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Sporadic CTD on New Save. Please Help.


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No, I didn't give up on Skyrim life and end up in a skooma den for the past three days. I've just had a really crappy weekend and have had zero time to get back to work on my crashing issue.



In your SKSE.ini file have you enabled minidumps?

When you crash it'll write a crash dump file(in the SKSE folder in your skyrim where skyrim/skyrimprefs.ini are located) which might be useful to figure out what is causing the crash. You have to convert the dump file though and then maybe post it in the crash fixes forum to figure out what it is causing it. Reading and figuring it out can be a bit confusing.


I had just recently learned about this and will implement it in my SKSE.ini. Thank you. :)


Sorry this is kind of a copy pasta of mine from another topic but maybe some things will help it couldn't really hurt ^^


Must have(basics):

ENB (wrapper version install into TESV.exe location, also has important fixes don't need to use graphic modifications)

Crash Fixes (Read the how to use description its important you follow instructions.)
Bug Fixes

Continue Game (Makes it so you don't crash when loading up a previously saved game)

SKSE.INI (ClearInvalidRegistrations setting which will clean your save from dirty OnUpdate() blocks.)


Things to keep in mind:


1.) If you have Windows 10 you wont be able to utilize more than 4gb of ram vram+ram.

2.)  Skyrim.ini + Skyrimpref.ini can play a huge role in your performance and even stability there are plenty of guides you can follow

Here are mine you can try them for yourself but each one is catered to each persons setup.




sLanguage = ENGLISH


uExterior Cell Buffer= 36

fFlickeringLightDistance = 8192

sIntroSequence = 1

bBorderRegionsEnabled = 1

uMainMenuMusicAttnmB = 1000

uMainMenuMusicFadeTimeMS = 26000

bAlwaysActive = 1

fEncumberedReminderTimer = 600






























fMusicDuckingSeconds = 6.0

fMusicUnDuckingSeconds = 8.0

fMenuModeFadeOutTime = 3.0

fMenuModeFadeInTime = 1.0













SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.



sResourceArchiveList = Skyrim - Invalidation.bsa, Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

sResourceArchiveList2 = Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa. Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa,

bInvalidateOlderFiles =1

SInvalidationFile =









fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult = 0.0

fMagnetismLookingMult = 0.0

f1PArrowTiltUpAngle = 0.7

f3PArrowTiltUpAngle = 0.7

f1PBoltTiltUpAngle = 0.7

f3PBoltTiltUpAngle = 0.7

fMountedAttackRange = 170





















bReflectLODObjects =1

bReflectLODLand =1

bReflectSky =1

bReflectLODTrees =1












bMultiThreadBoneUpdate = 1












fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist = 12288.0000



fEyeEnvmapLODEnd = 0.0500

fRefractionLODFadeEnd = 0.0300

fRefractionLODFadeStart = 0.0250

fDecalLODFadeEnd = 0.0600

fDecalLODFadeStart = 0.0500

fEnvmapLODFadeEnd = 0.1000

fEnvmapLODFadeStart = 0.0900

fSpecularLODFadeEnd = 0.1000

fSpecularLODFadeStart = 0.0900



fBookOpenTime = 200

bShowTutorials = 0

fSafeZoneX = 10

fSafeZoneY = 10

fSafeZoneXWide = 10

fSafeZoneYWide = 10



fOverShoulderAddY = 0.0

fOverShoulderPosZ = 18.0

fOverShoulderPosX = 0.0

fOverShoulderCombatAddY = 0.0

fOverShoulderCombatPosZ = 24.0

fOverShoulderCombatPosX = 0.0

fOverShoulderHorseAddY = -72.0

fOverShoulderHorsePosZ = 50.0

fOverShoulderHorsePosX = 35.0

fActorFadeOutLimit = -100

fMouseWheelZoomSpeed = 60.0

f1st3rdSwitchDelay = 0.95

iHorseTransitionMillis = 001






fDialogueHardStopAngle3P = 360

fDialogueHardStopAngle1P = 360

fDialogueSoftStopAngle3P = 360

fDialogueSoftStopAngle1P = 360



fMapWorldYawRange =400







fdefaultfov = 70

fBrightLightColorB = 1.0000

fBrightLightColorG = 1.0000

fBrightLightColorR = 1.0000

iStoryManagerLoggingEvent =-1

bEnableStoryManagerLogging =0



















bFull Screen=1











































iSize H=1440

iSize W=2560





sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060"




