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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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Hello guys! Thnx very much for your work! Itz really incredible and without it my game has no sense.
Everything was absolutely fine until the last patch, but now I started getting a numerous errors mainly related with WW' mod.
Pls check my report file and have a good time! 


Thnx a lot in advance.

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29 minutes ago, godpan said:

Hello guys! Thnx very much for your work! Itz really incredible and without it my game has no sense.
Everything was absolutely fine until the last patch, but now I started getting a numerous errors mainly related with WW' mod.
Pls check my report file and have a good time! 


Thnx a lot in advance.

The errors you're getting aren't related to WW, but to Basemental Drugs. 

Basemental Drugs' latest build is v1.2.7.50 released on June 26. Have you got the updated version?




I think you're also getting an error concerning things spawning in your garden in general.


See here: "<desyncdata>[camilogarcia] Failed to spawn. (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_shoot')&#xD;
    Traceback (most recent call last):&#xD;" and "File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\gardening\gardening_spawner.py", line 66, in create_spawned_object&#xD;
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_shoot'&#xD;". 


No idea if it's caused by some mod or by the game itself...

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4 hours ago, fatgeorgi said:

This upload is bad. When I want to play my sim didn't do anything what I say. When I put away this mod, everything is okey.?

Or your game is bad is more likely. It sounds like you're running an outdated game or have other mods/CC that's causing the issues. 

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5 hours ago, fatgeorgi said:

This upload is bad. When I want to play my sim didn't do anything what I say. When I put away this mod, everything is okey.?

Just an advice, never update your game if you aren't prepared to play without your mods until they are updated.
WW was updated on June 23 and there was a game patch on June 26. I think I read somewhere on this thread that Turbodriver is on vacation, so I guess the mod will be updated once he gets back; all you have to do is ...wait??

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3 hours ago, carnation77 said:

The errors you're getting aren't related to WW, but to Basemental Drugs. 

Basemental Drugs' latest build is v1.2.7.50 released on June 26. Have you got the updated version?




I think you're also getting an error concerning things spawning in your garden in general.


See here: "[camilogarcia] Failed to spawn. (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_shoot')
    Traceback (most recent call last): " and "File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\gardening\gardening_spawner.py", line 66, in create_spawned_object
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_shoot' ". 


No idea if it's caused by some mod or by the game itself...

Y, i got the last one basemental. Mb it is some gardening mod or something? 


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14 hours ago, clocktower13 said:

Unless the lot has the hypersexual lot trait, autonomous sex is quite rare. In older versions of WW, autonomous sex was much more frequent, but you still needed the hypersexual trait for it to really go off - lots of couples going for it every few minutes. In my game with the hyper trait, sims aren't even getting the flirty moodlet which is strange. Could the hyper lot trait be broken ? 

I've now gone back to using an older version of WW because of the lack of autonomy in the newer versions.


Oh I havent tried a lot with hypersexual trait in it yet. How do you go back to older versions of WW without errors?

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5 hours ago, phatless said:

The sex interaction doesn't give off romantic friendship effect after. Was the sex skill removed? Why is that?

Yes the sex skill was removed a couple updates ago. As far as the friendship effect...it's always seemed a little buggy to me. Like sometimes it works and sometimes not...or maybe it's working but without an indication that it is. I dunno.

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Love this mod! Thank you! Every version of TS has needed some adult interactions, as well as realistic. This mod achieves this effortlessly.


Just one itty bitty suggestion, if I may. When right clicking a sim in order to open the traits cheat, you must select one trait at a time and it can be a tad time consuming if you wish to allocate multiple traits. Is it at all possible to be able to select multiple traits when the window is open? This would be a huge time saver and I thought it was worth suggesting.


If not, then it's all good. I still appreciate the mod, no matter what.



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Have an issue? This is not the place to post about it! Read how to get help in the topic main post!

Check the 'WickedWhims Help Center' topic to learn more!



I should have a small fixing update out in an hour.


On 6/24/2018 at 5:51 AM, coto39LL said:

Hi everyone! I'm sorry if this was asked before but I couldn't manage to find it using the search function.

Is there any way to enable again the door locks by sex (male/female)? 

I really love this mod and all of its features but kind of annoys me that in restaurants or other lots where I have two bathrooms (one for the gentleman and one for ladies) the sims ignore the door lock (ex. there is a door that it is suppost to let pass only the female sims) and as a result I have male sims walking in the female bathroom and viceversa.

