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Hirsute Men
for Skyrim
Mod pack by bromoborland, 2015


Time for a hairy male body pack! Here's one with options for vanilla body, SOS and SOS Light.


These textures are carefully selected and combined from well known mods. The base comes from Bodyhair Nude Male HD by MysticBinary92 and Better Male Feet by MagicNakor. SOS textures are based on Another Hairy Body Textures for Schlongs of Skyrim by Tiranno71. I had to adjust them slightly to fix some seams with SOS Light.


All authors have given permission to redistribute their work and the credit goes to them.
Wonderful folk, thanks so much!


Bodyhair Nude Male HD


Better Male Feet


Another Hairy Body Textures for Schlongs of Skyrim


Schlongs of Skyrim


There's also a bonus male character presets esp that goes along well with these textures.
They are NPC characters already appearing in the game, converted to player presets. Mostly
Nord race, but a few Breton and Elf presets are also included. Note that many mods
alter the race form where the presets are stored and you may either get no presets or
break the other mod, so you should check with TES5Edit for problems with Hirsute Presets.esp
and create your own merged patch for your setup.




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