b30GrassVS =0

fGrassStartFadeDistance =6600.0000

fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance =12000.0000

fGrassMinStartFadeDistance =0.0000



bGamepadEnable =0

bCrosshairEnabled =1

fHUDOpacity =0.8000

bSaveOnPause =0

bSaveOnTravel =1

bSaveOnWait =0

bSaveOnRest =1

fSkyCellRefFadeDistance =130000.0000



bShowFloatingQuestMarkers =1

bShowQuestMarkers =1

iDifficulty =3



bDialogueSubtitles =1

bGeneralSubtitles =1

fMouseCursorSpeed =1.0000

bShowCompass =1



fGamepadHeadingSensitivity =1.0000

fMouseHeadingSensitivity =0.0420

bAlwaysRunByDefault =1

bInvertYValues =0

bGamePadRumble =1

bMouseAcceleration = 0

bUseKinect =0



iMaxDesired =750



fAudioMasterVolume =0.9500

fVal7 =1.0000

uID7 =251797882

fVal6 =1.0000

uID6 =3954

fVal5 =1.0000

uID5 =805722225

fVal4 =1.0000

uID4 =805308509

fVal3 =0.5000

uID3 =94881

fVal2 =0.0500

uID2 =466532

fVal1 =1.0000

uID1 =554685

fVal0 =1.0000

uID0 =1007612

















bRenderSkinnedTrees =1

uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender =20

bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1

bShadowMaskZPrePass = 0



















bEnableFileSelection = 1

bShowAllResolutions =1

uLastAspectRatio =3



iWaterReflectHeight =256

iWaterReflectWidth =256

bUseWaterDisplacements =1

bUseWaterRefractions =1

bUseWaterReflections =1

bUseWaterDepth =1



bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 1

bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 1

bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1

bBackgroundCellLoads = 1

bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1

bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1



fAutosaveEveryXMins =15.0000








the line sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060" Change to your card obviously...


1.)  Unparking cores can help with performance

2.) Windows 10 has an xbox dvr disable this to bring better performance, I believe its on regardless of you signing in.

3.) Disable steam overlay can help with Performance



More Info here --> Skyrim Project Stability Guide (if you're interested)


That is a hell of a lot of stuff to go back and check in my .ini files but, definitely worth it if I want my game to run properly. :D


I don't have Continue Game. I'll download it and add it to my "tools". Thanks so much for all the info! Off to work I go! xoxo

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As for the ini files just backup the ones you have and see if you notice better performance with mine


Probably wont fix your crashes but this has fixed an annoying crashes for me http://www.loverslab.com/topic/60287-instructions-for-fixing-pure-virtual-function-call-crash/


This crash usually happens after or during a sexlab scene you can read about what it is


After comparing the two there are a lot of differences, most likely because we use different ENBs, grasses, lighting, etc. so I feel like I should keep the values of the the certain ones I have as per the mod author's instructions. In regards to the rest.... I'm terrified that there may be conflicts or CTD. I've spent the majority of the day reading and reading to see if I could find potential problems, conflicts, and whatnot. I can't find, nor will I find, exact answers to what values might mess with other values in the .ini files. The majority of both of ours are the same but, others do not and some I don't even have.


I've already come to realize that I may need to completely wipe everything and a fresh save will not solve anything.


Believe me, I'm taking your, and everyone who has posted here's, advise very seriously and am trying to work on this. I miss playing Skyrim and I miss being on LL. Unfortunately my shitty weekend is going to transgress over into my week and I have zero idea how much time I will have to work on this. Thus my stress levels will be very high and my patience will be down to zero.


For those that are helping me, thank you so much. Please do not think that I have abandoned this help thread if some days go by and I don't post. RL can be a major asshole and it's currently making me it's bitch. I'll work on this when I can and report back with results when time permits. xoxo

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No, I didn't give up on Skyrim life and end up in a skooma den for the past three days. I've just had a really crappy weekend and have had zero time to get back to work on my crashing issue.


Phew and LOL.  Crappy on the rest.

See you have some high-end smarties helping here.

So I'll just pop in for now and see how it's going.

Think a few of us want to see you get gaming again.

Hope your wine supply is restocked.

Good luck :)

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No, I didn't give up on Skyrim life and end up in a skooma den for the past three days. I've just had a really crappy weekend and have had zero time to get back to work on my crashing issue.


