one of the annoying things of the original LoversBitch: I could be Level 50, the Arena Champion, knowing every spell in the game, wearing the strongest possible armor, and still my character gets knocked out and thrown in a cell.

Similarly, if the player is wearing Power Armor, is Level 30, with 100 in Melee and Unarmed, or is carrying a minigun or whatever that mini-nuke launcher is called... They probably shouldn't be able to be knocked out.

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Didn't know about the time scale thing... good point. I was thinking in terms of Game time... but had no idea that meant 48hrs... from what I've seen of the game I thought it was more like 1-24, 1hr RT = 24hr GT. I could see this being very boring very quick though.


Mostly that was just to write down the basic concept before I forgot what I was thinking at the time.


As far as the Knock out thing... not sure how to handle that... you have a point but at the same time that would *break* the quest for females... Maybe gas the PC like with Dead Money?? I say this because same issue... yet Dead Money does start.


Walking/crawling animation... yeah didn't know about this either... I'll need more information on this. Basicly what I can and can't do with NVSE. Is there a slave type walking animation that could be used... your hands are bound behind you? (Haven't gotten to Tryout Legion/Fiends yet). If not I'll just have to deal with leaving this idea behind. Quick answer is like with Sexout Tryout give you, lets say a collar, that lets "marked" dogs know they can mount you at any moment. With no denial option.


Thanks for the input. I'll keep it in mind as I work out how all this should run.

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You misunderstand, I think. Default game time is 30:1, so 1 real-world hour is 30 in-game hours. But I run a 1:1 timescale, which means for me, in my game, I would have to sit for two days real-world to pass two days in-game. Some people run 15:1 and I think the most common alternate timescale would be 8:1.


Dead Money... You have a good point. It's funny how different the DLC is from the main game in terms of structure, largely because the player is literally stuck within a world designed solely for one large quest. Because of that, there tends to be a lot more railroading and a lot less flexibility in what the player can do. After all, if the player isn't knocked out in Dead Money, then the quest can't start.


Ultimately this is up to you and I'm making are suggestions. Feel free to ignore me entirely if you want. But I feel that preventing the PC from being knocked out here wouldn't necessarily "break" the female quest line. In Dead Money, the KO is really a way to move the player from Point A to Point B without giving them any immediate clue about how said movement happened. In your scenario there's really no question who knocked the player out, and their motives are apparent within seconds of the player regaining "control".


It wouldn't break it so much as it would provide a way for certain characters to bypass it. (And keep in mind it's hard, if not impossible, to identify the gender of a person inside a full set of Power Armor, since you can't see them and with a helmet voices are distorted.) You could always give the player the option to fake being knocked out. It all boils down to exactly how much room you're willing to give the player, both in regards to keeping whatever you're trying to do intact as well as remaining within what you are actually capable of pulling off.


For example, I would suggest that a character with 100 lockpick should be able to get out of their chains. Or a character with Terrifying Presence should be able to...um... Terrify Cassandra with their Presence? Or a character with 100 melee should be able to take an unarmed person down via sneak attack even when handcuffed.


And also the ending of your female quest line doesn't allow for a goody two shoes PC; saving the person but not enslaving them.

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It's all a WIP... I'm open to all sorts of input on this. But I need to figure out how to go about it... For instance, Dead Money... no skill at all lets you out of the quest chain. So how do I make it seem reasonable for the same thing?


You have a point on the Save and Enslave, Seems this needs to be a choice here with Karma attached. On the flip side if that's the case then I think Beastiality should work like Cannibalism, lose karma anytime someone sees you do it. Most likely that won't happen cause I could see karma going down fast... so for now the idea will be Enslave Karma +/-.


As for the perk... not sure how to change this to something else... I'm thinking an altered version of Animal Friend... make it Generic, Animal Bitch? Need some input for a better name.


I'm trying to stick with the idea that Sexout works sex into the game instead of making it an addition to the game. So far does my idea fit into that theme?

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The Karma system. Ack. If I was designing FNV I'd have thrown the Karma system out completely and used only the reputation system. As for the perk, to be honest I'm surprised a Sexout mod hasn't come along to make the Animal Friend perk allow you to recruit creatures as companions by letting them have sex with you.


Dead Money locked you into the quest chain because you paid for it, really. I don't know how much (I got them for like fifty cents each during a Steam sale) but you paid that for that quest and there's the assumption that because of that you don't actually want to abort the quest line, so they don't really give you the chance. None of them do that; in Honest Hearts you can't go back to the main worldspace until you finish up in Zion. The DLC is very linear. There's no going back and there's no avoiding the quest line.


It's all a balancing act. In one hand there's what you want to do, in the other there's what you know how to do, on your head is your audience's suspension of disbelief, and you're standing on the game engine's limitations all while teetering on the edge of a cliff. In my opinion railroading the player is okay as long as you can properly justify it. And both "it's necessary for the quest to start" and "I don't know how to implement another method" are both perfectly good excuses for a modder.


I like to come up with quest paths in a certain way. I decide the "True Ending" first, basically. Then I look at the path I've created and find points it can branch, where the player could make a different decision than I initially came up with. Then I decide the consequences of that decision and make a new branch based on them. It's generally good to have the branches have a slight immediate difference before linking back into the main branch... so long as you remember to make that decision pay off in some way later on.


If you're interested and/or don't mind, I can sit down and come up with a few "alternate paths" for the female quest line that allow the quest to still happen, but with more player choice. Or rather, the illusion of player choice, which is exponentionally more important. Some actual choice is good for the player's experience, but having most choices make the player think they changed things but not really is good for your sanity.

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A thought, going back to the beginning and how to subdue the PC. Make the doorway small "To better control new pets", and add a dialogue option to remove power armor if you're wearing any "to fit through the door". Then a gas attack a la` Dead Money for the capture. The rest looks great to me, and I can't wait to play it.

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I love the input guys! Gives me better ideas for what I want to do, what I can do, and what I should try.


I've been spending a couple days now working out not only this story line, but a better story line for Tryout Fiends (seemed way to "oh hey, wanna fuck?" instead of "Your Mine Bitch!" like the Powder Gangers/Vault 19 and Legion were... at least with those three you were forced into a costume that brought them seeking you and/or didn't allow you to leave so easily. Haven't gone through Kings or Khans yet. But seeing what I have so far makes me want to write a better "story arch" for the Fiends.


Side note I was thinking of a way to chain ALL the (tryout) stories together (except Kings, meh). Would mostly be a linear story line but meh gets me thinking :D... PG->NCR (price for your freedom)->Vault1->NCR (whore for a while)->Fiends (traded to Khan's for Chems)-Khan (Allied Present to Legion)->Legion-> Surprise ending... Very linear.

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