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Game crash pro tip.


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Something I figured out through frustrations with game-crashing. If you have issues with  crashing  when you hit continue from the start screen try this. Start a new game and then from that new game load your current save. It works about 95% of the time when  I crash from clicking continue. I'm not sure if this is common knowledge but I thought  I would share anyway. Hope this helps. 

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You should probably consider why that works. i.e. the gamebryo engine and/or additional components installed arn't initializing completely to the state of the game when the save was made. Which can sometimes be seen if you die and reload from a previous save immediately and see effects are still playing out from the pre load instance or MCM menu items are ticked which weren't ticked on that particular save but had been ticked before you just loaded the save after playing with another save. (Personally always close down the game on death, (or generally if just loading an old save), and restart - same with FO:NV & Oblivion). 

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You have toomuch mods and probably bad mods with conflicts.

Try to uninstall some mods.(the idea is to have 150 mods max)


After use theses tools:





last tools are for cleaning your Skyrim.

That will don't resolve your crash by magic, but that will help for a better base.


Thoses tips are just the beginning for have a stable Skyrim.


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Your doing something wrong if you feel the need to make this topic.


You have wrong game setup and bad install plus mods who are not compatible or crappy computer who just can't run what you have installed.


I rarely crash(even before sheson memory patch) and if i crash i just start again login on save single cell with no npc's around and problems solved but it rarely happens.




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