Phew and LOL.  Crappy on the rest.

See you have some high-end smarties helping here.

So I'll just pop in for now and see how it's going.

Think a few of us want to see you get gaming again.

Hope your wine supply is restocked.

Good luck :)



You're very kind. I need all the support I can get - tech-wise and emotionally. (I promised myself I wouldn't cry...) I need a hug. Or some Valium. Or booze. Or all of the above. xoxo


P.S. I want the boots in your avatar!

P.P.S. I've bought A LOT of wine. I'm covered on that. But, perhaps hard liquor is needed. Neat. No junk in it.

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I started playing "fallout 4" again. My point was when your game stops being a hobby and starts being a chore, divorce it and find another.

Divorce (or at least separate from) RL.

Fallout 4 is funny because it reminds me...o, I'd better not say, but

I think it's a good game, for a few days.

Not as many mods though.

And once you feel better, stuff will magically fall into place.

Unless you kept a journal of all the skyrim tweaks you've ever entered, wiping and restoring is a bit drastic.

It's like a surgeon advising you to amputate instead of medicate.

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You're very kind. I need all the support I can get - tech-wise and emotionally. (I promised myself I wouldn't cry...) I need a hug. Or some Valium. Or booze. Or all of the above. xoxo


P.S. I want the boots in your avatar!

P.P.S. I've bought A LOT of wine. I'm covered on that. But, perhaps hard liquor is needed. Neat. No junk in it.


You're gonna make me cry lol.

Just looked for a cute hug gif in my bookmarks and recent images.  Eye roll.  I'm a total failure.  Not one.

So just sending a big virtual hug for now, along with a few pretty baskets full of virtual goodies to keep you going.


Thanks about boots.  For my mood of Bitches get stuff done, and for a few other things lol.

Ohhh hard stuff...you are tougher than me.



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I started playing "fallout 4" again. My point was when your game stops being a hobby and starts being a chore, divorce it and find another.

Divorce (or at least separate from) RL.

Fallout 4 is funny because it reminds me...o, I'd better not say, but

I think it's a good game, for a few days.

Not as many mods though.

And once you feel better, stuff will magically fall into place.

Unless you kept a journal of all the skyrim tweaks you've ever entered, wiping and restoring is a bit drastic.

It's like a surgeon advising you to amputate instead of medicate.


It's in my nature. It's why I was majoring in psychology in college. I NEED to solve problems. I can't rest until a problem is solved or I've figured out what the problem is. I don't give up on something that is "failing". If thousands of people can run a heavily modded Skyrim them I will, too. Yes, it is tempting to "move on." but, I am not that way. I have to find out what I did wrong and fix it. I am determined to find a solution and learn from my mistakes so I can feel good about it and finally play.


This is who I am. I don't want to change it even if it means bleeding ulcers or an aneurysm.


Plus, did you miss my post when I told you I was stubborn as fuck? Or rather, "...more stubborn than a mule"?


No journals needed and no amputations. I'm going to fix this one way or another. My life, currently, is a damn wreck. Yes, trying to fix this issue is not helping my stress. However, there are a lot of good people here that are going out of their way to help me try and fix this and you know what? That makes me feel good. Even is Skyrim is feeling like a chore, knowing that I have something to work on and people to help me distracts me from the world of shit I have to deal with at the moment.


You're gonna make me cry lol.

Just looked for a cute hug gif in my bookmarks and recent images.  Eye roll.  I'm a total failure.  Not one.

So just sending a big virtual hug for now, along with a few pretty baskets full of virtual goodies to keep you going.


Thanks about boots.  For my mood of Bitches get stuff done, and for a few other things lol.

Ohhh hard stuff...you are tougher than me.



I :heart: you.

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I never read horoscopes but mine must truly suck.

I meant to say,, I DO say, "feel better".

If the feeling better part helps you solve problems (I wrote), then you'll feel even better after that.

I think I said that, hmm. I meant to.

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I never read horoscopes but mine must truly suck.

I meant to say,, I DO say, "feel better".

If the feeling better part helps you solve problems (I wrote), then you'll feel even better after that.

I think I said that, hmm. I meant to.


Yes. Let's be more cryptic. I really enjoy that. If coming in here and being completely enigmatic to things I post makes YOU feel good about yourself then I'm very happy for you.


You mentioned a horoscope; I hope you meant that a cheap Chinese takeout with a fortune cookie full of "wise wisdom" compelled you to add your two-cents in my help thread.


