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SD+ Still Not Working


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For some reason SD+ still isn't working. I have all of the requirments and their proper versions, I have a clean load order and use LOOT and TES5Edit with no errors, and I run FNIS regularly. The configuration seems messed up. There is no option to start the mod itself and is acting as if it is already running however none of the features work. Some of the setup options are greyed out as well. I'm not missing anything and nothing appears to be wrong the mod it just simply doesn't work. The spells don't work neither do the hotkeys and trying to force slavery using death alternative just resulted in my character laying down knocked out when enslavement should have occurred. Is there something I'm missing here? I've never had this issue before and have no clue what the problem is.

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Did you enable the mod in MCM?



Did you Save the game and then Load the save?


Its actually a requirement to do that.



Did you uncheck the "start after drinking with Sam" (or have you done that questline)?

Same issue.


I've done all of this and gave up. I still had SD+ installed, my PC was sold off at an auction after Defeat, she was Leon's slave, she ran an errand for him, got defeated and made a slave by some ice beast (forgot the name) and I did not want that. I unfortunately made the mistake of not making a new save before running Leon's errand so I went to Cursed Loot and used the Safe Word option to get rid of the slave bindings. When I did this I got a massive amount of messages in regards to completing the quests for Leon, my PC was free of him, etc. but, she was not free from the beast. I fast traveled to Whiterun, asked the blacksmith for help to "escape from my master" she did, I went back to Leon and asked if my character could be his slave. He agreed, etc. I then had her ask for permission to sleep and when she did she woke up in Sanguine's place. However, he completely ignored my character. Nothing happened. The only time he had sex with her was when she spoke to him and the misogyny option from Cursed Loot kicked in and Sanguine said, "Come here, woman!" That's it.


I have never been able to get this mod to work. I even did the drinking contest but, got what I'm assuming is the vanilla ending because I got a staff at the end. :(

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Ah, this is a conflict issue. You were already enslaved by DCL when you got sent to SD. I thought DCL had the dhlc (dlhc? Whatever that acronym is) setting so that wouldn't happen. Although that doesn't always work anyway.


Best thing you can do is temporarily turn other slavery mods off while enslaved. A pain, but it will help with conflicts like this one.

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@MsOtaku  As  jfraser stated - Slave mods can be pretty much incompatible with one another, not because they are bad mods, but because they are trying to do to same thing and are unaware of each other and what other mods are doing.


@mermaid8, Check your dependencies and load order.  SD+ is fairly stable in my experience.  So I would look at anything (mod requirements) that might be missing, such as SL Dialogues.  


I personally don't run SD+ with CL.  CL does a lot of things and is a comprehensive mod in it's own respect, but I find SD+ with a number of Devious Devices mods can accomplish the same thing with more stable game play.  (No disrespect meant to Kimmy and crew who have created a really impressive mod and given a lot to the community, one just has to decide on which route to take).

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@MsOtaku  As  jfraser stated - Slave mods can be pretty much incompatible with one another, not because they are bad mods, but because they are trying to do to same thing and are unaware of each other and what other mods are doing.


@mermaid8, Check your dependencies and load order.  SD+ is fairly stable in my experience.  So I would look at anything (mod requirements) that might be missing, such as SL Dialogues.  


I personally don't run SD+ with CL.  CL does a lot of things and is a comprehensive mod in it's own respect, but I find SD+ with a number of Devious Devices mods can accomplish the same thing with more stable game play.  (No disrespect meant to Kimmy and crew who have created a really impressive mod and given a lot to the community, one just has to decide on which route to take).

The odd part is that there is no install or begin button where there should be. It's acting as if it already installed but none of the features work. There's just a blank space where the begin/install button should be. I have every requirment installed and my load order perfect. No other slave mods either.

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