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Apparently quite a few journalists got an hour with Skyrim at QuakeCon, and Bethesda sent them all images of their characters, which gives us a good chance to see the improved models and character creation. It's not on the level of say Mass Effect (which to me has the most realistic faces in gaming so far) but they're still far better than Oblivion's and pretty cool to boot! Here's a link to Bethesda's blog and some of the pictures.






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A few thoughts -


Argonians still have boobs!

The Redguard girl - looks like Bethesda are taking ideas from modders again, dead eye/scar options.

Khajhit look like Kilrathi.

Last pic - It's an Orc version of Geralt of Rivia, only not as ugly! *dodges rocks*


One bad point, the armours on some, particularily the last pic look disappointingly low rez.

Probably due to being developed for the 360.

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I likey, very much. And finally, a screenshot of a woman. Scarred, half blind, and practically bald but the general 'form' is nice. There is also something about Skyrim's skin textures that make me feel all fuzzy.


Also liking the beast races and how unapologetically ugly the Orcs still look. It's going to be squick-errfic when we get Lovers like mods going. =D

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Clean textures, pleasant looking...glad to see the people of Tamriel are starting to look as nice as the land itself.


But, wait a minute...Argonian females have breasts? But they're reptiles! That makes no sense! It's completely unrealistic! OMG ruined forevers!!!


In all seriousness Bethesda,


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Saw the pics and I smiled when I was looking at the comparison. It's sad when the Morrowind head mesh look more interesting than the Oblivion ones. Skyrim will take it to a whole other level. I'm am happy to see that all the level in facial detail that is being put in, and that woman look like woman. The character creator really is showing not to be a simplified version like the Fallout series had but instead allow for an amazing array of customization. I'm excited :D

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wow the kajhiits looks great, also the argonians. ill finally play as one of those. i never played those races on oblivion becouse they looked so... bad.

but in skyrem they look even better than humans... :s


also, did someone notices that some of the poses are inspired by the witcher... or maybe its just me. :P

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I look at the pics

And I wish to cry, tears of joy and do you know why?

Because, dear friend, because.


Honestly, they look awesome, I remember playing from the wee arena game ( I skipped red guard) and seeing it from ms paint graphics when the beast races looked human, to what they are now I smile. Also side note <.< Morrowind was the only elderscrolls to have Argonians without breast. And ugly orcs HELL YAH damn to hell the beauty orc make em scary. As for the rest, the skin tones look so realistic compared to oblviion.

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Call me crazy' date=' but to me the Redguards look like Raiders from Fallout 3.




totally agree.


All the races look rather raiderish and unwashed to me.

This is probably due to the medieval post-apocalypse vibe they have going with the game... or because Skyrim is a filthy barbarian hovel to begin with.


Oh why couldn't it have been the Summerset Isles~

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All the races look rather raiderish and unwashed to me.

This is probably due to the medieval post-apocalypse vibe they have going with the game... or because Skyrim is a filthy barbarian hovel to begin with.


Oh why couldn't it have been the Summerset Isles~


Nothing to worry about. Looks like all default presets are adjusted to be more badass. You will be able to make less raiderish character. Quote from Destructoid confirming that:


Those wanting to customize their hero will have a lot of work to do' date=' with a character creator that's more flexible than ever. Each of the game's races can have every facet of their facial features tinkered with, and those with OCD problems will be able to spend hours toying with eye width, adjusting nose length, and choosing their favorite type of yellow face paint. Just be warned that using pre-sets makes it far too easy to make a frightening Captain Jack Sparrow lookalike.[/quote']


I'm a bit concerned about textures though. Messing them up is one of Bethsheda trademarks after all.

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Call me crazy' date=' but to me the Redguards look like Raiders from Fallout 3.




totally agree.


All the races look rather raiderish and unwashed to me.

This is probably due to the medieval post-apocalypse vibe they have going with the game... or because Skyrim is a filthy barbarian hovel to begin with.


Oh why couldn't it have been the Summerset Isles~


yea but they are bald either (most of them), badass looking and raidered. (i just invented that word XD)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems to me the males are the most improved (at least over modded oblivion ;) ). More masculine, more detailed, and no more smudges for beards. Most of the females I've seen however had better be the result of a randomize button because they're not exactly pretty. The new beast races will take a lot of getting used to.

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