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Two Instances of Creation Kit


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I'm positive this has been asked and answered before but I can't find the thread, so if someone could answer -- or could link the thread -- I'd be grateful.


And even more grateful if Ashal would sticky the answer!


For about the last oh, I don't know -- six months to a year, Steam has done something somewhere that blocks running two instances of the CK, even if you have the "bAllowMultipleEditors" set to 1


There was a work-around for this, posted somewhere, either here at home on LL or ... heck I don't know.


Does anyone remember how to force two instances to run?





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Start Steam in offline mode, fire up the first instance of the CK, now call up Windows Task Manager and kill Steam Client Bootstrapper, you should see any instance of Steam exit then. Now start the second instance of the CK and stay in Offline Mode, you should then have 2 CK's open.

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Do you have anything like zone alarm? I use to be able to only usually open one nifskope then one day I had a problem with zone alarm and decided to get rid of it and since it has been removed I have been able to open multiple nifskopes with no problems whats so ever.

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Start Steam in offline mode, fire up the first instance of the CK, now call up Windows Task Manager and kill Steam Client Bootstrapper, you should see any instance of Steam exit then. Now start the second instance of the CK and stay in Offline Mode, you should then have 2 CK's open.

YES!  That was it, so simple now that you put it into words for me Slammer.  Thank you SO much!!!!!


And Myuhinny -- no -- this is nothing to do with the rest of the computer.  This is one of Steam's nonsense, stupid, bullshit screw-ups.  It's a known issue.

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