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[Discontinued] PAH Fellglow Slaver Camp Rebuild


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I followed the install directions and Jerrek still has no dialogue.


Edit:   Ok, I reopened the archive and reinstalled and it's working. Jerrek has dialogue, appraises the slave and it looks good. 

No problem with textures.


Thanks for taking this on,  I had been wanting to overhaul fellglow for while, but little time and little skill in modding.  Hopefully you guys and others continue to update PAH.


Yeah just as I posted the release that particular bug showed up again.  Its the which caused me to say "the engine just fell out" and there was much ranting and gnashing of teeth on my part during testing as Clfiton and I worked to track it down.  We thought we had it completely solved but its a persistent bugger.


However, as you already discovered a reload often seems to fix it  We think its just taking awhile for Jerrek's dialogquest  to fully reload and activate.


You're welcome and glad you are enjoying it.  I hope to keep developing this and adding more too it.  I made it so big because there's a lot I would like to eventually do. 

Loved it, Designed way better than the last slave camp, don't have to walk all the way down just to sell slaves

But I'm having some issues, some of the zaz devices are purple, the slaves hair too, am I missing some files?





Yes, you need to have this resource (link below) installed and be sure to also have the textures installed.  If you don't install the textures then the stuff will come out purple (when the game has a mesh but can't find a texture for it, it comes out a default purple)


ZaZ Animation Pack


yes I posted his reply on his original post at pahe, he needs to also remove zaz resources




I see, I thought zaz animation pack is only for animation

thanks again :3


that might have been true originally, but over the years as zaz resources became obsolete, zaz animation pack took that on its shoulders


Hmmm, I uninstall the zaz resources, and re-install the fellglow camp, I still see purple


i'm really surprised you're not already receiving issues with dd...

devious devices and felglow rebuilt both require zaz animation pack


you'll need all 3 files listed on the download page there for zaz animation pack. if you've gotten this far and have the purple texture issue still, you likely forgot to update Or you updated it and forgot to update the meshes




Its because I have it already, like my other post, I had zaz resource first then I installed zaz animation

uninstalled : zaz resources, animation, and fellglow camp

load with saved game then save after 5 mins

after that I cleaned with save tools and papyrus (cleaned around 60 orphaned scripts)

installed zaz animation then fellglow camp.







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  • 45.55MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Main_v0605.7z
  • 8.37MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Patch_v0607.7z
  • 72.17MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Textures_v0605.7z        <<<<download that file there


Well that fixed it, forgot to copy n paste the textures into the folder, damn I suck at modding



But there is still the hair, what the mod for the hair?

I have Apachii skyhair and KS hairdos 


what npc is missing hair, all the npc's added to this mod should have their own hair in the zip file for this mod




ok, that's something we can work with, personally i just thought it was the hair color, some girls like to dye their hair i've seen them walking the supermarkets and grocery stores







You asked the question. Figured Id help. I see your hair textures in the directory. they just seem like they are not pathed right. And GREAT JOB ON THE MOD!



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Edit: LMFAO   - the issue was caused by Estrus skyrim mod.   I guess Jerrek wanted to learn some new ways to entertain himself with his slaves.


I uninstalled Estrus and all the PAH Fellglow NPC's left and walked back to their cave.   Waited a day and then went to fellglow to sell some slaves and all the scripts worked.   Interesting bug.


Hmmm... my first thought is it might have been caused by a change to one of the default behavior AI packages (I've seen some modders do that, its a big NO-NO), but all the NPCs in the rebuilt camp were switched to custom AIs packages so I'm puzzled as to how / why it could grab them and override their AI like that.  It only affected them?  Was it all the NPCs from the camp or just the guards and Jerrek (the guards and Jerrek share some faction IDs that other NPCs there don't have so I'm just shooting in the dark here with ideas)?  Thanks for the heads up though.  If I ever get some spare time I'll check it out.  Very odd bug.



On a side note, I made a few changes to the slave camp interior, after I resolved the above issue.   I duplicated the nord shaft and dropped it down  to make the pit twice as deep, and used the nord/shaft/trapdoor to replace the jail bars above the pit, making it accessible.  Then a few skeleton bones and bloodstains for that "lived in" look.

Heh, there are plans for that pit, dark... evil... plans... que maniacal laugh track :lol:


Actually the plan is at some point to set up an option to run a scripted scene where you can open the pit, toss an unwanted slave in.  After a few moments (don't want to make it too long, but you want a lil suspense of course) something nasty like a giant spider or a chaurus or a falmer comes crawling out of a yet to be added side tunnel and either kills the slave, rapes the slave, and if they're still alive drags them off (at which point the slave is permanently gone and deleted).  The hold up is that our scripter has been on a forced absence so we weren't able to proceed but I'm working on making alternate arrangements for that now.


