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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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I'm not sure if this belongs here, but is there a way to shut off random "Ask for Sex" actions? Like they are not even talking to each other and then suddenly the "Ask for Sex" icon pops up and they walk wherever.


Thank you

Why would they be talking? That only increases the chances. If Sims already know each other and have a good relationship then this will happen from time to time.


The save system is totally borking my game. If I happen to switch households, all the setting change to default. It would be so much simpler if there was a global settings file similar to MC Command Center. This save for every game is a novel idea, but at times it just seems to screw more up than it fixes. Just saying...

WickedWhims extra save data is separated per world/save slot. Changing households on the same save does not require updating settings. You only need to set up settings with every new world and then they will stay with each save and work on every household in that world.


I would do global settings, but then the next guy will be asking why aren't they separated per world because they want one world where they cheat and one world where they play for real.


None of my exhibitionist actions have been working. I've completely reinstalled the game, clean files both times, clean saves both times, and none of it has worked. Even with the new update, none of the exhibitionist options work. All of the flashing options cause my sim to just approach whoever the target is, and stand in front of them for a moment before the action disappears from the queue. If I try to have my sim undress with the exhibitionist options, the same thing happens and she stands in place for a minute before the action disappears from her queue, nothing happens. The naturist strip options work just as intended, animation plays and all, but the exhibitionist options still don't work. 

Okay, I will look into it.

EDIT: Works fine for me, it seems like a problem on your side.

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Check the 'WickedWhims Help Center' topic to learn more!



The save system is totally borking my game. If I happen to switch households, all the setting change to default. It would be so much simpler if there was a global settings file similar to MC Command Center. This save for every game is a novel idea, but at times it just seems to screw more up than it fixes. Just saying...

WickedWhims extra save data is separated per world/save slot. Changing households on the same save does not require updating settings. You only need to set up settings with every new world and then they will stay with each save and work on every household in that world.


Thanks for your reply. I will check again, but my save data reverted to default when I switched households in the same game. Normally I don't switch households in the same game. Perhaps it was a glitch, I don't know. I was just surprised when I had to redo all my settings.


As far as the save system goes, I wasn't suggesting to change the entire save system, it normally works great as is. What I was suggesting, if at all possible, was to allow access to the defaults so they can be edited by the user if they chose to. That way WW would always start with the users defaults, and in addition, allow them to be altered per save the same way they are now.


Thanks for all the hard work you've out into WW. It's most appreciated.

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Ran into a bug. I switched from the normal pregnancy mode to the menstrual mode and then back to normal mode when I realized it said 23 days until ovulation. Then, a few days later I switched back to menstrual mode because I wanted to experience it despite having to wait 23 days. But since then when I ask my sim to check her fertility awareness she does the action and it takes the simoleons out but nothing pops up telling me how many days until she ovulates. I am running the latest Patreon version and the newest patch of Sims 4. I've reset her, ran ww.fix, put in a clean install of wicked whims and nothing so far.


(Long time lurker, made an account in 2014. Thanks for making this mod Turbo. Gives more life into the game and I am glad to support such talent)

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Have an issue? This is not the place to post about it! Read how to get help in the topic main post!

Check the 'WickedWhims Help Center' topic to learn more!




Hi, Turbo. Do you still have plans to implement club activities? I know there is a separate mod but I would like so much to see this in WW

Hey! Yes, it's still on the suggestions list.


id found a problem  when my sim order the condoms on computer  it doesnt show up in mailbox 

That system is garbage, use the Build/Buy mode to buy condoms for now. I am redoing this whole thing right now.


Ran into a bug. I switched from the normal pregnancy mode to the menstrual mode and then back to normal mode when I realized it said 23 days until ovulation. Then, a few days later I switched back to menstrual mode because I wanted to experience it despite having to wait 23 days. But since then when I ask my sim to check her fertility awareness she does the action and it takes the simoleons out but nothing pops up telling me how many days until she ovulates. I am running the latest Patreon version and the newest patch of Sims 4. I've reset her, ran ww.fix, put in a clean install of wicked whims and nothing so far.


(Long time lurker, made an account in 2014. Thanks for making this mod Turbo. Gives more life into the game and I am glad to support such talent)

I've heard of this issue, but don't see any reason for that to happen so far.

Please don't write about the Patreon version on LL, comment on Patreon.

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Hi, so I have a question about the Poly/polygamy trait and...exactly how to acquire it. I have reached level 5 in the sex skill but I don't see the trait when editing in CAS. Am I just being a noob or is there more to acquire the trait?

I made sure to read over the whole mod post twice just in case my feeble eyes missed it.


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Hi, so I have a question about the Poly/polygamy trait and...exactly how to acquire it. I have reached level 5 in the sex skill but I don't see the trait when editing in CAS. Am I just being a noob or is there more to acquire the trait?


I made sure to read over the whole mod post twice just in case my feeble eyes missed it.




It's a reward trait, bought with happiness points from completing whims/aspirations, not a CAS trait.

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I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Keeps giving me an error on loading. Saying it can be caused by out of date cc. I have removed Every single Script mod and only kept WW. Loading still gives me that error.


