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Dwemer Milking machine WIP [Help Needed with collision]


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I want to do a replacer for the dwemer milking machine.


I extracted the model in obj with nifscop, tried to import it on blender and re-texture it in substance painter and had some issues.  Coordinate are wrong ( the machine come at a wrong angle) and I also realised that the uv maping ( that wotk perfectly with its texture) was making my project mostly impossible. I will have to make my own uv map and I will probably change the modelling a bit too.


I was wondering if there was a tutorial who explained how to get it right from the nifscop obj to blender and once I have finished remodelling and texturing it how to get it back in the game as a replacer for the original dwemere milking machine. Preferably not a video tutorial as I feel more comfortable with text tutorial. If there isen't any that cover everything to do this, direction on what tool I need to learn to do so will be great.


Also I don't really know in what mod the milking machine actually is as I found it in a skyrim subfolder. I am pretty sure I will need to know this to use the mod as a master for the replacer I intend to do.

Milk mod economy maybe? (edit: I figured it out by accident you can know this by selecting the item in console mod and on the lower right corner it say from where it come.)


I had a lot of fun with milking machine, but was slightly disappointed that the dwemer version didn't look realy dwemer. That's the reason I choose this as a first test project.


Edit: I'm trying this tutorial that may solve parts of my problem with going from nifscop to blender and reverse. ( Or not ^^)




It's for armour conversion so not really about props but I hop it will work the same.


I also have some additional questions.


Is there a list of all the texture map available for texturer in skyrim and how to use them. I mean something like diffuse, glossy, normal, bump, AO, etc... the model I'm trying to rework use normal and diffuse so I know these two exist but I am curious of the other options.


What size of texture is considered acceptable on props like the milking machine? Is 2k too much?


Edit: changed the name of the tread.

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If the .obj is imported to blender at the wrong scale and orientation, it's fine just to scale and rotate it to something comfortable. When you export it again, you can set the orientation and scale in the settings on the left-hand panel. I can never remember what they're supposed to be, so I just find the right settings by trial and error.

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Thx, I just rotated it and will rotate it backward before geting it to the game then. I actualy thinked of it but wasent sur it was a very good idea. If it work for you I guess it's ok then. :D


Edit: I started looking at the model I want to rework and it has a lot of poly. I'm starting to remove some but then I made my last 3d game mod 15 years ago and start thinking maybe low poly dont exactly mean the same these days. What is the generaly admited number of poly acceptable for a complicated furniture in skyrim?

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The base body of the milking machine was around 50k. It looked  high for me. 10k still look high poly to me but well, I'm not compaining. The more poly, the easier to make it look good. I'm working on a remodeling and must be around 10k right now I thinked it was still to much, and probably is since there are other part than the base body in the original mod, but I figured reducing the poly count by 5 was already not that bad. ^^


No idea if I will figure how to solve the other problems, but I finaly found the niftool for blender 2.7x.

I tryed to find it befor but the d/l sexion is empty. I finaly stumbled on a post or tutorial that explained to go find it on the forum of niftool. O_o


That must probably solve the import export problem. I still have no idea how to make a replacer or from what mod the milkOmatik is from but I'm far to have finished remodeling, uv maping and texture it, so I hope I solve these at some point on the way. ^^

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The mesh looks very nice and optimized, good work!


Eh, I'm late to the party as always, but do you really like the way the suction cups are attached here? They are basically floating and they are usually clipping for most users.

Its probably suggestion for another model, but I posted an alternative solution here (untested): http://www.loverslab.com/topic/56227-freelancer-for-hire-will-work-for-fun/page-2?do=findComment&comment=1436882


Btw, if you are looking for even more inspiration, look here: https://shanachan.org/fetish/res/11776.html



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Yes I have seen that but that wont work for what I had in mind but I will do without it. The idea was to have diferent UV for diferent texture map on the same part of the object.


Let say for exemple I dont need normal map on some suface but I need a difuse map for everything. It alow you to have diferent map on the same object and have a better definition for the normal in this exemple, so you may use a smaller texture and save some memory space. I'm not totaly sure what map I will use but as I was in the process of doing the UV I was wondering if this option was avalaible.


3d program support this and I think most recent game too but skyrim is not one of them. It give me an excuse not to use to many map this way and do less uv unwrap. :D


Thx for the compliment on the modeling. I m not that hapy with it myself but I hope I get better thats my first skyrim project after all. I reduced the poly count from 47k in the existing model to under 6k triangle at this point, I hope it will be enough. If it isent, I think I have a good margin for that now.


I may have more trouble with optimising the texture part. The original version use a lot of tyling and is very well textured. I may be less optimal on this side, plus I never used normal map as I'm used to make render directly in blender cycles with high poly model who dont require this kind of tricks. I will try my best but the textures may well be not as good as the original ones and heavier memory side. That was why I was looking at way to get it lighter.


