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[WIP] Custom Companion Writing Contest :P

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Alright, I am now back to bored and done being burnt out over Descent, I plan to start with a voiced companion mod and I think my writing is shit, usually. Also I am at like a billion fricken words and 20+ fully realized characters for my upcoming 4-6 hour mod so I really don;t want to write anymore :P


So, if people had great ideas for companions and just didn't know or have the time etc to program/voice them, here is your chance.


I will take as many submissions as people wish to give and me and my VA's will select top 2, 5, 10, w/e depending on number of scripts and put those up for a vote.




-Things I can do in the mod-

I can include quests to get the companion and custom dungeons pretty easy and quests the companion gives in order to keep them as a companion etc. I can do any amount of dialogue and trigger new dialogue off old etc. Basically anything you see in game is fair play for the most part :)


-Things I cannot do in the mod-

Work off other peoples mods. I do plan to upload to nexus :( Need the viewership, but every mod I do will link to my youtube vid and youtube will ONLY link back to LL. Feel free to submit extremely graphic if you wish and we might do them even after the winning mod. And even extremely graphic might be fine as long as it doesn't offend the derps at Nexus.


You can link a d/l to the document for the script here or in a private message but the top ones will be relinked here or in a new post in a week or two :P



Any text file


Player: what player says blah blah

Character: What character responds blah blah





Just be sure to make it easier to read :)


Other misc things we will need in the script

Hello's at least 5

Goodbyes at least 5

Battle crys


Favor dialogue starts

Favor dialogue agrees

Favor dialogue ends

What player and character says to access companion inventory

Enter combat lines

End combat lines




And anything else you wish to add like character backstory, disposition, what they should kind of look like, etc etc just to help us feel the character.


And feel free to write for male or female companions, I have a great male VA who can do a ton of legit accents and different voice types, He did all the males in Descent into Madness for me :)

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This is what we had for ALicia, Just to give an Idea, I am looking for a full Companion script, one that gives the character depth and more character than you normally see in Skyrim. :P



=Intro scene=

Alicia: "Dovahkiin, you have returned! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Alicia and I wish to join you in your adventures"

Alicia: "I love fighting and pain, and death mmm, and I have heard such good things about you, will you please be my new master now?"

Alicia: "I paid for a dungeon to be installed below your house master, I will wait there whenever you dont need me"

Alicia: Come and beat me soon please!



=Dialogue general+

Player -What happened to your last master

Alicia: When I heard about you I realized he wsnt giving me enough, so I had to kill him

Player: You did what?

Alicia: I killed him, cut him up slowly, I even licked some of his wounds mmmm it was glorious


Player: What are you looking for in a master?

---------Alicia: Murder, killing, pain oh the glorious pain, oh just talking about it, will you please beat me master I need it i need it now

Player: You want me to beat you?

Alicia: Please please, it's not the same when I do it myself, please beat me anytime you wish master

Player: Alright then

Alicia: I cant wait, I'm so exited I'm dripping


Player: So as your master you will do anything for me?

Alicia: Well most anything, I'm not charitable and I wont do laundry and such

Player: Would you sleep with me

------------Alicia: Sure if you need me to be warm that makes sense I guess

Player: No I mean sex.

Alicia: Ewww why would I ever want to do that, well maybe if you used a whip, mm and a small sharp knife and sliced just right mmmm



Player: "I noticed you like to take your armor off in battle"

ALicia: "Of course, Feeling the beating and cuts is magnificent, you should try it sometime"

Player: "You need to keep your armor on from now on

Alicia: But, but, No! I wont, I like it, the freedom the pleasure you can't make me

Player: Alright fine

Alicia: "Thank you master

Player: No as your master I order you to not remove your armor in battle again

Alicia: Why why why, you are not a nice master, you better beat me more often then to make up for this.


Player: Tell me about yourself

Alicia: Well there is not much to tell, my last master bought me when I was 7 and raised me till now

Player: Sounds like he raised you a little weird

Alicia: What do you mean?

