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witcher 3 lack of sex scenes and mods


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hey there as migth some of you know the 16 mocap hours was either a fake or they dint use it


it goes have repetive sex scenes , and 2 average made body models  the 2 can be fixed with mods


but the 1 the cut scenes im not surem it supposed to be more moddable than w2  


do you think that it will be possible for us to edit the scenes or add new scenes?  they used caped data for that so how can we add new animations


seems it will be too hard us to fix it no?

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Here's the mod I'd want:


*contains SPOILERS related to endgame*




At the end of the main story, you'll get an option to continue to play the game as Ciri in a sandbox "witching" game on the same map, which makes sense and compatible with the ending.


- Starting from level 1 and with no level restrictions, you'll get XP by killing things.

- Full access to inventory, map and everything else that Geralt was able to use.

- Full access to witcher signs and skill tree (to be learned).

- Will be able to interact with places of power.

- Will be able to buy a horse or get one as a reward. 

- Will be able to talk, barter and play gwent with Geralt in the tavern.

- and of course, options to have sex with people, by using the in-game (or additional) animations with positions switched.





I wonder what would be the name of a sex framework for TW3. :lol:


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Here's the mod I'd want:


*contains SPOILERS related to endgame*




At the end of the main story, you'll get an option to continue to play the game as Ciri in a sandbox "witching" game on the same map, which makes sense and compatible with the ending.


- Starting from level 1 and with no level restrictions, you'll get XP by killing things.

- Full access to inventory, map and everything else that Geralt was able to use.

- Full access to witcher signs and skill tree (to be learned).

- Will be able to interact with places of power.

- Will be able to buy a horse or get one as a reward. 

- Will be able to talk, barter and play gwent with Geralt in the tavern.

- and of course, options to have sex with people, by using the in-game (or additional) animations with positions switched.





I wonder what would be the name of a sex framework for TW3. :lol:


Your mod Idea hits the nail right on the head.




I really dislike the way the game handles the ending (putting you back in time with the main quest unavailable).


Also It would be really cool if CD Projekt RED made a spin off game with Ciri exploring new worlds as a witcher.




Mod Idea: A new brothel named "The Wild Cunt".

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i posted this not coz im hasty or anything.... you got it wrong  its just to inform you what the game currently offers  


and your opinions about how easy will be to mod this game  cutscenes mainly  , i never did it some migth have done something in the past or got more knowlege , and plus there i no such topic in the forums so that why i maked it ,


coz the game advertising the 16 mocap lol hours and it got like 16 mins spicy cut scenes.. i think if they made it good as the scenes in w2 but with more none human and quests possible solution as the trailer  nigth to be  remembered ( if it had the option to do it instead of killing her )  the quest with sucubus that in already


in the game,      the sword traning with the noble woman that felt it was going that way...but no... , and other quest that should have existed since its witcher world


like dryads like in witcher 1  




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i know i expected  3 hours or so or 2 minimum given the size of the game and team that were working was x10 times bigger  the game got 17 mins of sex scenes


witcher 2 had more made by 25 devs  w3 maded by 280  or so , so you say 16 hour mocap =17 mins  repetive scenes? coz they arent unique  the actualy uniques scens are 5 mins or 6 rest are copy paste


they cuted alot of content

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I hope they release the modding kit for W3 really soon. W2's modding pretty much never existed because they released the kit like 2 years later at which point no one had much interest left to learn how to mod the game.... Shame really because I heard it was a good toolkit.


I don't expect them to reach anywhere near Skyrim levels but it would be great if a solid modding community develops around it anyway. I know Nexus started a page for it but so far it's looking really empty.

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hey there as migth some of you know the 16 mocap hours was either a fake or they dint use it



This "16 mocap hours" was just bad translation. They never claimed there is 16 hours of mocap sex scenes in Witcher 3. In one interview in Polish, someone from CD Projekt said that mocap session for sex/romance scenes took them 16 hours. Some idiot translate it wrongly and non-Polish media made big deal out of it. Probably some morons from Kotaku or Polygon. So now you all know. But I really hope there will be some sex mods later. Maybe some longer scenes. Sex options with some other female characters. I was so hoping for some sexy time after those sword fighting courses (no, I dont talking about Ciri you perverts ;) with one of those twin sisters. With both of them would be even better :)


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i will try to make some mods  in this game probably i will try make faces better than ice queen (1.0 not the zzjay version ) or better  i can only hope they will relase soon as they said..


the CR kit  ,  personaly i dont like triss 6/10 or less   other models needs fixing too exept maybe yens  , the game got 2 or 3 models 1 the slim (yen and some other) chubby(triss and some other)  old (a edited version of slim)  (ciri either got unique one or edited one )

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The "adult" scenes in this game are underwhelming, to say the least. I was expecting something at least mildly...well done..seeing as the rest of the game is fairly great. 


Alas, I was horribly disappointed in the adult aspects of the game. Thankfully, the rest of the game, as I said, is pretty great :D

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The only thing I can see people making is more revealing clothing for characters, even if people were able to "extended" the sex scenes the animation will most likely be horrible especially compared to the mocap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know if the sex scenes themselves are in-game or just video files? If it's the latter would it be possible to replace said files with SFM porn?


This was possible in Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Someone started doing this for DA:O but never finished sadly.



The scenes are fully ingame scripted. You can easily get the console command mod and use the free flying cam mod during the scenes.


Sadly, modding the game like Skyrim and co won't be possible unless we get the CD mod kit and a possibility removing that nonsense file limitation!

How the hell got CD projects into using such a stupid outdated mechanics of old MMORPG stuff, like preventing game hacks and getting advantage of whatever. Causing such mess on a singleplayer game makes no sense after all.

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