You did know the camp was built on top of a falmer nest, right?   There's even plans to add a falmer "guest" that randomly shows up at the new camp tavern.  Not much more than just an idea note right now, I know I want him to maybe have some lines (which means voice acting) so there can be some player interaction that would be interesting / entertaining / humorous and we also want to add a functional slave auction to the camp later (that's in the early stages of development now) and I'd like the falmer to be one of the other "bidders" that shows up with maybe a funny scene if the falmer wins and the slave screams "Oh no!  By the gods this can't be happening!   Aaaaaiieeeee!"


Okay... so I'm a lil evil and slightly warped... its fun though! :cool:


Some other plans for the collapsed tunnels.  The one in the prison area, eventually I would like to add a gladiatorial pit where you can watch slaves fight stuff, place bets (possibly win some gold), enter your own slave(s) in the fights and win prize money (if they win) and maybe even at some point have them trained to improve their combat abilities and such.  That's far down the road for now though.  It will be in a separate cell to keep the load issues manageable.


The long dirt tunnel in back of the main room will lead to the camp mine.  The idea was that you would be able to have a slave work there and over time they collect ore for you... longer you leave them there, the more they mine.  What kind of ore?  Well that had been kicked around in development were some ideas to have new mine shafts unlocked by quests or something so at first it might be just iron but later it might be anything; but that never really got firmed up.  You can then sell the ore to the mine foreman or keep it.  No need to point them at ore veins or stand there supervising; just talk to the foreman, he gives them a job and they go to work (like you see other miners do elsewhere).  That was also going to be a proving ground for having that option in other mines around Skyrim at some point, but we wanted to start there since a mine I built was one where we controlled all the variables, easier to test and trouble shoot.  Once you get the core script / quest working its easier to then apply it elsewhere.  That was what Blabla was working on before he left and unfortunately I'm not sure how far he got.


We've been stalled now with Blabla absent, its been frustrating but we're trying to work on what we can and I've decided to enlist other help to get some things done on the camp until Blabla gets back.

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I followed the install directions and Jerrek still has no dialogue.


Edit:   Ok, I reopened the archive and reinstalled and it's working. Jerrek has dialogue, appraises the slave and it looks good. 

No problem with textures.


Thanks for taking this on,  I had been wanting to overhaul fellglow for while, but little time and little skill in modding.  Hopefully you guys and others continue to update PAH.


Yeah just as I posted the release that particular bug showed up again.  Its the which caused me to say "the engine just fell out" and there was much ranting and gnashing of teeth on my part during testing as Clfiton and I worked to track it down.  We thought we had it completely solved but its a persistent bugger.


However, as you already discovered a reload often seems to fix it  We think its just taking awhile for Jerrek's dialogquest  to fully reload and activate.


You're welcome and glad you are enjoying it.  I hope to keep developing this and adding more too it.  I made it so big because there's a lot I would like to eventually do. 

Loved it, Designed way better than the last slave camp, don't have to walk all the way down just to sell slaves

But I'm having some issues, some of the zaz devices are purple, the slaves hair too, am I missing some files?





Yes, you need to have this resource (link below) installed and be sure to also have the textures installed.  If you don't install the textures then the stuff will come out purple (when the game has a mesh but can't find a texture for it, it comes out a default purple)


ZaZ Animation Pack


yes I posted his reply on his original post at pahe, he needs to also remove zaz resources




I see, I thought zaz animation pack is only for animation

thanks again :3


that might have been true originally, but over the years as zaz resources became obsolete, zaz animation pack took that on its shoulders


Hmmm, I uninstall the zaz resources, and re-install the fellglow camp, I still see purple


i'm really surprised you're not already receiving issues with dd...

devious devices and felglow rebuilt both require zaz animation pack


you'll need all 3 files listed on the download page there for zaz animation pack. if you've gotten this far and have the purple texture issue still, you likely forgot to update Or you updated it and forgot to update the meshes




Its because I have it already, like my other post, I had zaz resource first then I installed zaz animation

uninstalled : zaz resources, animation, and fellglow camp

load with saved game then save after 5 mins

after that I cleaned with save tools and papyrus (cleaned around 60 orphaned scripts)

installed zaz animation then fellglow camp.







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  • 45.55MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Main_v0605.7z
  • 8.37MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Patch_v0607.7z
  • 72.17MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Textures_v0605.7z        <<<<download that file there


Well that fixed it, forgot to copy n paste the textures into the folder, damn I suck at modding



But there is still the hair, what the mod for the hair?