Player: Uhh you know the pain thing

Alicia: I dont understand? Can we stop talking and kill something, I really need to get off today




Player: "come with me

Alicia: "You mean it, are we going to kill things?"

Player: "Perhaps, If I allow it"

Alicia: "Oh master, you are silly of course we wil kill things, but if we dont please beat me, I cant take too long without it"



Player: "Let me see your inventory"

Alicia: "Oh your not going to make me wear clothes again are you?"


Player: "Go home and wait for me there"

Alicia: "But but, please don't make me go, I want to kill some more please master dont make me leave"

Player: "No you have to go"

Alicia*whimpers*: "If I dont go will you beat me master"

Player: "Go home now and I may come beat you soon"

Alicia*brightens up*: Alright!! I will thank you master you are too kind"



Player: "I need you to do a favor for me"

Alicia: "Whatever you want my master"



Of course master.

Whatever you desire master.

I live to serve you master.



Have I been a good girl master, will you beat me now?

Did I please you master? Have I earned a beating?







Where can we go to kill more people?

---------I wish I could kill anyoen I meet,it would be a wonderfull pleasureable then wouldnt it master

What do you wish of me master?

Master I am healing up will you please beat me today?

------I don't have any bruises Master, you really need to take care of that please.

-------So who is it that we plan on killing today master?

You are so prificient at killing things master, one day I will be just like you.




Let's murder something.

Don't leave without hitting me please.

We should capture something and cut it a lot.

Goodbye my master.




Enter combat

I shall relish the pain!

I want to feel the cuts on my skin.

Bring it on!

The pain the pleasure, I can taste it now!

We will slaughter our enemies Dovahkiin and bathe in their blood!


Leave combat

I was soo close, Dovahkiin can you beat me so I can finish

I wish it had never ended

That was amazing, I have never felt so good

The pain was intense, I climaxed 4 times

There is nothing more desirable than the slick feeling of your enemies blood on your face is there.




Can we do something, why arn't we killing stuff

You could be doing something better with your time, like beating me.

Master you havent made me bleed ina while.

We should find a woman and tie her up and cut her, I love hearing their screams.









You, Me, now!

Cut me!

Let the blood flow!


Attack sounds



Hit ones that need dialogue





Just for more ideas


J.J. Companion



--Introduction scene--

=JJ runs to player in whiterun, outside=

JJ: You must be the Dovahkiin, I have been looking for you! I want to help you in your adventures.

JJ: Allow me to present myself, I am Jarelaneela Johrancenstein, *giggles* But my friends call me JJ, at least I think I have friends.

JJ: I am a powerfull mage! Watch!

=JJ disapears, force subtitles=

JJ: No, No! Not falling wait, ground fast, Water NEED water!

=Whiterun instantyl flooded, JJ falls into the water=

JJ: Crap! How do I make it go away, wait!

=Water dissapears=

JJ: There, whew, where was I? Where am I? Hey I know you right?

Guard: Alright, that is enough, we warned you earlier, you are under arrest.

JJ: But but, wait, that person is with me they will vouch for me!

Guard: Dovahkiin? Is this true, well I will overlook it one LAST time, any more magic out of you young lady and its off to prison, under heavy wards.

JJ: *Claps hands my end :P* That was close, who are you anyway? Do you need help with something, I should do something to repay that I guess.



=Dialogue Follow=

Player: Come with me I need your help

JJ: Who are you?

-Player: (Lie) We are married, you don't remember?

JJ: *If player female* Oh my God, I didn't know, you do have a cute butt and a nice chest, I can see why I married you.

JJ: Alright where to my love, or am I dominant, Move my pet!, no no, I should be sub, where to my mistress? *giggles*

JJ: *If player male* Well, you are rather fit *giggles* Are we going to your place? Wait it's our place isn't it!

JJ: Alright where to my love, or am I dominant, Move my pet! no no, I should be sub, where to my master! *giggles*


-Player: I am the Dovahkiin, you said you would help me.

JJ: Oh I did? Alright then, I guess I can go with you, you look like you need my help.


