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Could someone help with my load order?

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Hello, i hate to bother people but ive been stuck with a ctd problem for 3 days..It crashes just before the main menu every time. So i have reason to believe i have something wrong with my load order or maybe an incompatible mod. I have been trying to fix it myself by checking and unchecking various mods and also using the LOOT tool. Nothing has worked so far. i even disabled all mods but that cause skyrim to bypass the racemenu options at helgen so i was a generic male nord prisoner. i saved after helgen exited the game and rechecked some of my mods and wham- ctd again right after bethesda logo right before main menu options. im at a loss. i will post my load order and i ask if someone can point out any conflicts or what not. i would be most grateful if i could get my game back in working order and if someone would help you would have my gratitude!

Thankyou for any help in advance

If i need to post any additional info plz let me know and i will try and find it


most current skyrim load order31616.txt


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Hard to say what the problem is but I can see you have the Legendary Edition patch and that's sometimes required for some mods. So try disabling the standalone DLC patches and enable the Legendary patch. You can also install Wrye Bash to see if there are missing masters. That's the most common cause of CTDs when starting the game.

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i used tes5edit as well and it gives no errors, but when i used wrye bash this box popped up and informed me that i Corrupted headers or something? i have no clue what that means..

i took a pic if that will help. i am trying to figure out how  to paste it from paint onto here >.<  I am sorry im a noob


*edit* epp i just edited my main post so it now has the pic

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ok so i reinstalled all my mods and i finally got the main menu to show up, but now i cant load any of my previous saves or make a new game. it lets me select new game/load game but as its loading right before it enters the game i get ctd again. now im confused again. is anybody else having this problem? Any suggestions on how to fix this would be most appreciated!

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I spent the past 4 days pretty much doing the same thing, finally found out that one of the mods I had installed added a esp that was missing masters, but for some reason neither tes5edit nor wryebash or mo were saying anything about it, I only noticed after working my way through and re-installing everything and wondering what the hell that esp did and moving it into optional esp in mo at which point I could load saves, grr.

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Looking at the list, first thing I would suggest you do is make sure you are using the most up to date version of each mod.


After that take a look at mods like


Captured Dreams.esp=1
Cum Shot Brothel.esp=1


And look at their home pages as some can be a bit iffy about working with other mods that do the same thing.


Till you sort things out I would disable all the follower mods as well, just to make it easier to do things and see what's going on.


As you use mod organiser, select each mod on the left pain, and look for red or green bands one the scroll bar for it that will highlight mods that conflict with the one you have selected, green is mods above it in the list, red is the ones below, keep a close on ones that change skeleton and also jccontainers and such, as you want to be using the latest version of that, which may not be the one installed by the mods.

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reinstall all mods that give error in wrye bash.


and now fix CTDs for ever:


first of all all orange mods in wrye bash .... load them into tes5edit ... only them... click each and select sort masters... then close tes5edit with saving changes.  then load all mod in tes5edit and recreate merged patch... there is a video on youtube how to create merged patch in tes5edit...


after it, recreate bashed patch.


clean save game with save game cleaner tool.


load game... if it not helps use loot sort mods And sort plugin... redo all steps before.

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