I have Apachii skyhair and KS hairdos 


what npc is missing hair, all the npc's added to this mod should have their own hair in the zip file for this mod




I'll take a look.  That's odd.  Those are Apachii hairs I added and put in their folders, so everything should have installed with the camp install.  It doesn't actually need any of the Apachii hairs (or shouldn't) since I included those meshes and their textures with the camp itself.  I'll double check though, might have stuck something in a wrong folder.


As for which ones, I believe I used Apachii Sky Hair v1.6 and Apachii Sky Hair for Females v1.5 originally.




You asked the question. Figured Id help. I see your hair textures in the directory. they just seem like they are not pathed right. And GREAT JOB ON THE MOD!




Thanks, you might be right about the pathing, that's what I'll check soon as I get home.  Its either the texture path in CK / the esp or the one in the NIF file but I thought I changed both, maybe I goofed.


EDIT:  Okay now that I'm home I rechecked the files and I can't find anything amiss.  So I'm puzzled as to what is causing the texture not to display.   Just so you know... here's how its basically set up.


I added a folder under the meshes/actor/character folder for the slave camp.  In that folder there is a sub folder for the bard and one for the slaves, the nif files for their hair are stored there.  I did this to ensure that nothing would overwrite it.  So regardless of what mods you use, nothing else should use or mess with those files.  I did the same for the textures except I skipped adding the extra sub folders.


In the nifskope, the nif files have the correct path and file names for the textures under the Shader properties.  In CK the head part files correctly add the hair and hairline to the hair model.  Also the racial conditions are set correctly (Humans and Vampires) so there should be no problem there.  Even if you turned the camp slaves into vampires their hair should still be okay.


So everything should work, it should work whether you have Apachii or KS hairs installed or not (they're actually irrelevant at this point because the camp mod has the actual meshes and textures in its own folder hierarchy).  I'm at a loss as to why your textures are not displaying but the model meshes are (and that's clearly what has happened from your screen shots).  I'm also at a loss to explain how all the NPCs from Fellglow ended up somewhere else... frankly, I can't imagine how that would even be possible.  Congratulations on coming up with a couple of very unique bugs... thought I was the only one who did that! :P


Question:  Have you been using a save game editor and if so have you deleted or edited any form IDs?


One other thing you can double check is your Skyrim folder and verify this folder hierarchy exists and that this list of textures is present:

Data/Textures/actors/character/PAH Fellglow Slave Camp/bard/


Data/Textures/actors/character/PAH Fellglow Slave Camp/slaves/

AND these files

In Bard:



In Slaves:














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I followed the install directions and Jerrek still has no dialogue.


Edit:   Ok, I reopened the archive and reinstalled and it's working. Jerrek has dialogue, appraises the slave and it looks good. 

No problem with textures.


Thanks for taking this on,  I had been wanting to overhaul fellglow for while, but little time and little skill in modding.  Hopefully you guys and others continue to update PAH.


Yeah just as I posted the release that particular bug showed up again.  Its the which caused me to say "the engine just fell out" and there was much ranting and gnashing of teeth on my part during testing as Clfiton and I worked to track it down.  We thought we had it completely solved but its a persistent bugger.


However, as you already discovered a reload often seems to fix it  We think its just taking awhile for Jerrek's dialogquest  to fully reload and activate.


You're welcome and glad you are enjoying it.  I hope to keep developing this and adding more too it.  I made it so big because there's a lot I would like to eventually do. 

Loved it, Designed way better than the last slave camp, don't have to walk all the way down just to sell slaves

But I'm having some issues, some of the zaz devices are purple, the slaves hair too, am I missing some files?





Yes, you need to have this resource (link below) installed and be sure to also have the textures installed.  If you don't install the textures then the stuff will come out purple (when the game has a mesh but can't find a texture for it, it comes out a default purple)


ZaZ Animation Pack


yes I posted his reply on his original post at pahe, he needs to also remove zaz resources




I see, I thought zaz animation pack is only for animation

thanks again :3


that might have been true originally, but over the years as zaz resources became obsolete, zaz animation pack took that on its shoulders


Hmmm, I uninstall the zaz resources, and re-install the fellglow camp, I still see purple


i'm really surprised you're not already receiving issues with dd...

devious devices and felglow rebuilt both require zaz animation pack


you'll need all 3 files listed on the download page there for zaz animation pack. if you've gotten this far and have the purple texture issue still, you likely forgot to update Or you updated it and forgot to update the meshes




Its because I have it already, like my other post, I had zaz resource first then I installed zaz animation

uninstalled : zaz resources, animation, and fellglow camp

load with saved game then save after 5 mins

after that I cleaned with save tools and papyrus (cleaned around 60 orphaned scripts)

installed zaz animation then fellglow camp.







