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The Trans-Khajiit Dream in CBBE!


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Hi Y'all...
Not that it really matters here, but to spare future confusion... I am a Bi-Gender/ Transsexual being that exhibits the anatomical "bits" from both genders. Forgive me if I/we transition between personal references occasionally, as there are TWO of us in here, but sometimes speak and think in unison as "I".  :blush: I apologize in advance for this break from binary traditionalism. WE only wish to be heard, understood and perhaps even aided in the pursuit of a wild dream we shall henceforth refer to as "The Trans-Khajiit Dream in CBBE!"


I have decided to make my primary character for Skyrim a khajiit female (obviously), and currently use the CBBE body and the Khajiit skin retexture: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62193/? Blessings to Caliente and MONSTEraider. We love you both so much!!!
To avoid the insulting comments that most Skyrim NPCs traditionally make towards the unclothed, I use BOTH available versions of "Humorous Naked Comments Animated Version": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52095/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D52095&pUp=1  For that, in particular, my love and heart-felt thanks go out to you, JeremeW5257.
The funny part is, when my khajiit female character struts around sans-clothing, the female NPCs now comment upon her nudity as though she was waving about A PENIS! LOLOL!!! By the way- I hate being forced to wear clothing in a fantasy setting. I mean, how uptight can you be!?
This is still a great break from the usual insults I must endure while in character (what's up with all the hatred and discrimination, Bethesda!?), but my REAL-LIFE male and female halves are now bumping their proverbial heads together, trying to figure out how to make this trans-dream a REALITY... (in Skyrim, at least!) :lol:
As of yet, I have only been able to find "SOS" mods that support the UNP body, (mostly) and some of the races (NOT ALL) for CBBE:









"Equipable" implies detachable, which ultimately indicates falsity. For arguments sake- I AM REAL! I have breasts AND a penis. None of which can be UNEQUIPED (all surgical procedures aside LOL.) Go figure. :P

I would want for my Skyrim character to be just as REALISTIC as I am (No strap-ons and NO falsies!!!)

Obviously, the mod links I present here are all the makings of a "good start", but where Khajiit ladies sporting MONSTEraider modified CBBE bodies in 4K are concerned... it still leaves much to be desired. At least for the time being... :-/
At least, (thanks to Leito86) we are capable of fulfilling some of my phallic fantasies, to a degree. If I want to transform into a werewolf, (regardless of character gender, apparently)I will have a werewolf model with a realistic (albeit PERMANENTLY flaccid) penis to wear on my character, a la "Creature Features":

http://www.loverslab.com/topic/30562-creature-features-52014/   THANKS, Leito86!!!
Further notes on OUR self and MY khajiit-
As I am a Elder Scrolls lore FIEND, I always base my character builds off of the existing lore , whilst trying to exploit and expand upon any loopholes the writers might have left for me to interject my own editions into the existing storyline. Always go for realism- that is one of my mottos!


Around the beginning of the 4th Era, "The Mane" of Elsweyr was assassinated by those damnable Thalmor. Elsweyr is then imaginably thrown into chaos and civil war, being torn between its absurd alliance with those deceitful Aldmeri bastards, who claim direct responsibility of the reappearance of Masser & Secunda (complete BULLSHIT, if you ask me) and the likes of radical extremist groups, like the
Renrijra Krin. (Seek the Elder Scrolls Wiki for elaboration on the subject.)

If you follow any of the Khajiiti theories on creation, (or have even heard of such matters)- site this book from the
existing Elder Scrolls lore:

Based on these ancient and sacred concepts, who's to say (?) that under such dire conditions, that Fadomai's favored daughter, Azurah, would not see fit to make a pact and mate with The Hungry Cat (Hircine, from the first litter of Ahnurr & Fadomai) to create a savior and successor to the late Mane- one that not only reflected the wisdom of The Clan Mothers, but also the prowess that The Hungry Cat bestows on his chosen warriors, which would be needed to beat back those Aldmeri devils! In short- this is how I came up with the creation concept of my character, Pan-Terra.
Ideally, she is the immortal offspring of a god and goddess; IOW-a demi-goddess. But moreso, let me reflect on the meaning of the name, Pan-Terra. (For those who are curious- yes WE do love the group Pantera... may "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott rest in peace :() But let's set awesome metal bands aside for the moment. ;)

Pan means "all-inclusive"- as in the unity of the Khajiit race. Terra, meaning "land, territory or the very planet itself." It also means panther, in Spanish... and as the tallest & darkest Cathay-raht you could imagine, Pan-Terra is very much a panther, indeed! Her name suits her perfectly! And by definition and in purpose, her presence on Nirn would signify the desires of the divine to once again unite the land and its people! Ponder that!!


Nevertheless, in essence, this would be the first culmination of divine entities since original creation itself. Aside from being able to wear a penis in werewolf form (thanks again, Leito86!), wouldn't it make even more sense if Pan-Terra wore not only the teats of a Clan Mother... but also the male sexual organ that The Mane would also possess (which has always been a male embodiment of sorts, for reasons unknown)???
I am no modder... just a wild transgender gamer and a serious Elder Scrolls enthusiast. If WE could ever benefit from the combined thoughts and talents of highly-esteemed artists like b3lisario, Leito86 and MonaBabii... I believe the perfect transgender khajiit could be a realizable dream- not to mention the highest form of collaborative efforts and artistry.
Can I, but a humble enthusiast and fanatic, ever hope to reach out and inspire these true gods and goddesses of Skyrim mod creation to assemble the perfect trans-khajiit, with MONSTEraider's immaculate adaptations for CBBE specifically in mind?


