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Black meshes instead of textures

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I have installed QTP3 and a LOT of retex mods. It happens mostly in grass textures but sometimes interiors.

I've tried using OBMM BSA Redirection. I don't exactly know how to do it using Wrye Bash, so please be patient with me.

Thanks in advance






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Black is generally a problem rendering, either the preset or the video card you have.  Remember, oblivion is a CPU bottlenecked game that only uses one core.  Having a low Ghz quad core is actually worse than having a higher Ghz dual or single core for oblivion......go figure.


The trick with Oblivion is install things one at a time and then test.  You will find your limit faster and with less headache that way.  Also, you may need to turn off HDR and bloom and some of that.  Try things without graphic enhancements and at very low settings to see if you can make things work.


Generally speaking, missing textures cause the meshes to show up pink.

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