Maybe there is a setting in the mod but I could not find it. I know that it is this mod the one that causes the "issue" because when trying to find the "culprit" I have tested several combinations of mods including leaving "WW" alone in the mods folder, and  when I did leave only WW installed I found that WW was the one disabling the locks.

Hey! The gender door locks are ignored by player Sims, because you control them, otherwise Sims won't ignore them unless they are going to a sex location. Bathroom is a very easy sex location so without removing these restrictions you would have a lot less sex autonomy in public. There's no way to disable it.

On 6/24/2018 at 3:00 AM, AloeVista said:



Thanks for getting back to me :D


After sifting through the settings all I could find that was close to it was the "Sim Needs Decay Switch" under "cheats" in the Sex Settings. I tried that and though it did work in preventing the hygiene bar from decaying, unfortunately it just froze all of my other needs as well, including the fun need which prevented it from increasing (I like that the sex interactions fill up the fun need). I didn't find any setting specifically for hygiene, and I don't really want the needs to stop decaying entirely during the interactions, its just that the hygiene bar decays way too much during them. I don't recall it decaying so much in previous versions. Or maybe I'm just missing another setting entirely and I'm an idiot. I don't mean to complain, just wondering if there isn't a setting for it if you could add an extra option for hygiene or tweak it a bit so that it doesn't decay so aggressively~ Its a really nice mod and its spectacular that it has the tons of options it has already.

There is no way to just disable one need decay, but I will look into tweaking them further.

On 6/24/2018 at 6:09 AM, pugghaa said:

do i have to redownload every animation with the updates?

No... except the ooOLaLa World ones.

On 6/24/2018 at 2:54 PM, wild_guy said:

Hi Turbo! First of all I want to thank you again for your amazing mod, I'm really not sure I would continue to play this game without it.

I have a suggestion.

I have long thought about how to improve the incest system to make it more interesting and more realistic and this is what I imagine:

One playable sim which has got the reward incest trait is able to make other sims get this trait too, having used some some special social interactions for multiple times, such as 'convice to incest' for example. I mean this sim have to persuade and persuade other sim to finaly agree to incest, and then other sim get the incest trait too. The success and how soon it happens might depend on sims relationship, current buffs, etc.

The point is it would be more interesting to convince another person to incest than that person must get incest trait by their own. So for playable sims there would be two ways to get incest trait and also we would get a possiibility for NPC sims to get incest trait too. 
The problem due to which I started to think about this was my sim with incest trait couldn't have sex with his extramarital kid because that kid was an NPC and had no chance to get incest trait until I play with her, get this trait for her and then make her NPC again, but I don't think this is very interesting way. Well, in general somehow like this, what do you think about this?

Hey! Thanks!

I will be working on relationships at some point, I'm planning it for a very long time, so yes, Sims will have a way to gain traits with gameplay, not just by buying them. Incest might become more dynamic than just a trait as well.

On 6/25/2018 at 12:10 AM, NastyGiant said:

Any chance the flashing might be fixed soon?

What's broken?

On 6/25/2018 at 6:24 PM, nai_za said:

hi turbo, i love the mod - probably one of my favourite things about the sims and it's not even 'official'. i'm not sure if this is the place to leave suggestions or not...? if it isn't, i'm sorry lol. i just thought it might be cool to consider a feature that allows you to set up animations in a custom progression and then watch it play out? i know there's a function that sets progression to follow all the animations from a 'series' - but what about one where you could mix and match your favourite animations and let them play out in a pre-decided order? maybe someone has suggested this before but idk, it's just a feature i think i would enjoy - i'm just one of those simmers who likes to pause and micromanage every single aspect of my sims' lives. thanks for the amazing mod tho ?

Hey! Thanks!

There will be a way to create animation playlists when I introduce sex careers. Yes. :)

On 6/26/2018 at 2:33 AM, qlx said:



This would be awesome, like what about a Beltaine holiday in late spring, or summer solstice in summer? We could make the custom holidays ourselves in game but it would be nice to at least have "Have Sex" and "Be Nude" as options for "traditions" to add to our holidays. Maybe even "Have sex outdoors" if that's not hard to check. I could think of advancements of this like "Have Orgy" (sex with 4+ sims at once) or "Flash people" (though iirc, Seasons already included a "Streaking" tradition option).  


