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Mirroring NPC's

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Sup everyone


So I have a semi complicated question/ want. I use a mod that has NPC's mirrored off of other NPC's in the game. Example: Alaina is a duplicated body of Anneke Crag Jumper, who is re-textured thanks to Bijin's Warmaidens. Therefore Alaina looks like Anneke's BW model.


I want to do that for other npc's in the same mod, possibly other mods. This is for private use, not redistribution. Is there a way to do this?


Note: Please answer with simpleton logic. I am not a modder, I am "eehh" with creation kit. So please keep it simple (Like 1+1 = 2, not 1+1 = chair.)


Thanks ya'll





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Duplicate a character is pretty simple actually, as simple as putting your mouse over the character you want to duplicate, right click and select duplicate. Next thing is to rename it (because it will have a name like Alainaduplicate) and place it somewhere in the game. Is a 10 sec work actually.


The problem here is the customization of the character, the skin, the perk, etc.. that take a lot of time (depending on your skills)

If you want more info, I would suggest you to read the following tutorial:


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Duplicate a character is pretty simple actually, as simple as putting your mouse over the character you want to duplicate, right click and select duplicate. Next thing is to rename it (because it will have a name like Alainaduplicate) and place it somewhere in the game. Is a 10 sec work actually.






The problem here is the customization of the character, the skin, the perk, etc.. that take a lot of time (depending on your skills)


If you want more info, I would suggest you to read the following tutorial:



Thank you for that. I semi understand that already.


What I am wanting is to mirror the model of an existing npc, to that of another. Is there a way to do that? Keep in mind the model wanted is effected by a mod.

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