I dont plan to touch anything other than the base model as it is my first atempt at a skyrim mod and I already have a lot to learn to get this working. The suction cup are animated, folow the body etc... that's far out of my reach for now. ^^


The maker of milk mod economy accepted to add it in his mod, assuming I succeed doing somthing that work and he didnt see it for now I think so I hope he wont change his mind. That's a good motivation to get it done.^^

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I dont plan to touch anything other than the base model as it is my first atempt at a skyrim mod and I already have a lot to learn to get this working. The suction cup are animated, folow the body etc... that's far out of my reach for now. ^^

Well, the current suctions cups are basically armor skinned to breast bones, there is nothing animated about them.


But since they are skined to boobs only (by design) its hard to make them fit. And since they are basically inside these milk containers and not connected to machine mesh in any way, an single alignment mismatch on animation side or skeleton version makes it extremely visible (they are clipping as fuck).


Its something that could be corrected by this "cable milker" design I linked above. These tiny misalignments would be less visible, because they wouldnt be "happening" in front of boobs.


The maker of milk mod economy accepted to add it in his mod, assuming I succeed doing somthing that work and he didnt see it for now I think so I hope he wont change his mind. That's a good motivation to get it done.^^

There is also another milk themed mod that could use it probably, and I'm sure there is more to come. You don't need to worry about your model not being used for sure. ;)

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I keep that in mind if I reach a point where I know the moding tool enough to do it. I will love alternate sucion cup myself to be honest.


But for now I'm already woried about bein able to make this part work corectly. I probably have a lot to learn before it can be integrated in any mods. Not speakink of finishing it. I have made the uv maping today tomorow I will probably start the premiss of the texturing. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm still workin on it.


I added som detail on the back fence mirored on the rear view. I'm not sure I let them as is on the rear view since the machine will probably face a wall here and it add a lot of poly for nothing in that case. Maybe just changing the cow head for somthing more basic may save me a lot of triangle.


I initialy was thinking on using these on a normal map but since I m still far under 10k poly I will probably just keep the mesh.


I advance slowlly since I had trouble with normal and failed to fix them for 2 day befor giving up and remodel all the corupted part. Plus I play far to much.


The color are just guide for diferent material area. The grey in my mind is for where I will try to use stone texture, the two shade of metal are just to see how I splited my materials they will not show diferently once textured aint I change my mind, again.


There were some little design change since I mostly remodeled half the thing since last screen shot. The image is a fast cycle render so I could be sure the normal werent off this time. Still not sur why they were before, I suspect the import since I had to basicaly remove everything from the original model aint two pipe. Or they are just off in the base model and the original maker didnt care since he had the reflection right with normal maps.


I suspect I need some bevel here and there but for now I will try with this shape, until I change my mind and redo everything again.


I can't decide betwin making the front fence stone or metal but thats not realy an issue. I can texture stone even if it is on the a metal material group so I can decide later.


Assuming I'm able to texture stone and/or metal. lol



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If you find any further problem areas you can't get to work, post up a .blend and I'll take a look at it.
In general, if the normals aren't behaving and ctrl+n doesn't make them behave, you can flip the normals on an individual basis (there's no hotkey, just hit spacebar and type "flip normals" and the command should come up).

Also, don't forget to check for faces or edges inside your mesh that aren't supposed to be there: they wreak havok with your normals.


Also, if you want texturing help, post your problems and I'll help out. It might be useful info for other modders.

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It is kind to offer.


It was a little more complicated than recalculate normal outside, remove double, flip normal or I will not be still puzzeled by their behavior. I m prety used to model thing, not that skiled but these are the basics. ^^


I think I had the good advice on a blender forum, just after finishing remodeling everything of course. I posibly try his solution when all is finished and I have nothing else to do. Somthing about individual normal seting in object data or somthing like that caused by the import. The guy had this issue on import when moding wow so it may make sens.


I however would not hesitate to post a .blend and use help if I hit a wall and canot go further at one point.


I may well have trouble with texturing since my starting motivation at moding was to use a new texturing softwar I wanted to try for years and buyed 2 month ago ( I buyed a couple game at the same time so I didnt try it right away.) I already have a couple of unansweared question related to texture in my first post but I'm prety sure more will come out. Especialy if I reach the point when I have to get the model with his iexture in the game, but probably before that too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I restarted working on this project after a little pose to do another one.


It's not finished and will probably never look as good in skyrim as in the 3d render here but if I figure out how to export the texture right for skyrim it may not look that bad either I hope. ^^




Not sure if it will have the light reflection in skyrim since it mean using one of these fake world reflection box and may look weird in interior. Plus I m not sure I will be able to get it in game at a point since I m really noob at modding skyrim.

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Ok, the image bellow may look like its a total fail. It's to show I managed to get the model in the game. The texture are totally off and it's only a manual install replacer but I'm pretty happy as I didn't know if I will be able to figure out how to get that far.


I think my UVmaping is off in the game and that's why it look like nothing. I have to figure that out. I'm pretty sure it will not be the only problem but that's definitely the main one.


The crazy textured milking machine in action with one of my follower who volunteered to try it. Yeah the alignment is off as well but that's happening a lot with the original one as well so I don't think it's relevant here.





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Still look like nothing but I got the texture in the right place.


I think I just Linked them wrongly the first time in fact. Not sure since I changed the UV setup too and then figured I had some texture linked to the wrong mesh.


