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CTD on sleep only


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I have a very heavly  modded game, and with the advice of many of the great contributers here,was able to have pretty much a stable game.  I try to read as much as possible and fix things on my own so I learn more about what I am doing.  This latest problem though, I have not seen a single post on it, and I have searched 37 pages of posts.  So I am looking for someone to point me in the right direction to begin with.  I thought I had everything working properly and was working my way through the cursed armor mod, and per instructions, sleeping was to advance the questline.  Now every time I try to sleep I CTD. Actually I crash and it says Oblivion has stopped working, I don't go completely to the desktop like other crashes.  My longwinded question is this.  Does this sound like a mod compatability issue, a load order issue, or basic game mechanics?


P.S In my search I just found a thread stating Not to use NMM, or loot.  I am, so I might just need to start all over, but after 100+ mods with a very playable game I thought I was ok until now.  Comming over from Skyrim, I didn't think to use something else.  6 months ago, I didn't know what a mod was, so thats probably a good indication of how new of a newbie I am. Thank you all for any help, and all the help in the past.

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Oblivion and NMM and LOOT = NO NO NO ! ! !

Read my yellow Link below.


".....and per instructions, sleeping was to advance the questline."

 Do you have a sleep Mod installed ? like See you sleep ? deactivate it and try again.

 Or load a old save before the "sleep" quest and try to sleep.

If the game crashes deactivate cursed armor mod and start a new game, after the prison find the nesxt bed and try to sleep. If the game crashes you know it's not cursed armor mod. Deactivate other Mods which alter sleep, one by one till the game does not crashes.



"Does this sound like a mod compatability issue, a load order issue, or basic game mechanics?"

How should we know? Post your Load order !

But it's not a "basic game mechanics" bug ! Sleep works well vanilla and modded Oblivion.




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Thank you fejeena, I think I have a lot of work to do.  Reading thru your VERY well written and informative guide,(yellow link), I have done many things wrong.  I'm going to print this out, and start over.  Even though my game was working somewhat, I was probably heading down a road of major problems.  I have two more questions if you don't mind...and have time to reply, first would be, can I deactivate the mods in NMM and delete each one and start over, or is there more I should do to start using Oblivion mod manager. Second question is more general and one I have been fighting with even modding Skyrim....when you are adding mods and the author does not specify, and you are being asked if you want to overwrite a file from another mod, how do you know if you are ok to do so.  The only sort of rule I have found is you never want to overwrite your skeleton, but even at that, i see you  say that the skeleton will be overwritten somewhat in your  instalation from the link.  Is it just luck, or is there a method to the maddness.

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I prefer Oblivion Modmanager or TESModManager.

If you want to Switch to OblivionModmanger it's better you start a new Installation. ( And Create OMods. )

But if you have installed all Mods manually you can delete the NMM, then install the OMM. Then sort your Mods with the OMM ( first run BOSS, then sort Lovers Mods and Mods BOSS does not know  manually )




The Skeleton: LAPF needs the LAPF Skeleton. You can first in stall the universal Skeleton to thes the game ( you need it for BBB Body and Armors ) then install Lovers (LAPF) and let overwrite the Skeleton.

And in my yellow Link I told : allways unpack Mods before Installation , so you can delete Skeletons ( and other files) you don't want and need.

If I do a clean install I test the base game Oblivion and all DLCs) and if all works I install more Mods and test again after 5-6 new Mods. Because find a bug after installed 100 Mods at once is nearly impossible.


Overwrite other files....It depends on the Situation. Update a Mod = overwrite.  Other situations ?  If you have the unpacked Mod in a Folder you can check the file in the Folder and in you game Folder and decide which you want to have, then click overwrite Yes or No.


And some Mods/readme) tell you that you must overwrite ( e.g. LoversCreatures2 must overwrite 2 LAPF esp )


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I'm curious about this Mod Organizer as a possible alternative to OBMM and TES Mod Manager. Not entirely sure if it will work for Oblivion, but it's worth a try. It has some interesting features missing in other mod managers. Each mod is installed in a separate folder, doesn't actually write anything in the Data folder and data from conflicting mods aren't actually overwritten, but rather overridden (based on the load order, I think). Resources are packed in bsa files, and it is possible to set priority rules for them. The only drawback I see in following this approach is that mods require more disk space (because of the duplicated/redundant files).


For now I'm still using OBMM. When I have doubts about conflicts introduced by a new mod, I usually create a backup of the files that will be overwritten. If I have second thoughts, I can always uninstall the new mod and restore the backup.


@ nufndash, specifically

Do you have active mods that interfere with the vanilla sleeping behavior (See You Sleep, for instance)? Try deactivating the mod (for See You Sleep, this means also deleting the .dll file from the OBSE plugins folder), advance in the cursed armor quest, and then reenable it. There is a problem involving See You Sleep and "Though a nightmare, darkly" vanilla quest, if I recall correctly, and what I suggested is the workaround commonly used.

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What the hell, things have gone from a little glitch to now I can't load Oblivion or Skyrim.  They were working fine 8 hours ago. Oblivion failed to load error 80 I think is what it said.  Restarted Steam and did not help, anyone out there having the same problem. All my games are legal downloads purchased through steam, nothing pirated.  I was all excited to get my Oblivion reinstalled properly with the help of fegeena's  guide, but I can't even get started now.  Guess I will start researching error 80 code. :@

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