-Player: Do you think you would even remember if I told you?

jj: Hmm, good point, lets go then shall we before I forget.



=Dialogue Go Home=

Player: Head back to whiterun and wait for me there.

JJ: Whats a whiterun?

Player: The city, big city, mean guards no magic?

JJ: You are silly, how about I just go back to whiterun and you wait for me there.

Player: That's what I have been saying!

JJ: *giggles* I think you may have amnesia, now where was that spell.

=Tps out to whiterun=


=Dialogue open inventory=

Player: I need you to carry something for me

JJ: Umm no! I am a wizard of the first order I shall not be a beast of burden!

Player: Ok, I wan't to play dressup with you then

JJ: Why didn't you say so, I get new clothes, I love new clothes!


=Dialogue Misc1=

Player: Who are you anyway

JJ: I wish I knew sometimes

Player: You have problems with your memory?

JJ: I think so, I know a lot of magic, more than I should, but I dont know what all these spells do, I forget that to.

Player: Sounds a little weird.

JJ: Oh, I remember! I found this big orb thing and I hit it with a stick, and now I am a genius! Or something like a genius.



=Misc dialogue2=

Player: Have you been ot the mages guild?

JJ: Is that the place with all the stuffy people who don't like it when you try to melt the ice below their castle thing?

Player: Probably

JJ: Nope never met them.


=Misc Dialogue3=

Player: What spells do you know?

JJ: What are spells?

Player: Uhh the flashy things that come out of your hands.

JJ: Oh those! I know lots, want to see?

Player: No no, save it for the bad guys

JJ: Ok, I will smite them with my battleaxe!



=Combat scene 1, 2-5% chance per combat=

JJ: I shall summon the fury of a thousand Gods to destroy you!

=Dog appears and starts fighting=

JJ: =Ignoring combat runs to the dog= Oh look a puppy!, Puppy come here, yes bite the bad people nom nom nom"

=After combat over=

JJ: Look Dovahkiin, did you get a puppy? Good girl, can I name her, I will, Puppy I name thee barksalot

JJ: Puppy will stay with us and help eat the bad people!

=Dog stays for 15 min triggers end scene=

JJ: What? Where did the puppy go? I want it back! Let's go find her Dovahkiin, she was my friend!




=Combat scene2 random trigger=

JJ: I am the mightiest sorceress of all time, I shall poke your eyes out!

=gets a random dagger equipped=

JJ: =WHile stabbing= Eat my pointy firebals!! Fall before my lighting strikes of doom!!!




=Combat scene3 random=

JJ: *screams* Don't hurt me, not in the face not in the face

=Flees for the duration of combat=

=After combat=

JJ: Good thing I stopped them or they might have got you Dovahkiin


=Combat scene 4 random=

JJ: I shall rid the world of thee bad dragon person man!

=Enters combat with player=

JJ: Die bastard hybrid race!!!

=After 10 seconds=

JJ: Why are you attacking me! I am on your side remember! We really need to do something about your memory problems, I forgive you this time.




=Combat Taunts=

I shall shred you with the fury of the Heavens!

Today is a good day to, do something, why are we fighting again?

I whip my hair back and forth!

Feel my wrath!, but in the hurt way not the sexual way, you know what I mean!

Go for the eyes boone go for the eyes! *Baldurs gate ref lol would be perfect*


=Enter combat lines=

I think I know what side I'm on this time.

Hey I think that things trying to kill you, we should stop it

Neither snow, nor rain, nor gloom of night, shall stop my power, or my might!

Tora Tora Tora!


=Leave combat lines=

Are we done already, damn I'm good

Where did all the bad things go?

Is it time for food yet? I'm hungry.

Today was a good day to die, for them, not me, I don't want to die yet.




=Dialogue misc cont=

=Misc dialogue5, random appearence in menu=

Player: You are a little erratic you know that?

JJ: I know everything and all things know that I know what I know

Player: What is five plus five

JJ: Twelve, now let me be, I was conteplating the life of the beetle and I am going to transform into one later



=Misc dialogue 6 random appearance=

Player: Can you tell me anything of your history?

