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male or female character


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Hi, what's up people?


Well, I want to create a new character and I have a doubt, should I create a female or a male character?


In one hand, I REALLY LOVE PLAYING FEMALES CHARACTER, I love creating and making them pretty, killing men brutally, in fact, I have spent a lot of time creating a new one and her backstory for one or two months, but on the other hand I hardly ever play with male characters, and I'm thinking of a male character (probably orc) who goes from town to town, from inn to inn , fucking with girls and using amorous adventures. I don't have enough time for having two characters.


What do you think, people?


PD; Sorry my english, It is not my native language and I have thousands of mistakes :P

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I pretty much always play female characters in any game, this goes back to the time when most of the stuff I played was 3rd person and I would rather look at a woman's backside than a man's any day, and it has pretty much stuck with me, my automatic reaction on starting a new game that allows it is go for female.


And in case it matters I am male, I tend to use different user names for each and every game/forum I am part of.

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Guest Comrade DR. MAHUJ DIK

I play as both and thats what Ive learned: depends on the backstory and character objective. Wich kind of character you want to build? And whats its backstory? If you tell me maybe I can help.

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Hi, what's up people?


Well, I want to create a new character and I have a doubt, should I create a female or a male character?


In one hand, I REALLY LOVE PLAYING FEMALES CHARACTER, I love creating and making them pretty, killing men brutally, in fact, I have spent a lot of time creating a new one and her backstory for one or two months, but on the other hand I hardly ever play with male characters, and I'm thinking of a male character (probably orc) who goes from town to town, from inn to inn , fucking with girls and using amorous adventures. I don't have enough time for having two characters.


What do you think, people?


PD; Sorry my english, It is not my native language and I have thousands of mistakes :P


I have 2 characters:

1 male and 1 female.


And i play 2 differents stories, simply.


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For me personally I get more immersed in the game when I roleplay with a man. I always created hot females but I get more distracted watching her ass than actually adventure through the world. Also I feel more in touch in my character that way. If you want sexy element just take a hot follower. 

It really helps immersion if You first make a short backstory for Your character, his motives and goals and stuff ;)

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