Maybe for the tradition Be Nude (if it wouldn't be too hard) the switch for not being nude around children could be turned off and children's reaction being embarrassed could be turned off, since it wouldn't necessarily be a sexual nudity and kids can understand that things happen differently on holidays. they could even think it's funny (playful buff).


Maybe someone else would get inspired to make a CC maypole and the ability to dance around it ? that would be a project though!


I also wanted to agree with the person who recommended implementing a "playlist" we could set up for our sims' sex animations -- that would be so awesome!!



I like the idea of holidays making certain things acceptable because they are considered a tradition. I will think about it. Thanks!

On 6/28/2018 at 8:28 AM, KnightOfBliss said:

Note to Turbo and a suggestion/wish or two...


Note to Turbo: You are a genius sir....keep up the great work! I Would not even play this game without your mod.




I play the game with sex progression turned off and animations end upon climax. I didn't update WW when I saw that sex skill had been removed...but did update WW of course when the Sims 4 was updated.


1. Since updating, I've noticed that when selecting a new animation, the actors don't complete the current animation, but immediately move into the new animation. I must say that I liked the way it was before better. Also, the climax animations used to loop twice...now only once. I'm pretty sure I have the settings the same...but could be missing something. (If anyone knows then please let me know.)


2. Speaking of climax animations...some of the best animations available are of the climax variety...and I wish we could "stop sex" without using the climax animations or the keyboard. I wish that when clicking on the actors, there was an option to "stop sex following current animation". This would make my day because I play the game from my easy chair and my lap top a few feet away...and my big tv as my monitor...etc.


3. This is the big wish...and probably not even possible...but here it goes. I wish we could make our own "playlists"  consisting of whatever animations we choose. Even if it were only 2 or 3 animations per playlist it would be the shit. Of course, the animations in the playlist that we construct, would need to be compatible with the object or place where the actors are stationed at the time...or where we intend them to be...otherwise...the mod would simply recognize the incompatibility...and disallow the playlist for that particular object or place as it does now with single animations. In a nutshell, I wish I could click on a bed and see "playlist 1", which would only contain animations that I have placed there, and would loop those animations in progression until I gave another command. To me...the ability to construct and use playlists like this would take the best mod ever to another level.


Forgive me if these suggestions have already been made.


Thank You for the awesome mod and thanks to all the great animators on board.



Thank You!


Animations changing immediately was the plan from the beginning. Them playing in full before changing wasn't intended and was causing a lot of issues. There's still a lot that has to be done with the animations system but right now it's a lot better than ever before.

It's possible to implement a setting which would make animations play to the end before switching but I won't be focusing on that anytime soon.


You want an interaction for Sims to finish after the animation ends instead of cancelling the interaction? I'm not sure. Maybe I could do it.


For playlists, look two responses above.

On 6/29/2018 at 12:23 PM, wild_guy said:

Turbo, there are 'Try for baby' interaction available for pile of leaves while default woohoo disabled in WW settings




Also I faced with some 'apologize in bed' default woohoo interaction option, I guess they both are recently added in the game.

Thanks! I guess I missed these. :D

On 6/29/2018 at 7:11 PM, simuser4 said:

Are we still getting pads and tampons?

I hope so, yes.

17 hours ago, Deus X said:

Any plans for prostitution addon?


7 hours ago, Rammit Innmee said:

Love this mod! Thank you! Every version of TS has needed some adult interactions, as well as realistic. This mod achieves this effortlessly.


Just one itty bitty suggestion, if I may. When right clicking a sim in order to open the traits cheat, you must select one trait at a time and it can be a tad time consuming if you wish to allocate multiple traits. Is it at all possible to be able to select multiple traits when the window is open? This would be a huge time saver and I thought it was worth suggesting.


If not, then it's all good. I still appreciate the mod, no matter what.





I think you're thinking of a different mod. I don't have a traits cheat menu, but I know what you mean, I wish it worked like that too.

3 hours ago, spenndragin said:

I miss the relationship romance impact from WW sex interactions. For me, it was one of the most important additions to WW. I was so glad when Turbodriver added it. It gave the intimate act meaning. A meaning and depth that it has for most people in real life. Is it possible to put the impact back, but as something you can switch on or off in settings for people who don't want it? Or perhaps an additional selection for what type of sex one sim wants to have with another sim - something like "No strings attached sex" (ie. no romantic impact), option in the pie menu? Just my thoughts. Apologies if this post sounds whiny. I really don't intend to add stress. As always, Turbodriver, you have my utmost gratitude for all that you do and that you genuinely listen to so much input. 