I don't know where you live or what time of day it is but, if it is late I do hope you took an anti-acid pill before eating the assumed take out. I'm quite sure you know how badly acid can burn.


I :heart: you.


Right back at you sista! (JFC, no hug icons here at LL grrrr)

K, now gonna go back and check over this thread for clues.

First pour glass of wine lol.





I'm on my second bottle. The glass has been refilled.



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I can't communicate effectively, it says that in horoscopes occasionally, I'll bet mine does.


I'm not cryptic, just real naive.


In your thread, I'm the kojak watcher (remember me ten posts up?) I just wanted you to feel better.

I still do.



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You seem to be able to communicate quite well.


EDIT: Is that so? You're still my Kojak? If that's so then do me a favor and please stop being obscure at this hour when I'm obviously inebriated and ready to verbally assault people that come off as smart-asses.


I do have to admit that a good, intellectual rebuttal turns me on. But THIS is NOT the thread for it. xoxo

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Ya know reading that over there's a few things that come to mind.

Good thing you're a stubborn as fuck problem solver (me too :P).


Looking at all the things you went through already, can't help but feel it's probably less pain and suffering, and just install from scratch like you were thinking.

Install the vanilla, and then stand around around, and see if it crashes.  If so, issue could be something else than game.

If not, then add sexlab and dependencies and test.

Then add one mod after another and test.

Cos you are crashing just standing around, that's easy to test.


Just worried you are going to keep checking here and there and it still doesn't get sorted.

Just don't know how much of a hassle it is to reinstall everything for you.




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You seem to be able to communicate quite well.


EDIT: Is that so? You're still my Kojak? If that's so then do me a favor and please stop being obscure at this hour when I'm obviously inebriated and ready to verbally assault people that come off as smart-asses.


I do have to admit that a good, intellectual rebuttal turns me on. But THIS is NOT the thread for it. xoxo


No, I mean it, read (ten or so posts up), @#14, I was here then.

I'm going to say good night now.

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Ya know reading that over there's a few things that come to mind.

Good thing you're a stubborn as fuck problem solver (me too :P).


Looking at all the things you went through already, can't help but feel it's probably less pain and suffering, and just install from scratch like you were thinking.

Install the vanilla, and then stand around around, and see if it crashes.  If so, issue could be something else than game.

If not, then add sexlab and dependencies and test.

Then add one mod after another and test.

Cos you are crashing just standing around, that's easy to test.


Just worried you are going to keep checking here and there and it still doesn't get sorted.

Just don't know how much of a hassle it is to reinstall everything for you.


I'm glad you mentioned that. I have, many times, installed just the base vanilla game and had no problems (ran around for a few hours with no crashes.). Then I installed my graphical overhaul mods for both environment and NPCs - no problems there, plus an ENB. It's when I started to download mods from here that my problems began.


PLEASE DO NOT THINK I AM BLAMING LL. This has been my fault entirely. I'm like a kid in a candy store here. I see something, I download it, something conflicts with something else or I downloaded it mid-game or had to uninstall it mid-game and that's when problems arise. Wiping everything clean was my only solution to fix CTD or freezing even with all the tools I had installed to prevent said problems. What I need to figure out is how to properly install mods in a proper order now that I know what I want in my game so that nothing overrides something crucial or conflicts. I NEED to stop downloading amazing mods that I find here, mid-game. Its so difficult for me to resist temptation when I discover new mods almost every other day.


You seem to be able to communicate quite well.


EDIT: Is that so? You're still my Kojak? If that's so then do me a favor and please stop being obscure at this hour when I'm obviously inebriated and ready to verbally assault people that come off as smart-asses.


I do have to admit that a good, intellectual rebuttal turns me on. But THIS is NOT the thread for it. xoxo


No, I mean it, read (ten or so posts up), @#14, I was here then.

I'm going to say good night now.



I remember. Forgive me for coming off so bluntly. Being under a lot of stress is no excuse to blow up on someone and I apologize, I do hope you accept it. Have a good night.

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Skyrim only freezes after a sex act.

Ok. Gives us a starting point.


I think we have all had some issues with LL scenes 'hanging' and not wanting to complete (normally in my experience because an actor can't get to/do what they need to), but it sounds like that isn't quite what is going on.


'Freezes' to me suggests that everything is just stuck and not responding at all, yes?