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star.png star.png star.png star.png star.png 181 Votes

  • 45.55MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Main_v0605.7z
  • 8.37MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Patch_v0607.7z
  • 72.17MB Download    ZazAnimationPack_Textures_v0605.7z        <<<<download that file there


Well that fixed it, forgot to copy n paste the textures into the folder, damn I suck at modding



But there is still the hair, what the mod for the hair?

I have Apachii skyhair and KS hairdos 


what npc is missing hair, all the npc's added to this mod should have their own hair in the zip file for this mod




I'll take a look.  That's odd.  Those are Apachii hairs I added and put in their folders, so everything should have installed with the camp install.  It doesn't actually need any of the Apachii hairs (or shouldn't) since I included those meshes and their textures with the camp itself.  I'll double check though, might have stuck something in a wrong folder.


As for which ones, I believe I used Apachii Sky Hair v1.6 and Apachii Sky Hair for Females v1.5 originally.




You asked the question. Figured Id help. I see your hair textures in the directory. they just seem like they are not pathed right. And GREAT JOB ON THE MOD!




Thanks, you might be right about the pathing, that's what I'll check soon as I get home.  Its either the texture path in CK / the esp or the one in the NIF file but I thought I changed both, maybe I goofed.


EDIT:  Okay now that I'm home I rechecked the files and I can't find anything amiss.  So I'm puzzled as to what is causing the texture not to display.   Just so you know... here's how its basically set up.


I added a folder under the meshes/actor/character folder for the slave camp.  In that folder there is a sub folder for the bard and one for the slaves, the nif files for their hair are stored there.  I did this to ensure that nothing would overwrite it.  So regardless of what mods you use, nothing else should use or mess with those files.  I did the same for the textures except I skipped adding the extra sub folders.


In the nifskope, the nif files have the correct path and file names for the textures under the Shader properties.  In CK the head part files correctly add the hair and hairline to the hair model.  Also the racial conditions are set correctly (Humans and Vampires) so there should be no problem there.  Even if you turned the camp slaves into vampires their hair should still be okay.


So everything should work, it should work whether you have Apachii or KS hairs installed or not (they're actually irrelevant at this point because the camp mod has the actual meshes and textures in its own folder hierarchy).  I'm at a loss as to why your textures are not displaying but the model meshes are (and that's clearly what has happened from your screen shots).  I'm also at a loss to explain how all the NPCs from Fellglow ended up somewhere else... frankly, I can't imagine how that would even be possible.  Congratulations on coming up with a couple of very unique bugs... thought I was the only one who did that! :P


Question:  Have you been using a save game editor and if so have you deleted or edited any form IDs?


One other thing you can double check is your Skyrim folder and verify this folder hierarchy exists and that this list of textures is present:

Data/Textures/actors/character/PAH Fellglow Slave Camp/bard/


Data/Textures/actors/character/PAH Fellglow Slave Camp/slaves/

AND these files

In Bard:



In Slaves:















All structure appears the way you intended on my clean install. Check the spaces in the "PAH Fellglow Slave Camp" folder on textures & compare it to the meshes folder.



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That's how the folder names are in the NIF file which is where the texture path is actually stored, so its that spelling that matters, though it is not case sensitive.  For some reason then your game is not loading the texture; it should be and you've verified they are there and in the correct folder.  You could maybe try re-extracting the nif files from the zip archive to your mesh folder but I suspect that won't help (couldn't hurt either).  The only other thing I can think of is maybe a form ID within your save game has gotten corrupted or deleted which might cause that.  But there's no way for me to know.


I can't imagine any other mod being the cause because of the way I set the hair models up in their own folder, they shouldn't be used or overwritten by anything else at all.


Plus, I still can't figure out why the NPCs left Fellglow.  I mean I know sort of what must have happened.  Something, somehow gave them a different AI behavior package at the top of the stack and that forced them to do whatever it was set to do.  When that got removed, they went back to their usual behavior which is why you saw them walking out.  But the thing is, how did something apparently add a new behavior package on top of the stack (and that's my best guess as to what happened), and why just the NPC in the camp?   I'll be honest, I'm kind of wondering if your save game isn't corrupted.  Too many really weird things happening.


Wish I could be of more help, but that's pretty much all I got.