JJ: From what I can remember, I was a young princess, but my uncle betrayed my father and I had to escape with my pet parrot.

JJ: I grew up raised by a pig and some weird creature and I had to survive and live on bugs and stuff.

JJ: But one day I will return and take back my rightfull throne!

Player: That doesn't sound right, sounds like the plot to a play or something

JJ: You are so silly sometimes

Player: I am pretty sure it was a play in whiterun

JJ: I don't think so, Hakuna Matata.




Who are you?

Do you want to be my friend.


I can turn pumpkins into horses!

A little magic never hurt anyone, oh wait, nevermind.




Farewell person!

What were we talking about again?

I'm going to go and, and, I don't know.

I used to be a arrow like you till I took a adventurer to the knee.

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Haha. Liked your Painslut mod. I don't know how lore-friendly this should be, but then you had a masochist companion ;) I'ma write some lines and stuff now. I'm interested. =D Though, when the voices are done. I'd like a copy of the voice files, so I can use the character in my mod too =D

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Alright' date=' I am now back to bored and done being burnt out over Descent, I plan to start with a voiced companion mod and I think my writing is shit, usually. Also I am at like a billion fricken words and 20+ fully realized characters for my upcoming 4-6 hour mod so I really don;t want to write anymore :P


So, if people had great ideas for companions and just didn't know or have the time etc to program/voice them, here is your chance.


I will take as many submissions as people wish to give and me and my VA's will select top 2, 5, 10, w/e depending on number of scripts and put those up for a vote.


-Things I can do in the mod-

I can include quests to get the companion and custom dungeons pretty easy and quests the companion gives in order to keep them as a companion etc. I can do any amount of dialogue and trigger new dialogue off old etc. Basically anything you see in game is fair play for the most part :)


-Things I cannot do in the mod-

Work off other peoples mods. I do plan to upload to nexus :( Need the viewership, but every mod I do will link to my youtube vid and youtube will ONLY link back to LL. Feel free to submit extremely graphic if you wish and we might do them even after the winning mod. And even extremely graphic might be fine as long as it doesn't offend the derps at Nexus.


You can link a d/l to the document for the script here or in a private message but the top ones will be relinked here or in a new post in a week or two :P



Any text file


[u']Player[/u]: what player says blah blah

Character: What character responds blah blah





Just be sure to make it easier to read :)


Other misc things we will need in the script

Hello's at least 5

Goodbyes at least 5

Battle crys


Favor dialogue starts

Favor dialogue agrees

Favor dialogue ends

What player and character says to access companion inventory

Enter combat lines

End combat lines




And anything else you wish to add like character backstory, disposition, what they should kind of look like, etc etc just to help us feel the character.


And feel free to write for male or female companions, I have a great male VA who can do a ton of legit accents and different voice types, He did all the males in Descent into Madness for me :)


Sounds interesting. I'll see what I can come up with.

What do you mean "Hellos and Goodbyes at least 5"?

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Alright' date=' I am now back to bored and done being burnt out over Descent, I plan to start with a voiced companion mod and I think my writing is shit, usually. Also I am at like a billion fricken words and 20+ fully realized characters for my upcoming 4-6 hour mod so I really don;t want to write anymore :P


So, if people had great ideas for companions and just didn't know or have the time etc to program/voice them, here is your chance.


I will take as many submissions as people wish to give and me and my VA's will select top 2, 5, 10, w/e depending on number of scripts and put those up for a vote.


-Things I can do in the mod-

I can include quests to get the companion and custom dungeons pretty easy and quests the companion gives in order to keep them as a companion etc. I can do any amount of dialogue and trigger new dialogue off old etc. Basically anything you see in game is fair play for the most part :)


-Things I cannot do in the mod-

Work off other peoples mods. I do plan to upload to nexus :( Need the viewership, but every mod I do will link to my youtube vid and youtube will ONLY link back to LL. Feel free to submit extremely graphic if you wish and we might do them even after the winning mod. And even extremely graphic might be fine as long as it doesn't offend the derps at Nexus.


