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Skyrim has terrible fps with good system?

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To get straight to the point, I can't for the life of me figure out whats causing my low fps. Ā My best guess is either the high amount of animations (8000 or so), a terrible mod thats eating frames, or just my pc is straight up dying. Ā My friend has basically the exact same pc as me but with a i7 and nearly the same mod amount, and he runs at almost 60fps constant no matter what. Ā 


Fps in cities:

Major: 20-30

Not major: 35-45


Fps outdoors: 35-45 fps (depending on whats in front of me).



GTX 970 4GB || Intel i5-4690k @ 3.5ghz || 16gb ddr3 ram || 1920x1080 res


Around 8,000 animations (my best guess cuz i cant think of anything else).

No texture mods (got realistic water 2)

Grass on steroids atĀ iMinGrassSize=50 (surprisingly i get better fps w/ it set to 50 then i got with verdant at 80.

No mods that change how cities look besides "whiterun greenized".

ENB: Tetrachromatic (I have tried basically all the enb's on the nexus' top page).


PLUGINS: plugins.txt

I can give any other info anyone needs, I just cant figure this out for the life of me ;-; (could just be completely missing the problem inb4 all the pr0n mods).


Hell my skyrims graphics don't even look that good and my pc cant handle it. FeelsBadMan



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Have you tried to use the xpmse replacer for skykids?

I've found that non xpmse skeletons on any replacers that do not use an up to date xpmse skeleton end up causing framerate issues when used with many animations and hdt.


I think you can find one here



(Be sure to back up originals)


The flora overhaul is pretty performance heavy as well. Ā  You may want to consider testing a game without it for performance differences.

I think there are some updated patches for birds of skyrim and usleep scripts. Ā Make sure you have those.


You may want to consider merging some of your nonscripted items mods as well. (this will not help with your fps. Ā But will lighten your load order. Ā Do not do this in your current playthrough... but for future ones. Ā Removing mods from the load order will result in changes in the way some things are referenced and this can cause problems).


ETA: For birds of skyrim.. you can also try Ruhadres patches... Ā this will prevent npc AI spam from all the things running around trying to kill them.

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Have you tried to use the xpmse replacer for skykids?

I've found that non xpmse skeletons on any replacers that do not use an up to date xpmse skeleton end up causing framerate issues when used with many animations and hdt.


I think you can find one here



(Be sure to back up originals)


The flora overhaul is pretty performance heavy as well. Ā  You may want to consider testing a game without it for performance differences.

I think there are some updated patches for birds of skyrim and usleep scripts. Ā Make sure you have those.


You may want to consider merging some of your nonscripted items mods as well. (this will not help with your fps. Ā But will lighten your load order. Ā Do not do this in your current playthrough... but for future ones. Ā Removing mods from the load order will result in changes in the way some things are referenced and this can cause problems).

I'll give the xmpse replacer a try, and honestly, the flora overhaul didn't have any performance hit (I get better performance with grass on steroids + flora overhaul then i did without the overhaul and with verdant). Ā And by merging the mods, do you mean with a bashed patch or if not, what?

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Merge with this. Ā  (Again.. back up originals. Ā This tool can be tricky to use correctly. Ā  As a rule.. I try only to merge something that adds a simple armor/clothing or weapon) Ā Maybe hair wigs. Ā I update the merge whenever i want a new item.. while backing up any previous update if things do not look right afterwords.




The prior version can also work.. Ā it uses a script from TES5Edit


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/?Ā  Ā  I actually use this version because I can force things that don't work with the previously linked one as well.

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Looking at the ENB setting you have. Ā Tetrachromatic... Ā  You should try disabling the DOF. Ā Cap your framerate at 60. Ā  Make sure you change the hotkeys to the ones desireable to you.. Ā  Some ENBs use F4 to clear vram.. or brute force Ā etc.. this causes inadvertant framerate hits when you are using skyui that uses some of these hotkeys for spells ETC.


ENB's are typically not good with gameplay. Ā  Ā You will have to tweak the settings to get better framerate. Ā  What are you looking for specifically in using the ENB?

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Looking at the ENB setting you have. Ā Tetrachromatic... Ā  You should try disabling the DOF. Ā Cap your framerate at 60. Ā  Make sure you change the hotkeys to the ones desireable to you.. Ā  Some ENBs use F4 to clear vram.. or brute force Ā etc.. this causes inadvertant framerate hits when you are using skyui that uses some of these hotkeys for spells ETC.


ENB's are typically not good with gameplay. Ā  Ā You will have to tweak the settings to get better framerate. Ā  What are you looking for specifically in using the ENB?