A thousand bows and my deepest thanks to the aforementioned talents and their great contributions, and much thanks to my fellow enthusiasts for hearing me out. May the sands always be warm beneath your paws! :heart:

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Ummm... thanks Bruce ( I think?)


Keep in mind, kids... this is not my X-mas wish list and I haven't mistaken Ashal for Santa Claus. ;)

This is just my attempt to get the gears within the BIG BRAINS turning again, because there is still so much that can be done within the land of Skyrim and with all the mods that can affect it. The potential is ENDLESS!!!

If I manage to inspire any of you geniuses to make something like this happen in reality- it would be to the benefit of all us wacky Lovers Lab regulars. (Not just myself!)

As I said- I couldn't "mod" my way out of a paper bag! :lol:


Keep up the good work and never stop reaching for new heights!

I LOVE you people!!! :)

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The SOS UNP add-ons found in the SOS schlong for females thread are the obvious choice since they all fit CBBE variant bodies almost as ideally as a UNP derivative body (be sure to use the SOS textures for CBBE bodies posted in this thread right here.) but the Carloss32 Canine add-on (which I adjusted to fit on female bodies) doesn't have too severe of issues with CBBE bodies.


If you are willing to go for even more exotic looks seen in the Furry Fandom with characters such as Victoria(no more so than the Carloss32 Canine add-on would give, really), you can try the SOS Horse Penis for females [CBBE and UNP] add-on on for size.

While it looks pretty good on a Khajiit, it might be pushing hybridization limits to Wuzzle proportions were one to add in hooveshorns and wings.




Sexlab Cumshot is another mod you might want to give a try. It does what Sexlab Gender Change does but it also provides the visual effect that the name of the mod promises.

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Well, here's the scoop, folks.


b3lisario's "Color Changing Wearable Pubes for Futanari v 1.1" did not work for me at all- neither the long OR the regular. So scratch that.

Surprisingly, I liked EvilReFlex's Revised Khajiit & Argonian Textures (CBBE) EVEN MORE than MONSTEraider's bare-chested CBBE khajiit- it just seemed so much more realistic to me. In fact, the only time I've ever seen a bare-bellied cat was after my own poor kitty got neutered! (Poor baby! :() So that mod of his STAYS. (Sorry, MONSTEraider... it was fun while it lasted!) EvilReFlex was the unexpected surprise of the entire bunch! Go looking for one thing, and find something else worthwhile instead. I guess that's the way of the world!
The "Immersive Gender Change V 1.10" did nothing that it promised it would, so that was a total wash. :-/ The "Horse Penis 0.2a" and all its variants were amusing, to say the least, but even on a panther-pussycat who's as black as the Void, neither those or anything "Futanari" related or "Equipable"... or creatable at A FORGE(!?) looked remotely realistic. At best, they looked pretty much like those EXPENSIVE hollow rubber replicas that my MTF brothers sometimes insist on wearing, so that they can pee standing up at a urinal next to the guys! :lol: SO SILLY! I never found anything thrilling about that! ESPECIALLY NOT AT WRIGLEY FIELD!!! (Insert barfing noises HERE.) :wacko:
Then came the issue of the behavior relating to these false wieners... Sure, you can adjust the size of the member while the "showracemenu" is open... but as soon as you close it- they shrink right back to where they were before (only exception being that the "teenie peenies" remained erect!) :blush:
So the sad conclusion to this little venture (with the surprisingly acceptable CBBE body textures by EvilReFlex,) ...IMO- All you big naughty brains need to go BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD. Maybe you think I have golden standards, but c'mon... REALLY??? You can't do any better than that!? I'm shocked. Leito86- please teach these people what a PENIS looks like! Sheesh!


The majority of SOS related mods were sub-par, I'm afraid. I know that SOS was not originally your baby, b3lisario... but I had such high hopes for you and your work. I'm tossing all the related mods and their patches right out of the NMM. Nothing worked right, nothing was permanent and none of it looked remotely acceptable. Well, at least my SOS and SKSE are updated... can't cry too much about that, can I? ;)
Even the "Were-wiener" Pan-Terra used to sport in her full lycanthropic mode is a foregone feature now... replaced by a much more user friendly and better-looking Werewolf
female body, AKA "La Femme Lycana" (courtesy of MadCat221) via Brevi's stripped down, new and improved version of his Moonlight Tales mod:



Sorry, Leito86... at least the sabre cats (that Pan-Terra loves to screw) will still be bearing those wild, barbed boners! :lol:


I'd never heard of EvilReFlex before today, but if their was an underdog in the running- it was he... AND HE TAKES HOME THE TROPHY!!!


As far as the rest of these mods are concerned: Meh. Not impressed. :dodgy:

But nevertheless, minor thanks go out to Felicat for putting his/her 2 cents in and a BIG THANK YOU to FauxFurry for actually supplying links AND pics!

It's just a pity that a schlongified kitty is good for nothing more than a still-frame PHOTOGRAPH! Oh well. On to the next crazy dream!


It's been a slice!


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