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Wrye bash bashed patch


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The latest beta, which I'm running, has expanded merging and several other things, but this doesn't affect SexLab at all. What is has done is reduced what little crashing I was having to almost zero. Only crashes I get now are some FootIK on load and running out of texture memory freezes.

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I can only confirm what was said above. I'm using WB in combination with NMM and my game works perfectly with SexLab and SexLab related mods installed and I have plenty of them. :).

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  • 3 months later...

I'm currently installing a large mod list in Skyrim that requires me to use wrye bash to crank the leveled list. I've done it in Oblivion over and over without issues, but I'll have to do it from Mod Organizer (run wrye bash through it). Do you guys know if doing so will maintain the level of flexibility I need to experiment with mods? I mean, when I build the batched patch from within mod organizer, does it change anything in my mods? If, after doing so, I want to remove some mods and add others, can I just do it from mod organizer normally, and then rebuild the patch in wrye bash?

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I'm currently installing a large mod list in Skyrim that requires me to use wrye bash to crank the leveled list. I've done it in Oblivion over and over without issues, but I'll have to do it from Mod Organizer (run wrye bash through it). Do you guys know if doing so will maintain the level of flexibility I need to experiment with mods? I mean, when I build the batched patch from within mod organizer, does it change anything in my mods? If, after doing so, I want to remove some mods and add others, can I just do it from mod organizer normally, and then rebuild the patch in wrye bash?


It works just the same as it did before mo, just make sure to run it through mo and it should only change the same things it did when running through nmm or from the game folder itself, though the newer version have more merge options than the older ones did.


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It works just the same as it did before mo, just make sure to run it through mo and it should only change the same things it did when running through nmm or from the game folder itself, though the newer version have more merge options than the older ones did.


Thank you! I did my bashing and it worked wonders, I'm playing with 500 mods and got from 370 to only 200 plugins after using merged plugins and wrye bash. Then I installed sexlab plugins and a few more mods and bashed again, nothing got merged (I think wrye bash knows what to merge and what not, sort of) but I'm still at about 240 plugins, the game runs so much better than in my previous install, and then I had only about 100 mods. Only the startup is taking longer, over 1 minute for the main menu to appear (vividian ENB doesn't help there) but after I load the game it's more stable than vanilla!


Back to wrye bash, another good thing is that somehow mo recognizes what wrye bash was doing and automatically disables the esp's that were merged by wb. You don't even have to fish those out yourself. Great tools!

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Thank you! I did my bashing and it worked wonders, I'm playing with 500 mods and got from 370 to only 200 plugins after using merged plugins and wrye bash. Then I installed sexlab plugins and a few more mods and bashed again, nothing got merged (I think wrye bash knows what to merge and what not, sort of) but I'm still at about 240 plugins, the game runs so much better than in my previous install, and then I had only about 100 mods. Only the startup is taking longer, over 1 minute for the main menu to appear (vividian ENB doesn't help there) but after I load the game it's more stable than vanilla!


Back to wrye bash, another good thing is that somehow mo recognizes what wrye bash was doing and automatically disables the esp's that were merged by wb. You don't even have to fish those out yourself. Great tools!



There are bash tags on the esp telling wrye what it can merge and if the mod is completely mergeable into itself or not, most of the sexlab stuff are not tagged to be merged and as they do not have levelled lists for the most part it will not merge them either.


Though at present for fallout 4 and sse, I am playing around with this http://forum.step-project.com/topic/6936-wip-mator-smash/, which seems to be trying to replace both wrye and merged patch, which is nice as for both those games running through mo2 wrye will not run at all.

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I'm thinking about turning to wrye bash solo for modded skyrim and skyrim se. There are some good reasons for this but for me it's mainly because you can place wrye bash's installers directory in another drive and save a lot of disk space in you steam drive. Since I have steam on a dedicated partition of the primary m.2 drive (for speed) and have a crappy but lofty 1TB sata ssd for media and other resources, I moved my oblivion installers there and saved 40Gb.

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