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That's how the folder names are in the NIF file which is where the texture path is actually stored, so its that spelling that matters, though it is not case sensitive.  For some reason then your game is not loading the texture; it should be and you've verified they are there and in the correct folder.  You could maybe try re-extracting the nif files from the zip archive to your mesh folder but I suspect that won't help (couldn't hurt either).  The only other thing I can think of is maybe a form ID within your save game has gotten corrupted or deleted which might cause that.  But there's no way for me to know.


I can't imagine any other mod being the cause because of the way I set the hair models up in their own folder, they shouldn't be used or overwritten by anything else at all.


Plus, I still can't figure out why the NPCs left Fellglow.  I mean I know sort of what must have happened.  Something, somehow gave them a different AI behavior package at the top of the stack and that forced them to do whatever it was set to do.  When that got removed, they went back to their usual behavior which is why you saw them walking out.  But the thing is, how did something apparently add a new behavior package on top of the stack (and that's my best guess as to what happened), and why just the NPC in the camp?   I'll be honest, I'm kind of wondering if your save game isn't corrupted.  Too many really weird things happening.


Wish I could be of more help, but that's pretty much all I got.

i've seen that pink/purple hair as his picture shows since you published this, i thought that was her chosen hair color/style like you're see at the supermarkets and grocers here...

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i've seen that pink/purple hair as his picture shows since you published this, i thought that was her chosen hair color/style like you're see at the supermarkets and grocers here...



Oh geez...


Well then its got to be something with the mod, for some reason its not using the hair meshes.  Anytime you see that pink/purple (usually light purple) color on any object its because the texture did not load (its the color Skyrim defaults to for everything when there is no texture).  So now I have to figure out why its not working.  Will put that on my to do list for Thursday, earliest I can get to it.  If I have to I'll just revert them to using Apachii hair and make that a dependency again.  Was hoping to avoid that.  When its just a few hair models I prefer to include them with the mod so people don't have to fuss with so much other stuff.


That follower I made you were testing, is her hair purple also?


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i've seen that pink/purple hair as his picture shows since you published this, i thought that was her chosen hair color/style like you're see at the supermarkets and grocers here...



Oh geez...


Well then its got to be something with the mod, for some reason its not using the hair meshes.  Anytime you see that pink/purple (usually light purple) color on any object its because the texture did not load (its the color Skyrim defaults to for everything when there is no texture).  So now I have to figure out why its not working.  Will put that on my to do list for Thursday, earliest I can get to it.  If I have to I'll just revert them to using Apachii hair and make that a dependency again.  Was hoping to avoid that.  When its just a few hair models I prefer to include them with the mod so people don't have to fuss with so much other stuff.


That follower I made you were testing, is her hair purple also?




no, i think aislin had dark hair, should be able to grab her again some time tonite finally

only had to revert to my old methods of tieing the slaves up all ove4r skyrim to do it...


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That's how the folder names are in the NIF file which is where the texture path is actually stored, so its that spelling that matters, though it is not case sensitive.  For some reason then your game is not loading the texture; it should be and you've verified they are there and in the correct folder.  You could maybe try re-extracting the nif files from the zip archive to your mesh folder but I suspect that won't help (couldn't hurt either).  The only other thing I can think of is maybe a form ID within your save game has gotten corrupted or deleted which might cause that.  But there's no way for me to know.


I can't imagine any other mod being the cause because of the way I set the hair models up in their own folder, they shouldn't be used or overwritten by anything else at all.


Plus, I still can't figure out why the NPCs left Fellglow.  I mean I know sort of what must have happened.  Something, somehow gave them a different AI behavior package at the top of the stack and that forced them to do whatever it was set to do.  When that got removed, they went back to their usual behavior which is why you saw them walking out.  But the thing is, how did something apparently add a new behavior package on top of the stack (and that's my best guess as to what happened), and why just the NPC in the camp?   I'll be honest, I'm kind of wondering if your save game isn't corrupted.  Too many really weird things happening.


Wish I could be of more help, but that's pretty much all I got.


I got home from dinner and started investigating more.


You can delete the "\Meshes\actors\character\PAHFelloglowSlaverCamp" folder from what I see it does nothing and it will shrink your mod by 15MBs.

the texture issues reside in the following 6 files in the "Meshes\actors\character\facegendata\FaceGeom\paradise_halls_fellglow_slave_camp.esp" folder they all still have apachiiskyhair references in them. I went through and corrected the paths of each one.