I have to figure out how to make them look good now.



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Hmm, its getting interesting. Do you plan to add some custom modeled cage or will you reuse the original one?


I have no clue what you mean by cage. Is it a cage that trap the cow inside the machine or is it some props concept of skyrim that I'm not aware off?


If its a cage that trap the "cow", there is one originally more and less in the original model, maybe only on the model with the arm-binders but I'm not totally sure I didn't really used the dwemer milk machine a lot. So at this point I'm more about trying to figure out how to get this part to work properly, look decent and be made into a working mod. I didn't even opened CK at this point so it's far from certain I manage to do so. Remaking the cage may be interesting at some point but I'm not that far into the thinking.


For now I just hijacked the original dwemer milking machine, imported my 3d models inside instead of the original one and basically when I spawn a dwemer milking machine it pop mine instead and use all the animated part of the original one.


I don't have the first clue how to do a standalone version so far, but I try to take one problem at the time. ^^


If anyone know better and can give me direction he will be most welcome.


By the way I figured the strange pixilated artefact come from my specular map and disappear if I remove it. I probably made an error in using alphas when I exported it but the software I use to make the texture is pretty new to me and I'm struggling to get it to export things that are skyrim ready and far from it but even if I don't succeed I can pull out something better looking from the map I have with some postwork in Photoshop I hope.

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Hmm, its getting interesting. Do you plan to add some custom modeled cage or will you reuse the original one?

I have no clue what you mean by cage. Is it a cage that trap the cow inside the machine (...)

Yes, I meant the one you posted four posts earlier - the binding equipment holding the cow inside. I wonder if you will make totally new one to fit your new Dwemerish style or you will somewhat reuse the original?


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Honestly I wasn't planing to touch any animated things but maybe if I succeed with this part I see to that next as it is a good idea. The fact that it's animated may pose more problem though and I'm not sure I succeed with this non animated part already. ^^

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It's great that you take interest in the milking stuff and i hope you finish your project.The lactation fetish has very little content in skyrim modding and that's sad for all us 'milk drinkers'

It would be really nice if you made more content as resources that would give more variety in Ed86's milk mod economy.

I am thinking of a milking machine that has stages.In these stages, the cow would be milked in different ways, for example, the milking as it already happens in milk mod economy would be the first stage,then, the dwemer machine would transforn so as to have the cow being milked this way












that is, with hands binded and raised

then, standing with hands binded behind like this






then, being held in the air and binded by both hands and legs by the machine as shown here






then turned on the back like here (futa image)






Lastly, at last stage hand milked by othe npc like shown here







The estrus mod has come with a really nice way imolementing the transisions between stages and also has really nice animations for the actor being tormented by the tentacles


estrus stuff happens at 10:33


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Haha, I like your enthusiasm but your propositions are far above my knowledge for now. ^^


I have another issue that I don't have the first clue how to fix.


I had to cute the machine in 3 since skyrim don't deal with stacked UV ( or I didn't find how) and something very strange is happening.


The strange thing is 2 of the part work well but the third ( that was part of the same base model and had been made exactly the same way don't.


As you can see in this nifscop screen shot some part have their normal completely messed up. It show pretty well in the above arch for example when the forward arch is perfect. I tried exporting it from different save of the original mesh re-cut it verified the smooth and flat part where set right, export from quads, from triangles.Waterver I do it always come up messed up.




Once you seen it in the non textured screen shot you probably can see the problem on the previous screen shot as well. I spotted it as soon as I got the model in the game and assumed I messed up my flat/smooth faces and it will take me like 2 min to fix it so I let it for latter. now is latter but I didn't messed up the flat smooth part and have no clue what can be the reason.


To get the model from blender to nifscop I used the export as 3ds from blender and import the 3ds from nifscop. It work well for the 2 other parts but this one don't want to work.


If any one has a clue I'm totally out of idea on this.


I have plenty of other problem right now I advanced in my comprehension of how to get reflection but I think my normal map don't actually change the normal right now. No clue why either but I didn't really try to fix it until now so I may find out at some point.

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It's great that you take interest in the milking stuff and i hope you finish your project.The lactation fetish has very little content in skyrim modding and that's sad for all us 'milk drinkers'

It would be really nice if you made more content as resources that would give more variety in Ed86's milk mod economy.

I am thinking of a milking machine that has stages.In these stages, the cow would be milked in different ways, for example, the milking as it already happens in milk mod economy would be the first stage,then, the dwemer machine would transforn so as to have the cow being milked this way












that is, with hands binded and raised

then, standing with hands binded behind like this






then, being held in the air and binded by both hands and legs by the machine as shown here






then turned on the back like here (futa image)






Lastly, at last stage hand milked by othe npc like shown here







The estrus mod has come with a really nice way imolementing the transisions between stages and also has really nice animations for the actor being tormented by the tentacles


estrus stuff happens at 10:33


Now that I think of it my other mod contribution is also for "Milk Drinkers".

I made cow related tattoo sets for the mod SlaveTats last week.


You can have a look at previous image in this post and they are all packed in Androol Pet Play under slaveTats Download page. Of course you need the slaveTats mod to use them.




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