Without DOF on, I normally only get a 3-5 fps increase, and my fps is capped at 60.

My current hotkey is ctrl+z.


And I'm just looking for a warm fantasy enb that looks good, I love the bright fantasy style of the sunsets in tetrachromatic.

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If you are using this ENB with SKSE.. and you have the SKSE memory patch enabled.. you will need to change the INI settings in one of them to disable either expandsystemmemoryx64 or SKSE memory patch. Ā They should not be used together. Ā 


You can reduce shadow settings.. ENB's typically make skyrims ugly shadows look better in themselves. Ā Back up your ini's and try it with a low setting. Ā  Make sure to also include settings recommended in tetrachromatic home page once you update.


35-45 FPS with ENB and heavy graphic mods such as flora overhaul is pretty normal even with a good graphics card. Ā  You'll need to run SLI to do much better, or lower your settings. Ā  It will actually fluctuate a lot in the case of your system. Ā Stand near a wall or door and you will be at 59. Ā  Ā Every setting enabled has a performance hit. Ā  Now consider these factors.. Ā  Papyrus scripting runs through the rendering loop.. Ā and although it is capped, it will use up resources. Ā  Sexlab mods are typically papyrus heavy. Ā 


Now add to that texture enhancements.. mesh enhancements from Flora overhaul.. Ā  Ā And an ENB with all settings enabled. Ā  Each 5fps reduction adds up.


If your game is stable, anything above 30 should still be playable. Ā  Although you may stutter in combat now and then. Ā  Otherwise, you will need to consider dropping some things to improve performance. Ā  Tetrachromatic is a pretty nice ENB. Ā I've used it myself now and then. Ā  You should back up the config files and try disabling a few of the items in game using the ENB menu. Ā  Set a few things on toggle.. find out what you can live without (sunrays... dof... lens effects.. etc.) Ā  Note the difference in performance. Ā  Ā 


You can alleviate some of the fps hit by optimizing settings to fit your system better. Ā Every system is different. Ā  Ā Make sure the enblocal.ini memory settings are in tune with your pc.

Make sure to optimize your scripted mods. Ā  use thisĀ http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57353/?Ā to optimize the textures you do not enhance to offset the ones you did with flora overhaul. Ā  (USE mod organizer) Ā make sure the optimized textures go before your flora overhaul.





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If you are using this ENB with SKSE.. and you have the SKSE memory patch enabled.. you will need to change the INI settings in one of them to disable either expandsystemmemoryx64 or SKSE memory patch. Ā They should not be used together. Ā 


You can reduce shadow settings.. ENB's typically make skyrims ugly shadows look better in themselves. Ā Back up your ini's and try it with a low setting. Ā  Make sure to also include settings recommended in tetrachromatic home page once you update.


35-45 FPS with ENB and heavy graphic mods such as flora overhaul is pretty normal even with a good graphics card. Ā  You'll need to run SLI to do much better, or lower your settings. Ā  It will actually fluctuate a lot in the case of your system. Ā Stand near a wall or door and you will be at 59. Ā  Ā Every setting enabled has a performance hit. Ā  Now consider these factors.. Ā  Papyrus scripting runs through the rendering loop.. Ā and although it is capped, it will use up resources. Ā  Sexlab mods are typically papyrus heavy. Ā 


Now add to that texture enhancements.. mesh enhancements from Flora overhaul.. Ā  Ā And an ENB with all settings enabled. Ā  Each 5fps reduction adds up.


If your game is stable, anything above 30 should still be playable. Ā  Although you may stutter in combat now and then. Ā  Otherwise, you will need to consider dropping some things to improve performance. Ā  Tetrachromatic is a pretty nice ENB. Ā I've used it myself now and then. Ā  You should back up the config files and try disabling a few of the items in game using the ENB menu. Ā  Set a few things on toggle.. find out what you can live without (sunrays... dof... lens effects.. etc.) Ā  Note the difference in performance. Ā  Ā 


You can alleviate some of the fps hit by optimizing settings to fit your system better. Ā Every system is different. Ā  Ā Make sure the enblocal.ini memory settings are in tune with your pc.

Make sure to optimize your scripted mods. Ā  use thisĀ http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57353/?Ā to optimize the textures you do not enhance to offset the ones you did with flora overhaul. Ā  (USE mod organizer) Ā make sure the optimized textures go before your flora overhaul.

You sir, are amazing. Ā I did what you said and reduced all my shadow settings (according to STEP) and I created the merged patch. Ā And now i'm running at 45-55 fps outdoors and 35-60 fps in cities. Ā Not dropping frames at all now, it's completely fluid. Ā Thank you so much, I think the issue was just my shadows being ridiculous.

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