What do you mean? As long as you have the Sex Relationship Impact setting enabled, there is romantic impact from sex. It won't happen if Sims don't have romance to begin with, but if they do, at least 2.5%, romance will grow.

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9 minutes ago, TURBODRIVER said:

Have an issue? This is not the place to post about it! Read how to get help in the topic main post!

Check the 'WickedWhims Help Center' topic to learn more!



I should have a small fixing update out in an hour.


Hey! The gender door locks are ignored by player Sims, because you control them, otherwise Sims won't ignore them unless they are going to a sex location. Bathroom is a very easy sex location so without removing these restrictions you would have a lot less sex autonomy in public. There's no way to disable it.

There is no way to just disable one need decay, but I will look into tweaking them further.

No... except the ooOLaLa World ones.

Hey! Thanks!

I will be working on relationships at some point, I'm planning it for a very long time, so yes, Sims will have a way to gain traits with gameplay, not just by buying them. Incest might become more dynamic than just a trait as well.

What's broken?

Hey! Thanks!

There will be a way to create animation playlists when I introduce sex careers. Yes. :)

I like the idea of holidays making certain things acceptable because they are considered a tradition. I will think about it. Thanks!

Thank You!


Animations changing immediately was the plan from the beginning. Them playing in full before changing wasn't intended and was causing a lot of issues. There's still a lot that has to be done with the animations system but right now it's a lot better than ever before.

It's possible to implement a setting which would make animations play to the end before switching but I won't be focusing on that anytime soon.


You want an interaction for Sims to finish after the animation ends instead of cancelling the interaction? I'm not sure. Maybe I could do it.


For playlists, look two responses above.

Thanks! I guess I missed these. :D

I hope so, yes.




I think you're thinking of a different mod. I don't have a traits cheat menu, but I know what you mean, I wish it worked like that too.

What do you mean? As long as you have the Sex Relationship Impact setting enabled, there is romantic impact from sex. It won't happen if Sims don't have romance to begin with, but if they do, at least 2.5%, romance will grow.

Dear turbo when update WW can fix a bug with the mod there when you stick the mod in the game on the calendar the next day the weather disappears! You can fix it, and then I'm partly bored to stick out and stick the mod in the game.

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18 minutes ago, TURBODRIVER said:

Have an issue? This is not the place to post about it! Read how to get help in the topic main post!

Check the 'WickedWhims Help Center' topic to learn more!



I should have a small fixing update out in an hour.


Hey! The gender door locks are ignored by player Sims, because you control them, otherwise Sims won't ignore them unless they are going to a sex location. Bathroom is a very easy sex location so without removing these restrictions you would have a lot less sex autonomy in public. There's no way to disable it.

There is no way to just disable one need decay, but I will look into tweaking them further.

No... except the ooOLaLa World ones.

Hey! Thanks!

I will be working on relationships at some point, I'm planning it for a very long time, so yes, Sims will have a way to gain traits with gameplay, not just by buying them. Incest might become more dynamic than just a trait as well.

What's broken?

Hey! Thanks!

There will be a way to create animation playlists when I introduce sex careers. Yes. :)

I like the idea of holidays making certain things acceptable because they are considered a tradition. I will think about it. Thanks!

Thank You!


Animations changing immediately was the plan from the beginning. Them playing in full before changing wasn't intended and was causing a lot of issues. There's still a lot that has to be done with the animations system but right now it's a lot better than ever before.

It's possible to implement a setting which would make animations play to the end before switching but I won't be focusing on that anytime soon.


You want an interaction for Sims to finish after the animation ends instead of cancelling the interaction? I'm not sure. Maybe I could do it.


For playlists, look two responses above.

Thanks! I guess I missed these. :D

I hope so, yes.




I think you're thinking of a different mod. I don't have a traits cheat menu, but I know what you mean, I wish it worked like that too.

What do you mean? As long as you have the Sex Relationship Impact setting enabled, there is romantic impact from sex. It won't happen if Sims don't have romance to begin with, but if they do, at least 2.5%, romance will grow.

 Dear turbo when update WW can fix a bug with the mod there when you stick the mod in the game on the calendar the next day the weather disappears! You can fix it, and then I'm partly bored to stick out and stick the mod in the gamehear my request please!???

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