You can link a d/l to the document for the script here or in a private message but the top ones will be relinked here or in a new post in a week or two :P



Any text file


[u']Player[/u]: what player says blah blah

Character: What character responds blah blah





Just be sure to make it easier to read :)


Other misc things we will need in the script

Hello's at least 5

Goodbyes at least 5

Battle crys


Favor dialogue starts

Favor dialogue agrees

Favor dialogue ends

What player and character says to access companion inventory

Enter combat lines

End combat lines




And anything else you wish to add like character backstory, disposition, what they should kind of look like, etc etc just to help us feel the character.


And feel free to write for male or female companions, I have a great male VA who can do a ton of legit accents and different voice types, He did all the males in Descent into Madness for me :)


Sounds interesting. I'll see what I can come up with.

What do you mean "Hellos and Goodbyes at least 5"?


Hellos are what the char says when you come close, or when you start trying to talk to them, goodbyes are obvious :P


If they only have 1 or 2 hello lines it starts sounding trite as hell, Like the Jarl in my Descent mod had about 15 hellos cause my VA was retarded :P

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This is pretty fantastic' date=' I've got a companion in mind but I haven't gotten around to learning to create one aaaaannnd I don't exactly have a fitting voice.


I have a question though, do any of your VA's sound convincing as an Argonian?



My male VA rofl, the females not so sure


I have one mature mid 30's sounding VA (ALicia) who can do full slutty or even go faux anime, its kind of funny


I have one female mid 20's VA who can do full slutty, has more of a flirty vibe


I have a British Female VA 18, thicker accent, her slutty makes me laugh so probably not for her rofl


ANd I have one male VA who will do anything and does it superb


I am sure I can find others, it isn't too hard tbh

I have others but those are the ones willing to do more racy shit

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Woot' date=' got one done. Lol. Wonder how many entries we can do.





Soul how do I link to a text file and where do I host one, I will post Alicias for examples for people


I like your idea but I want more meat SO I will throw alicias up to give people ideas.

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This is harder than I thought. The only characters of mine that would make decent Nexus-friendly companions are the ones I've put the most into. It's surprisingly hard to write up something for either, not because I don't have the material, but because it kinda makes me nervous to put my own characters out there where anyone can get their mitts on them. Then there's concerns about how close-to-source they'll be.


Got a half-decent idea for a Nexus-UNfriendly racy companion though. As long as one of your voice actresses doesn't mind describing certain acts of bestiality involving Daedra. Or would that be xenophilia? They're not animals per se... But I might be overthiking that bit.

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This is pretty fantastic' date=' I've got a companion in mind but I haven't gotten around to learning to create one aaaaannnd I don't exactly have a fitting voice.


I have a question though, do any of your VA's sound convincing as an Argonian?



My male VA rofl, the females not so sure


I have one mature mid 30's sounding VA (ALicia) who can do full slutty or even go faux anime, its kind of funny


I have one female mid 20's VA who can do full slutty, has more of a flirty vibe


I have a British Female VA 18, thicker accent, her slutty makes me laugh so probably not for her rofl


ANd I have one male VA who will do anything and does it superb


I am sure I can find others, it isn't too hard tbh

I have others but those are the ones willing to do more racy shit


Ah, cool beans. I have a male Argonian in mind, but I don't have anything racy as those sort of companions aren't my cup of tea at all. I'll write something up.

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This is pretty fantastic' date=' I've got a companion in mind but I haven't gotten around to learning to create one aaaaannnd I don't exactly have a fitting voice.


I have a question though, do any of your VA's sound convincing as an Argonian?



My male VA rofl, the females not so sure


I have one mature mid 30's sounding VA (ALicia) who can do full slutty or even go faux anime, its kind of funny


I have one female mid 20's VA who can do full slutty, has more of a flirty vibe


I have a British Female VA 18, thicker accent, her slutty makes me laugh so probably not for her rofl


ANd I have one male VA who will do anything and does it superb


I am sure I can find others, it isn't too hard tbh

I have others but those are the ones willing to do more racy shit


Ah, cool beans. I have a male Argonian in mind, but I don't have anything racy as those sort of companions aren't my cup of tea at all. I'll write something up.