00013BA6.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00014BEE.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Bard

0000994F.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00009947.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018200.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018764.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves


I have the corrected version if you want it. But if i were you Id correct them myself so it wouldn't sneak up on me again in the future :)

I'm digging the sweeping chick and the little Nord Blonde.

thanks again for the great mod and looking forward to the next version.






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That's how the folder names are in the NIF file which is where the texture path is actually stored, so its that spelling that matters, though it is not case sensitive.  For some reason then your game is not loading the texture; it should be and you've verified they are there and in the correct folder.  You could maybe try re-extracting the nif files from the zip archive to your mesh folder but I suspect that won't help (couldn't hurt either).  The only other thing I can think of is maybe a form ID within your save game has gotten corrupted or deleted which might cause that.  But there's no way for me to know.


I can't imagine any other mod being the cause because of the way I set the hair models up in their own folder, they shouldn't be used or overwritten by anything else at all.


Plus, I still can't figure out why the NPCs left Fellglow.  I mean I know sort of what must have happened.  Something, somehow gave them a different AI behavior package at the top of the stack and that forced them to do whatever it was set to do.  When that got removed, they went back to their usual behavior which is why you saw them walking out.  But the thing is, how did something apparently add a new behavior package on top of the stack (and that's my best guess as to what happened), and why just the NPC in the camp?   I'll be honest, I'm kind of wondering if your save game isn't corrupted.  Too many really weird things happening.


Wish I could be of more help, but that's pretty much all I got.


I got home from dinner and started investigating more.


You can delete the "\Meshes\actors\character\PAHFelloglowSlaverCamp" folder from what I see it does nothing and it will shrink your mod by 15MBs.

the texture issues reside in the following 6 files in the "Meshes\actors\character\facegendata\FaceGeom\paradise_halls_fellglow_slave_camp.esp" folder they all still have apachiiskyhair references in them. I went through and corrected the paths of each one.


00013BA6.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00014BEE.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Bard

0000994F.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00009947.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018200.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018764.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves


I have the corrected version if you want it. But if i were you Id correct them myself so it wouldn't sneak up on me again in the future :)

I'm digging the sweeping chick and the little Nord Blonde.

thanks again for the great mod and looking forward to the next version.



he found some bugs in those files he's sent the fixes, but can't seem to get jarek's bedroom slave fixed

how's she look at your end after making those changes



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That's how the folder names are in the NIF file which is where the texture path is actually stored, so its that spelling that matters, though it is not case sensitive.  For some reason then your game is not loading the texture; it should be and you've verified they are there and in the correct folder.  You could maybe try re-extracting the nif files from the zip archive to your mesh folder but I suspect that won't help (couldn't hurt either).  The only other thing I can think of is maybe a form ID within your save game has gotten corrupted or deleted which might cause that.  But there's no way for me to know.


I can't imagine any other mod being the cause because of the way I set the hair models up in their own folder, they shouldn't be used or overwritten by anything else at all.


Plus, I still can't figure out why the NPCs left Fellglow.  I mean I know sort of what must have happened.  Something, somehow gave them a different AI behavior package at the top of the stack and that forced them to do whatever it was set to do.  When that got removed, they went back to their usual behavior which is why you saw them walking out.  But the thing is, how did something apparently add a new behavior package on top of the stack (and that's my best guess as to what happened), and why just the NPC in the camp?   I'll be honest, I'm kind of wondering if your save game isn't corrupted.  Too many really weird things happening.


Wish I could be of more help, but that's pretty much all I got.


I got home from dinner and started investigating more.


You can delete the "\Meshes\actors\character\PAHFelloglowSlaverCamp" folder from what I see it does nothing and it will shrink your mod by 15MBs.

the texture issues reside in the following 6 files in the "Meshes\actors\character\facegendata\FaceGeom\paradise_halls_fellglow_slave_camp.esp" folder they all still have apachiiskyhair references in them. I went through and corrected the paths of each one.


00013BA6.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00014BEE.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Bard

0000994F.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00009947.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018200.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018764.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves


I have the corrected version if you want it. But if i were you Id correct them myself so it wouldn't sneak up on me again in the future :)

I'm digging the sweeping chick and the little Nord Blonde.

thanks again for the great mod and looking forward to the next version.



he found some bugs in those files he's sent the fixes, but can't seem to get jarek's bedroom slave fixed

how's she look at your end after making those changes





She reminds me of old roommate who had an insane under bite. So she's my least favorite but her hair looks absolutely fabulous.