Which I guess means there is a graphics/animation glitch of some kind. That also fits with the CTDs - most of the times I've had issues with them it's been a graphics issue.


So, basic config stuff:

  • Make sure you have Crash Fixes & OneTweak.
  • ENB, and do most of the basic .ini changes from both the STEP guide and the ENBoost page (even if running full ENB).
  • Check FNIS for errors/warnings, and make sure you have the correct patches ticked.
  • Up to date graphics card drivers etc.


I think the ENB .ini needs to be edited in the skyrim folder, rather than through MO as all the other .ini files need to.


My guess is it's nothing that obvious, or we wouldn't be here.


So it's testing/experimentation time.


My start would be to remove all animation related mods beyond Sexlab and whatever you are using to trigger the scenes that cause the crash. Hopefully, it will then be stable and it's a case of testing them one-by-one until something breaks it again, then removing the something.


Skyrm Perfomance Monitor might help with identifying any issues with resouce consumption, but I havn't tried using it with MO.

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Skyrim only freezes after a sex act.

Ok. Gives us a starting point.


I think we have all had some issues with LL scenes 'hanging' and not wanting to complete (normally in my experience because an actor can't get to/do what they need to), but it sounds like that isn't quite what is going on.


'Freezes' to me suggests that everything is just stuck and not responding at all, yes?

Which I guess means there is a graphics/animation glitch of some kind. That also fits with the CTDs - most of the times I've had issues with them it's been a graphics issue.


So, basic config stuff:

  • Make sure you have Crash Fixes & OneTweak.
  • ENB, and do most of the basic .ini changes from both the STEP guide and the ENBoost page (even if running full ENB).
  • Check FNIS for errors/warnings, and make sure you have the correct patches ticked.
  • Up to date graphics card drivers etc.


I think the ENB .ini needs to be edited in the skyrim folder, rather than through MO as all the other .ini files need to.


My guess is it's nothing that obvious, or we wouldn't be here.


So it's testing/experimentation time.


My start would be to remove all animation related mods beyond Sexlab and whatever you are using to trigger the scenes that cause the crash. Hopefully, it will then be stable and it's a case of testing them one-by-one until something breaks it again, then removing the something.


Skyrm Perfomance Monitor might help with identifying any issues with resouce consumption, but I havn't tried using it with MO.



The shagging goes through with zero problems. The animations work properly, they climax, etc. But the moment they stand up the entire game freezes. Mouse cursor won't appear and I can't do anything except force restart my computer using the power button because Ctrl-Alt-Delete doesn't work to bring up the Task Manager.


I do have crash fixes installed and have never heard of One Tweak. (I'm hearing about new tools almost every day now.) And my graphics card is up to date.

I've changed the values of my enblocal.ini according to the instructions on the ENB Boost page along with tweaking certain others to go with the ENB I have installed, which is Vividian (I can't do that through MO - only skyrim.ini and skyrimpref.ini). I've gotten zero errors from FINIS as well.


But as I mentioned in my original post, the crashes happen sporadically. She may or may not be walking or running somewhere, she could be standing still or sitting, I could click on an NPC and crash, hit Esc and crash. These things do not happen all the time. None of it is 100% guaranteed to happen. Even with the sex acts. So I can't replicate the problem if I have zero idea what is causing the crashes and the freezes. The only thing I know that will freeze Skyrim is after my PC has sex and that is just as sporadic as the crashes. I can play for 5 minutes, not do a thing, and I CTD or I can play for over an hour and nothing happens. Sometimes I CTD the second my game loads and I have the foot.IK error. I run FNIS, get zero errors but, can't get back in game after that happens. It takes 3 to 5 attempts THEN I am back in game.


I still have a lot of changes to make and things to add to my .ini files, a load order to rearrange and whatnot to see if this helps what's going on. If that doesn't do anything then I could try removing mods that trigger animations as you suggested but, how will I know for certain if the mod is the issue or if my save is already corrupt?


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Ah. The joys of intermittent faults.


I figured I was grasping at straws with my thoughts.


If you have a resource leak somewhere then hopefully Skyrim Performance Monitor should be able to confirm that. Equally, if it's actually just due to your build being more than your PC can take (lots of people who run heavily modded builds are quite into their computers it would seem, so don't assume that just because someone else has done it you can too!).


Are the CTD's generally when moving into a graphically or population heavy area? Ie wilderness or city cells rather than dungeons?