Yep Racy isnt required, fun and in-depth is what I am looking for.. and still HOW DO I POST A TXT FILE lulz

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Woot' date=' got one done. Lol. Wonder how many entries we can do.





Soul how do I link to a text file and where do I host one, I will post Alicias for examples for people


I like your idea but I want more meat SO I will throw alicias up to give people ideas.


Wait what? I didn't get the first portion. lol.

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Woot' date=' got one done. Lol. Wonder how many entries we can do.





Soul how do I link to a text file and where do I host one, I will post Alicias for examples for people


I like your idea but I want more meat SO I will throw alicias up to give people ideas.


Wait what? I didn't get the first portion. lol.


Lol how do I do a link like you did to a Txt file


EDIT: Fuck it just posting alicias under 2

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Woot' date=' got one done. Lol. Wonder how many entries we can do.





Soul how do I link to a text file and where do I host one, I will post Alicias for examples for people


I like your idea but I want more meat SO I will throw alicias up to give people ideas.


Wait what? I didn't get the first portion. lol.


Lol how do I do a link like you did to a Txt file


EDIT: Fuck it just posting alicias under 2


I just attached the file to my post. Lol. Right above post, there's attachments and you just attach it there and I put it in my post. And dang you reply fast to this thread.


Oh and by more meat, do you mean more content? I didn't want to put too much in case it'd make life hard for you. So this is a very in depth mod? So like you ask your companion and they tell you like a whole long story? Lol. My story was average. haha

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Oh and by more meat' date=' do you mean more content? I didn't want to put too much in case it'd make life hard for you. So this is a very in depth mod? So like you ask your companion and they tell you like a whole long story? Lol. My story was average. haha



Ya, it only takes me 4-7 hours to do a companion, maybe little more depending on adding a dungeon house or something, but that's not a big deal. Doesnt have to be a TL:DR Monologue, but more character info, maybe a quest with custom dungeon to help solidify the character, get creative :P


And submit as many as you like, and ya after i copy pasted alicia's shit I saw it oh well rofl.

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Oh and by more meat' date=' do you mean more content? I didn't want to put too much in case it'd make life hard for you. So this is a very in depth mod? So like you ask your companion and they tell you like a whole long story? Lol. My story was average. haha



Ya, it only takes me 4-7 hours to do a companion, maybe little more depending on adding a dungeon house or something, but that's not a big deal. Doesnt have to be a TL:DR Monologue, but more character info, maybe a quest with custom dungeon to help solidify the character, get creative :P


And submit as many as you like, and ya after i copy pasted alicia's shit I saw it oh well rofl.


Lol. Okay, though you should bbe able to make several dungeons out of the quest. I'm not sure what more meat do you want, like more hellos and byes, or the backstory? Do these companions just assemble at a certain place or do you have to obtain them?

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Lol. Okay' date=' though you should bbe able to make several dungeons out of the quest. I'm not sure what more meat do you want, like more hellos and byes, or the backstory? Do these companions just assemble at a certain place or do you have to obtain them?



Lol up to you


I'm leaving it up to the writer to tell me what to do as the programmer :P

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And here's mine.


I'll say again, this wasn't easy. But if I didn't have at least some faith you could do right by the character, I wouldn't bother. Besides, I might not even win this little competition, so no harm no foul.

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Say' date=' what's the difference between battle cries, taunts, and enter/end comabt lines?



Umm.. really..


One is a battle cry


One is a Taunt


One is said when they enter combat


One is said when they end combat...


Was that a troll question because I honestly am fighting myself not to flame you right now....


Ok off to bed for me.. Will read yours soul and anyone elses when I get home from work tomorrow....


ANd that wasn't a serious question comon... Did they stop teaching common sense in schools or is it just Cali...

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