Can hair, clothing,accessories cause WW to not work properly?



Hmm, No idea whats up. it gives me the error.. but I can still access the settings and such. going to slowly start re adding my custom stuff.




Update #2. So I played for about 20 mins and things were fine. No idea what the error is, but WW seems fine. I will just wait to figure it out til pets hits. Since that will be a major patch and most likely break stuff anyway.

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I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Keeps giving me an error on loading. Saying it can be caused by out of date cc. I have removed Every single Script mod and only kept WW. Loading still gives me that error.


Can hair, clothing,accessories cause WW to not work properly?



Hmm, No idea whats up. it gives me the error.. but I can still access the settings and such. going to slowly start re adding my custom stuff.




Update #2. So I played for about 20 mins and things were fine. No idea what the error is, but WW seems fine. I will just wait to figure it out til pets hits. Since that will be a major patch and most likely break stuff anyway.

Yes, when you have out of date cc, that usually means Hair, Skin, Furniture, Eyes, Objects etc. As many of these will never get updates when EA releases new patches, they are the first to break and cause issues. Also you may get the same error messages also with CC if you have too many items for your game. eg You have 40 CC dresses loaded and yet your character only wears 2 of them or you download 20 different types of lounges when you only are using 1. Too many unnecessary CC items and you will have major problems.


Also, the error message is Wicked Whims detecting that you have out of date CC. It is not necessarily a problem with WW. MC Command Center is the same, they can both detect problems with your game. Error messages should be looked at as a signal, that your Custom Content - both scripts and objects - are in need of checking.



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Hello, quick question. A vampire entered my Sim's home and requested sex from his wife. His wife accepted, even though she's married to another man and is a stranger to the vampire. Is there a way to have her say no? I have the always accept option turned off. Is it a trait that could be doing it? 


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how do i install animation packs if i installed the mod with the windows installer?


Hi there! download the animations pack you want. then go to




Documents / Electronics Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods (the Mods folder should already be there)


You can unpack them directly into the mods folder. Or make a New folder in there Called WW Anims or whatever you wanna call it and unpack them to there.

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Anyone know if theres any way to clear cum of unplayed sim, there's one that has had cum on her for days now, and its beginning to drive me crazy.


ww.clearcum only works on selected sim.

ww.fix doesn't work for it either.





....shower or brush teeth

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he/she did mention it is not a playable sim


possible this sim has the cum whore  trait ?


i got one women she always shower after sex and one women has the trait she never do after but get flirty instead


u can try use the MC Center to edit this sim maybe see if it has the trait and remove i

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I checked the list of features requested and don't see this. So...


------------ A --------------


I believe that some small adjustments to the animation system could greatly increase the flexibility and quality of the animations possible:


"Play Once" Animations - (Correct me if I'm wrong) As it is now, animations always loop. While that accommodates many repetitive motion actions in sex, there are other movements that should only happen once (laying down with a partner, beginning sex, changing positions). You could add an "animation_type" variable in the XML that is either "LOOP" or "PLAYONCE". If the variable is omitted, it defaults to "LOOP" so that it is completely backward compatible. "PLAYONCE" animations would simply play the animation once and then proceed to the next animation in the group.


"Random Order" - You already have the functionality built to play groups of animations in sequence. It would be great if there was a "group_type" variable in the XML that was either "LINEAR" or "RANDOM". Animation groups set to "RANDOM" would play a random animation instead of progressing through them linearly. Then, animators could make a group of doggystyle loops that play in random order. For example, there could be two different angle loops that it alternates between and, using the above "Play Once" feature, an occasional spank animation.


------------ B --------------


I think that the above two features would be great by themselves and should be doable with 100% backward compatibility. This separate idea is probably more ambitious and would need some extra consideration to keep backward compatible:


"Animation Hierarchies" - This system would use the two features from "A" above. But, it would also allow animators to sequence the various animations and groups (of all types) in an XML-style hierarchy. The idea is to allow more complex and randomized sequences of animations, with transitions. An animation "act" could then be made that always starts with a transition (starting doggy style), then plays random animations from a group for x amount of time, and finally plays one of a few random climax animations.


Although this system would require some rework, I think that it's mostly there already and it makes a lot more sense from an animation and user experience perspective. Instead of having 30 doggy style animations with somewhat trivial differences (doggy leaned over, doggy with left leg up, doggy with right leg up) animators could instead spend time making their one or two doggy style animations more complete with transitions and other random nuances.


------------ Conclusion --------------


I feel like the current approach has reached a sort of max capacity. One doesn't notice that much if they add another 10-20 animations on top of the number currently available. This change would open up a reason to revisit things and make the animations play out differently every time.


If you're interested, I can draft up a proposed XML change and post it. Let me know.

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wont it be too short if animation only play once?


i do agree by the climax if one time only   but  in real live u do not only have sex 4 seconds either then change position  oh oh it take some time^^


play once only for certain clip in sequence,

like in forced sex, before doing penetration clip animation, there is forcing sims partner clip animation first and this clip animation should only play once right?

or when doing teasing/seducing at side of bed clip animation then sims move to bed doing next animation. this clip animation when sims move form side bed to center bed are only played once

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