The footIK error is, I think, a way more common problem than a lot of people think. And it doesn't seem to have a definitive fix. It's been a previous issue for me, and I never quite got to the bottom of it.

It's a graphics glitch of some kind, but apparently it's a more generic error than it sounds.

It's might be to do with the Inverse Kinematics and aligning bits of actors to other objects, such as floors and furnature.

It might actually be a more generic/undefined 'graphics out of stuff' error.


I've found the following helped me previously:

Typing 'COC qasmoke' in the main menu screen before loading the save. This drops you into the test cell with a default character, and loading from there seems much more reliable.

Trying to avoid saving in large or heavily populated cells if I could. Ie hiding in the Huntsman rather than saving in whiterun marketplace.


In double checking some of the details about it, I found this mod:


Which claims to disable the FootIK part of the animation. If it does what it claims to, and the fault is related to this - I'm surprised it isn't more well known!

I havn't tested it myself because I have only just found it and so far (touch wood), it's not a current issue for me.


I saw some talk of an .ini setting that forces papyrus to take more time when loading cells. The downside of this is longer loadtimes, but it might help with stability on entering. I forget the details, and it's one of so many .ini tweaks that everyone seems to be in two minds about if you should use or not.


Save wise, I have normally got away with pulling the mods, then loading the save. Then resaving and taking a savegame cleaner to it to remove any now-divorced scripts etc. A lot of graphics stuff isn't native to the savegame anyways - textures and stuff are not stored in the save I don't think.

It's worth checking for MCM menus with 'disable' options or if the mod is creating spell effects before doing this tho (Another textbook error of mine is overlooking these things!).

Sometimes I have needed to revert to an earlier save, but I guess you don't have one from before the issue occured.

If that fails - a new game. If you can't start the new game, your saves will probably work when you fix skyrim itself ;)


Anyways, i'm waffling.


Good luck, and I hope someone more knowledgeable comes along soon!

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I'm glad you mentioned that. I have, many times, installed just the base vanilla game and had no problems (ran around for a few hours with no crashes.). Then I installed my graphical overhaul mods for both environment and NPCs - no problems there, plus an ENB. It's when I started to download mods from here that my problems began.


PLEASE DO NOT THINK I AM BLAMING LL. This has been my fault entirely. I'm like a kid in a candy store here. I see something, I download it, something conflicts with something else or I downloaded it mid-game or had to uninstall it mid-game and that's when problems arise. Wiping everything clean was my only solution to fix CTD or freezing even with all the tools I had installed to prevent said problems. What I need to figure out is how to properly install mods in a proper order now that I know what I want in my game so that nothing overrides something crucial or conflicts. I NEED to stop downloading amazing mods that I find here, mid-game. Its so difficult for me to resist temptation when I discover new mods almost every other day.


Yup this place is like a candy store.  My PC got indigestion the first time around with mixing too many conflicting mods. 

Was curious though to see how bad it would get.  Sometimes a way to problem-solve is to break it then fix it again. 

You're kinda there too :P


Didn't see your specs, but reading some of the comments just to confirm? > Win10 and using MO?


Peeked at your two Papyrus logs finally. 

Both are cutoff like you didn't actually have any playtime, and both at the same spot.

Compared to mine and it cuts off right about when CreatureFramework is to be installed.

You should have "[CF] [Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed"


Any chance of getting papyrus logs after some playtime?


Edit Update: 

Not sure if you know about this one?

Have you loaded all your mods with tes5edit? 

It has a great feature - it goes through all the mods you select at the start and makes sure automatically there are no obvious load order issues with dependencies.  If an error pops does not pop up while loading all your mods then you are good to go.

Whenever I added a bunch of mods quickly ran tes5edit.  Few times was a a good idea.  Game won't often catch those same issues.

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Hey guys, thanks again for the continued support and suggestions. I apologize in advance for making this reply so short, I'm very sick and don't have the mental strength to go into a long response. (Yes, I have read everyone's posts just now. :) ) I'll reply to the individual questions soon. xoxo


My Specs:

  • Win 10 64-bit
  • Alienware Area-51 R2
  • 16GB RAM
  • 4GB VRAM
  • NVIDIA GTX GeForce 970
  • Intel i7 v3
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Are the CTD's generally when moving into a graphically or population heavy area? Ie wilderness or city cells rather than dungeons?


