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About to upload a mod but need some advice

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Hi all,

normaly im just just downloading mods from here and now im about to upload one but i could need some advice before i upload it, especially cause its an already existed mod im working on.




I found a mod on nexus which is a zombie-survival sandbox (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15261/?) i enjoyed the idea and after a while i started to get familiar with the creation-kit and edited the mod to an adult-mod and changed some other things, f.e. damage or health of them.


The problem is of course that i can´t simply upload it here since i haven´t made the mod myself and its actually the mod of someone else. And i guess uploading the edited mod wouldn´t be right.


So, is it possible to create it as "a mod for a mod" so that you need the original one and mine to get it to work?


Or any other ways?

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Do the modifications in a new file that requires theirs to work. If you modify any of their assets/files you would need to get their permission before you can upload it as they are their assets. If you do it separate then all anyone would have to do it get their mod and drop your files in to overwrite.

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ok, i tried editing in a new one and saw ingame that nothing really changed, as i opend creation-kit with the main-mod and the plugin for the mod, i created selected, i see that i have a duplicate-versions of everything i edited... Did i make anything wrong?

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Exactly as Suited Prawns said: launch CK with original mod selected (BUT NOT ACTIVE). Do your edits and save with 'your_name.esp', so you'll create a dependancy to original mod. Using this you will create a Patch for Original. So users must download original mod too. Most of original mods' authors will appreciate this but some do not even in such way. Will be better to contact author in anyway.

Relating to me. I think that modding must be COMPLETELY free. In my mods in section related to permissions I always state: "do what you want, even not asking me". 'Course I made a note too about if someone's else resources (meshes, animations, etc.) are used in my mod, so, please contact their authors...

Kind Regards


ADDED: Forget to say about little step before you start to create patch (if original mod is esm this don't needed):

In WryeBash with right mouse button over ORIGINAL esp select "Esmify self" - this mark mod as master.

After you complete your edits and save your patch, in WryeBash with same way select "Espify self" over original.

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Exactly as Suited Prawns said: launch CK with original mod selected (BUT NOT ACTIVE). Do your edits and save with 'your_name.esp', so you'll create a dependancy to original mod. Using this you will create a Patch for Original. So users must download original mod too. Most of original mods' authors will appreciate this but some do not even in such way. Will be better to contact author in anyway.

Relating to me. I think that modding must be COMPLETELY free. In my mods in section related to permissions I always state: "do what you want, even not asking me". 'Course I made a note too about if someone's else resources (meshes, animations, etc.) are used in my mod, so, please contact their authors...


Kind Regards


ADDED: Forget to say about little step before you start to create patch (if original mod is esm this don't needed):

In WryeBash with right mouse button over ORIGINAL esp select "Esmify self" - this mark mod as master.

After you complete your edits and save your patch, in WryeBash with same way select "Espify self" over original.


Is the problem that i have right now (That it duplicates everything edited instead of replacing it) cause i haven´t used Whyre Bash or is Whyre Bash just an alternative way to create the ptach?

(Im sorry when it´s a stupid question but i haven´t heard of Whyre Bash before)

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Trick with "esmfying/espfying" needed for not loose dependancy and do not related to duplicates. If you save your patch while main (original) mod is not marked as master, you will loose dependancy.
I can't fast and via inet to explain how to repair your work. Will be better to start from beginning: mark original as master, load, do your edits, save with another name.

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Trick with "esmfying/espfying" needed for not loose dependancy and do not related to duplicates. If you save your patch while main (original) mod is not marked as master, you will loose dependancy.

I can't fast and via inet to explain how to repair your work. Will be better to start from beginning: mark original as master, load, do your edits, save with another name.



Your solution worked fine, thanks!

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