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That's how the folder names are in the NIF file which is where the texture path is actually stored, so its that spelling that matters, though it is not case sensitive.  For some reason then your game is not loading the texture; it should be and you've verified they are there and in the correct folder.  You could maybe try re-extracting the nif files from the zip archive to your mesh folder but I suspect that won't help (couldn't hurt either).  The only other thing I can think of is maybe a form ID within your save game has gotten corrupted or deleted which might cause that.  But there's no way for me to know.


I can't imagine any other mod being the cause because of the way I set the hair models up in their own folder, they shouldn't be used or overwritten by anything else at all.


Plus, I still can't figure out why the NPCs left Fellglow.  I mean I know sort of what must have happened.  Something, somehow gave them a different AI behavior package at the top of the stack and that forced them to do whatever it was set to do.  When that got removed, they went back to their usual behavior which is why you saw them walking out.  But the thing is, how did something apparently add a new behavior package on top of the stack (and that's my best guess as to what happened), and why just the NPC in the camp?   I'll be honest, I'm kind of wondering if your save game isn't corrupted.  Too many really weird things happening.


Wish I could be of more help, but that's pretty much all I got.


I got home from dinner and started investigating more.


You can delete the "\Meshes\actors\character\PAHFelloglowSlaverCamp" folder from what I see it does nothing and it will shrink your mod by 15MBs.

the texture issues reside in the following 6 files in the "Meshes\actors\character\facegendata\FaceGeom\paradise_halls_fellglow_slave_camp.esp" folder they all still have apachiiskyhair references in them. I went through and corrected the paths of each one.


00013BA6.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00014BEE.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Bard

0000994F.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00009947.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018200.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018764.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves


I have the corrected version if you want it. But if i were you Id correct them myself so it wouldn't sneak up on me again in the future :)

I'm digging the sweeping chick and the little Nord Blonde.

thanks again for the great mod and looking forward to the next version.



he found some bugs in those files he's sent the fixes, but can't seem to get jarek's bedroom slave fixed

how's she look at your end after making those changes





She reminds me of old roommate who had an insane under bite. So she's my least favorite but her hair looks absolutely fabulous.





awesome, thanks for the helping info, einar's racking his brain on this to figure it out

i'll relay the info and if he's already made those changes, atleast we know its just skyrim not updating it proper at my end


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I got home from dinner and started investigating more.


You can delete the "\Meshes\actors\character\PAHFelloglowSlaverCamp" folder from what I see it does nothing and it will shrink your mod by 15MBs.

the texture issues reside in the following 6 files in the "Meshes\actors\character\facegendata\FaceGeom\paradise_halls_fellglow_slave_camp.esp" folder they all still have apachiiskyhair references in them. I went through and corrected the paths of each one.


00013BA6.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00014BEE.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Bard

0000994F.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00009947.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018200.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018764.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves


I have the corrected version if you want it. But if i were you Id correct them myself so it wouldn't sneak up on me again in the future :)

I'm digging the sweeping chick and the little Nord Blonde.

thanks again for the great mod and looking forward to the next version.


Those absolutely cannot be deleted.  So far as the hair models they're pretty much the most essential thing.  NIF files contain the actual mesh, the hair model.  As I said before that is where the actual path referencing the hair texture is stored.  I don't know what path you are correcting or in what but the path to the actual hair textures is in the NIF file and must be edited in NifSkope.  You cannot edit NIF files in CK or TES edit.


The face geometry will probably need to be re-exported once I have those fixed, which will automatically update any stored references.  If you did that in TES Edit, you did it the hard way.  I'll re-export the face data sets once I figure out what's happened with this one hair file that refuses to work for Clifton.


If you did delete the NIFs, most likely next time you start a new game you'll have some bald people.  The game will try to call the hair models and it won't have anything to reference.


Glad you like the blond, I tried to make them a bit more interesting and create some variety.


I've done the same in Prettier Bandits... only that was 320+ NPCs.... oiy.


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I got home from dinner and started investigating more.


You can delete the "\Meshes\actors\character\PAHFelloglowSlaverCamp" folder from what I see it does nothing and it will shrink your mod by 15MBs.

the texture issues reside in the following 6 files in the "Meshes\actors\character\facegendata\FaceGeom\paradise_halls_fellglow_slave_camp.esp" folder they all still have apachiiskyhair references in them. I went through and corrected the paths of each one.


00013BA6.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00014BEE.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Bard

0000994F.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00009947.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018200.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves

00018764.NIF >Textures\actors\character\PAH Fellglow Slave Camp\Slaves


I have the corrected version if you want it. But if i were you Id correct them myself so it wouldn't sneak up on me again in the future :)

I'm digging the sweeping chick and the little Nord Blonde.

thanks again for the great mod and looking forward to the next version.


