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Does anyone know a fix for pixelated textures ??

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i have tried several fixes like mipmap -1 disabled or meshlod distance set higher. But i still get textures displayed like this.



Like something is very messed up with game LOD renderer or something it does not always happen but when it happens allot of stuff looks really low resolution even though it should look high resolution.


It happens also in allot of those red rocket stations when getting too close the textures looks really blocky and ugly almost fallout 3 styles. and even fallout 3 looked better then this.


At first i thought it was godray on low but it is still turned of in fallout4prefs.ini also made used console GR off but no dice.

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IIRC this is not a bug with textures, texture streaming or mipmaps. The game sometimes just keeps the LOD mesh displayed (on top of the regular mesh), and some objects are more likely to get this bug than others. I see it most frequent in Warwick Homestead, and occasionally on random "sky bridge" highways. The bug is even specifically mentioned in the Fallout Wiki for the MS Azaela in Far Harbor.


The only fix i know is to quit to main menu and continue.

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