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Pinup Poser - How do I place an NPC for paired poses?


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When I simply use a follower and let her wait at a certain spot I can hardly adjust my own character for a paired pose with her without pushing the follower away. How do I avoid collision here? And is there an option to place an NPC pricesely on the spot I want to? Like adjusting the coordinates with the console?

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I would recommend you install this mod as well: 



It let's you move objects and npcs around as you like. Very helpful for positioning the Paired-poses.

it's a useful mod for decorating no doubt.


but i can't effectively use it on my pc because of the many hotkeys it makes. already have tons of them for various mods and it would get out of hand

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another problem: Sometimes when I switch to free camera mode my player character will collide with other NPCs even if I deactivated collision via tcl before. So it's possible to align my character and NPCs for paired poses, but as soon as I use the free camera my character gets pushed away from the NPC.

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getpos, setpos, getangle z, setangle z. Much more precise than trying to nudge your character into place over a still NPC.


Basically what you do is select your character or the character you want to move in the console and type "getpos x" to get their position on the x axis. It'll tell you a number. Then you type "setpos x {number)" where the number is where you want them to be on the x axis. So, if I getpos x and it's x= -2366.80, and I want to shift them over, I'll type "setpos x -2350". You can setpos to the hundredths place, so you have very fine control of where your character will end up. Same goes for setpos y.


Getangle is a little trickier. Your character can face any of 360 degrees. You can getangle z to see what degree they're facing, and tweak it to your needs. But they won't turn if tai is toggled off!


As for free camera, use tfc 1 instead of just tfc. tfc 1 freezes time, basically, so no one will get pushed away until after you tfc again. It makes shots in the rain or shots that rely on animated things difficult, but it's reliable.

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Hey, have someone had a strange behavior for a Poser mods (Halo or others), that use *Power* key to play an animation for Npc or self ? I use a assgd key but got a vanilla sound ,like i used it. Noticed long ago but didn't find answers.Who knows what's the problem ?  

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