Those absolutely cannot be deleted.  So far as the hair models they're pretty much the most essential thing.  NIF files contain the actual mesh, the hair model.  As I said before that is where the actual path referencing the hair texture is stored.  I don't know what path you are correcting or in what but the path to the actual hair textures is in the NIF file and must be edited in NifSkope.  You cannot edit NIF files in CK or TES edit.


The face geometry will probably need to be re-exported once I have those fixed, which will automatically update any stored references.  If you did that in TES Edit, you did it the hard way.  I'll re-export the face data sets once I figure out what's happened with this one hair file that refuses to work for Clifton.


If you did delete the NIFs, most likely next time you start a new game you'll have some bald people.  The game will try to call the hair models and it won't have anything to reference.


Glad you like the blond, I tried to make them a bit more interesting and create some variety.


I've done the same in Prettier Bandits... only that was 320+ NPCs.... oiy.




I used nifscope. when you created the facegeom of the toon's faces it exported the hair meshes as well. creating the actual new meshes that reference the hair textures. I deleted that folder I mentioned earlier, started a new character and went to fellglow. All looks well on my end.

notice the mesh i'm editing. Its our little blonde's doo. Take note of the filename.




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I've already edited the NiFs on my end, first change I made (also was the first thing I checked).  I've also corrected and error in one hair model's entry in the head parts in CK (there's an incorrect tri file in there I didn't catch).  I've got one more thing to fix and I'm still trying to figure out why the one hair is not updating as it should in Clifton's save game.  From your screen shot, it did update for you which is good (Jerrek's slave is the one and your's looks as she should now).


K, back to edits, its quarter to 2 AM and I should have been in bed over 2 hrs ago... work in the morning is going to suck.

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I've already edited the NiFs on my end, first change I made (also was the first thing I checked).  I've also corrected and error in one hair model's entry in the head parts in CK (there's an incorrect tri file in there I didn't catch).  I've got one more thing to fix and I'm still trying to figure out why the one hair is not updating as it should in Clifton's save game.  From your screen shot, it did update for you which is good (Jerrek's slave is the one and your's looks as she should now).


K, back to edits, its quarter to 2 AM and I should have been in bed over 2 hrs ago... work in the morning is going to suck.


Ditto... but you started it. with your mod.:)

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I've already edited the NiFs on my end, first change I made (also was the first thing I checked).  I've also corrected and error in one hair model's entry in the head parts in CK (there's an incorrect tri file in there I didn't catch).  I've got one more thing to fix and I'm still trying to figure out why the one hair is not updating as it should in Clifton's save game.  From your screen shot, it did update for you which is good (Jerrek's slave is the one and your's looks as she should now).


K, back to edits, its quarter to 2 AM and I should have been in bed over 2 hrs ago... work in the morning is going to suck.


Ditto... but you started it. with your mod. :)



thanks for your help, once he implemented the changes based on your work, it fixed here as well


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I've already edited the NiFs on my end, first change I made (also was the first thing I checked).  I've also corrected and error in one hair model's entry in the head parts in CK (there's an incorrect tri file in there I didn't catch).  I've got one more thing to fix and I'm still trying to figure out why the one hair is not updating as it should in Clifton's save game.  From your screen shot, it did update for you which is good (Jerrek's slave is the one and your's looks as she should now).


K, back to edits, its quarter to 2 AM and I should have been in bed over 2 hrs ago... work in the morning is going to suck.


Ditto... but you started it. with your mod. :)



thanks for your help, once he implemented the changes based on your work, it fixed here as well




My pleasure. Glad I could contribute a small amount for the use of a great mod.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this, but 3 of the Slaver guards have grey faces. I've double checked that NIF/DDS files are in the right location and everything looks fine.


The NPCs are:


Loronr - 00004C8A (He is the most obvious, sitting on a chair outside)

Seguri - 00004724

Arnand - 00004720


All the other NPCs in Fellglow interior and exterior are fine.


I had a look at the file structure and could only find one thing that was odd, there are 2 folders in Meshes\Actors\Character\Facegendata that contain copies of the Facetint files. This in itself wouldn't cause problems, but the file creation dates are newer than the ones being used. Are they meant to be in the Textures?


Other than that, this is a great rebuild and wish I was the owner :D Would be great to take over the operation from Jerrek, he can keep his chimp slave too, damn that girls ugly!

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I'll take a look at the files and make sure everything got exported.  So far as the extra folder, it might have been left over from an early build (1.4.0) where a facetint folder got dropped into the mesh folder by accident.  I thought I had deleted that in the current version, but I'll double check it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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