The footIK error is, I think, a way more common problem than a lot of people think. And it doesn't seem to have a definitive fix. It's been a previous issue for me, and I never quite got to the bottom of it.

It's a graphics glitch of some kind, but apparently it's a more generic error than it sounds.

It's might be to do with the Inverse Kinematics and aligning bits of actors to other objects, such as floors and furnature.

It might actually be a more generic/undefined 'graphics out of stuff' error.


I've found the following helped me previously:

Typing 'COC qasmoke' in the main menu screen before loading the save. This drops you into the test cell with a default character, and loading from there seems much more reliable.

Trying to avoid saving in large or heavily populated cells if I could. Ie hiding in the Huntsman rather than saving in whiterun marketplace.


In double checking some of the details about it, I found this mod:


Which claims to disable the FootIK part of the animation. If it does what it claims to, and the fault is related to this - I'm surprised it isn't more well known!

I havn't tested it myself because I have only just found it and so far (touch wood), it's not a current issue for me.


In regards to the CTDs, as the title of this thread says, it's "sporadic". New save, new character, talked to the Mara Statue, went to bed, woke up in Markarth (sp?) inn stood there for a moment then crashed. Tried again walked around, not many patrons there, went to talk to the inn keeper and crashed. Stood in front a fire place and crashed. Sat in a chair and crashed. Hit Esc and crashed. BUT not all the time. Since I was playing with Radiant Prostitution and had to travel places and whatnot, I could play for over an hour and have no CTDs or play for less than 10 minutes and randomly had one. Hitting Esc and CTD used to be an issue for me a long time ago. At the time I was playing this save I could press it so many times and nothing would happen then sometimes it would. So, again. At a complete loss on why that was happening. And yes, I always go to a small "safe place" to save and exit the game.


I believe someone here mentioned "COC qasmoke". Still reading up on that as I'm reinstalling Skyrim again and rearranging my mod order list.


I read on several forum posts to go into crashfixes.ini and change it so that the Foot.IK error goes away but, all that did was make me CTD with zero explanation even though I know what the issue was. I've bookmarked the link to that mod and install it if I start getting that damn error again.


Thank you!


Yup this place is like a candy store.  My PC got indigestion the first time around with mixing too many conflicting mods. 

Was curious though to see how bad it would get.  Sometimes a way to problem-solve is to break it then fix it again. 

You're kinda there too :P


Didn't see your specs, but reading some of the comments just to confirm? > Win10 and using MO?


Peeked at your two Papyrus logs finally. 

Both are cutoff like you didn't actually have any playtime, and both at the same spot.

Compared to mine and it cuts off right about when CreatureFramework is to be installed.

You should have "[CF] [Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed"


Any chance of getting papyrus logs after some playtime?


Edit Update: 

Not sure if you know about this one?

Have you loaded all your mods with tes5edit? 

It has a great feature - it goes through all the mods you select at the start and makes sure automatically there are no obvious load order issues with dependencies.  If an error pops does not pop up while loading all your mods then you are good to go.

Whenever I added a bunch of mods quickly ran tes5edit.  Few times was a a good idea.  Game won't often catch those same issues.



I added my specs yesterday, I don't know why I didn't do that before.


The reason the Papyrus logs cut off that way are because that's when I crash, or so I'm guessing. I no longer have that save/profile so I am unable to post a log from a crash-free play. :(


Yes, I have used TES5Edit and it does not report any errors. It has before but, not when I was having these CTDs, which again, I find odd.


So now it's back to rearranging, downloading new tools, testing, etc. It'll be a slow process since I'm feeling like I have one foot at Death's door. It doesn't really allow me that much time to stare at my computer since I spend most of it in bed.


I miss my kinky Skyrim.



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Run "Prime95" (A burn-in program)

and a video-card burnin program I can't remember the name of right this second...anyway a program that runs automatically and

really gives your card a workout.

If Nothing Fails within (say 4 hours) an amount of time, which you could be spending in bed or watching movies,

then you know it isn't your PC.

If you trust anyone to tell you your computer's fine, it isn't prudent.

You don't have to tell anyone you tested it, you're not voiding the warranty or anything.

I mean even people melt down, computers do it all the time, so it's a good thing to check.

The exact benchmark you use matters tons, 

A perfectly OK computer can fail some benchmarks,

And others do not push the computer hard enough.

Prime95 pushes real hard, like a drill-sergeant and your computer will probably pass with flying colors.

Best part is, you don't have to do a damn thing.

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