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Looking for a female Orc skin, worthy of an Orc


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This might not be to everybodies liking, but in my opinion Orcs aren't just green "attractive" women with tusks. When I think of an female Orc, I'd imagine a sturdy, full figured female, able to kick anybodies' behind, not care about others opinion, able to wolf down large chunks of meat and drink a lot of mead and one that would flirt with a wild boar if the situation arose XD


Bodyslide already helps with the shape, but I'd like a skin with some proof of battles fought and rough encounters had, unshaved pubics (in fact, let her wear her bristles proud), something that doesn't look shaved, smoothed and oiled but honest, gritty and dirty. And don't misunderstand me, I'm not looking for something deliberately "gross" or monster-esque, just something I think would fit the personality of an Orc - which is just the opposite of the often seen "supermodel" type of bodies and skins.


Nexusmods doesn't offer anything in that direction. Is there something like this or is someone intereested in working on something?

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I've been lying in wait for a decent body texture that wouldn't belong to some never-seen-the-sun sheltered lass, but I've yet to find one. Vanilla's skin texture is swanky in that regard.


There is a "Mature" texture pack kicking around on the Nexus that does have some weathered body textures, but the details are so small that, when you aren't zoomed in on the character's face, it might as well just be an airbrush-esque texture.

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I've been lying in wait for a decent body texture that wouldn't belong to some never-seen-the-sun sheltered lass, but I've yet to find one. Vanilla's skin texture is swanky in that regard.


There is a "Mature" texture pack kicking around on the Nexus that does have some weathered body textures, but the details are so small that, when you aren't zoomed in on the character's face, it might as well just be an airbrush-esque texture.


The mature skin is quite good, I use it but it doesn't seem to work with Orcs, at least I don't see a difference with them. But it's already a good direction, but not "far enough".

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