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I don't have a problem with them doing a TCG based on TES...but I do have a serious problem with them pushing an E3 reveal on it with nothing but a voice actor and some bad concept art and no game to show. Pretty serious professional fumble imho.


Anyways, all the "big companies" are doing what all the other "big companies" are doing now. Blizzard has its own TF2 coming out and just released its own LoL/DoTA clone last month, now Bethesda is just following the same pattern. Publishing a horrifying TF2 clone, and pushing out their own TCG to try to get in on Hearthstone's action...all they need now is a MOBA and they'll be offering all the same products their major competing studios offer. Perhaps after they get the MOBA done they'll work on a CS:GO clone.


Who knows, in today's industry of creatively dead dev studios.

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one thing though

paid mods was a steam idea not beth's


Lol did you live under a rock?


It was Beth/Valve idea and if beth don't agree no go.


But luckly the power was with gamers and Beth/Valve had to capitulate and dismiss the whole idea.


Power to the gamers!


Now to topic totally no interest in this kind of card crap.

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I don't get the whole hate against Beth for doing it.

After all they are a company that wants and needs to make money.

Better they try it with a TCG than with taking money from mods :P


I imagine it something like that:

Person A: "Hey, during our meeting we saw that there could be money made with a digital Skyrim Trading Card Game, they are a thing right now, so why don't we have one, yet?"

Person B: "But the people who buy our games probably are not interested in this kind of game."

Person A: "How do you know? The shareholders want more money, so do something about it."

Person B: "HEY, New Guy! Grab two interns and start creating a TCG based on Skyrim!"


If I were into TCGs, I would prefer one set in a game universe I like, so Skyrim would be a good choice for me. I am not into them, though, so I will just not buy and play it.


*wanders off, mumbling* I wonder how hard it would be to create LL-worthy card mods for it... ;)

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If they want to make money, then they should make a fucking game people would want to pay money for. Instead, this is just a shameless far too late shitty f2p TCG bandwagon jump to further milk the consumer by nickle and diming you for stupid bullshit.


Next they'll just charge for tech demos.

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Already abandoning Bethesda they becoming second EA greed company and dumb down games come with craptastic ESO abomination.


Not worth spending  my money anymore on Bethesda games.


I fear worse for Elder Scrolls: VI


I agree Bethesda is on a slippery slope lately. However, the TES and Fallout series in general I don't think they dare fuck up xP

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Already abandoning Bethesda they becoming second EA greed company and dumb down games come with craptastic ESO abomination.


Not worth spending  my money anymore on Bethesda games.


I fear worse for Elder Scrolls: VI


I agree Bethesda is on a slippery slope lately. However, the TES and Fallout series in general I don't think they dare fuck up xP



They already fucked up so much with Skyrim, so until I see otherwise, I'm just assuming the next game will be even worse.

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Rumors and Statements




Microsoft's E3 announcement for Fallout 4 mods coming to Xbox One was a revelation last week and it turns out that PlayStation 4 owners will get in on the action too. If Sony agrees that is. 

When asked by Digital Spy  if Bethesda is making plans to roll out mods across PS4, Fallout 4 creative director Todd Howard said "We will be. Well, we're going to make every effort to. If Sony says no, we won't, but I don't think they will. But, you know, it will come out on PC first. So early 2016, the creation mod for the PC, and then we're going to make that work on the Xbox One, and then we're going to do the PS4 version." In other good news, after the chaos regarding Steam's recent foray into paid mods in the Steam Workshop, Bethesda has already confirmed that there will be no pricing structure whatsoever.





Howard also spoke a little about how the mods will be delivered to Fallout 4 fans playing, which will give them complete control on how they are delivered and what will be allowed. As far as turning away content, the developer mentioned that they don’t expect to be too strict when it comes to disallowing specific pieces of content. Typically, only nudity or Fallout 4 mods that use stolen assets will be removed.

“The plan is that it goes through Bethesda.net, but… outside of things that we would normally take down — we take down things on Steam Workshop if it’s got things that are illegal, or things like that — we’ll do the same thing.”

In addition to introducing mods to consoles with Fallout 4, Bethesda is also moving the series forward thanks to the more powerful hardware power that is afforded due to the current-gen platforms. Transcribing Howards comments from the developers E3 panel, Gameranx recounted the game director’s thoughts on the improving the visuals and memory of Fallout 4.


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I hate card games they are so incredibly boring! Hearthstone could be used as a form of torture to extract info from captured terrorists. Just show them pictures of miley cyrus and force them to play hearthstone and they will talk within minutes.


I don't think we will ever see another single player offline elderscrolls game again. ESO is make money or bust and they don't see any profit in another skyrim type game. The amount of time people have to play a game like skyrim is dramatically decreasing, where the time it takes to play a crappy card game from work is increasing. People already do facebook and twitter and other narcissistic shit from work most of the day now so if they can get paid to do that on twitch then the money rolls in for both sides. I think that is the future of gaming, crap games that can be played from anywhere and both sides get some financial compensation from it or at least there is the false promise of that for the players.

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