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[mod] Crusader Kings II AB mod


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My very first attempt to make a CKII mod - or any mod. Poor work and poor English.


- Decision to rape prisoners (M/F, M/M, F/F, F/M possibilities) (intrigue window)
- Decision to rape female courtiers (targetted decision)
- Random court events:
-- bored male ruler seeks adult fun
-- exotic merchant sells dancing girl and eunuchs (as lovers, handmaidens, guards, personal massagers - according to the rulers taste)
-- collecting the poll tax leads to adult (or cruel, or charitable) possibilities
-- visiting the country leads to adult (or cruel, or charitable) possibilities
-- dream of Lilith for chaste ruler
- Random campaign event:
-- the vassals offering a whore
- New honory title: Queen of Love and Beauty
- The very beginnings of a maiden mechanic (need console commands to see)


It's just some ideas, really. Quite modular, easy to re-use parts of it.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry, but all poll tax event (375) does not have text at all, is this intended?


Should have text. When I tested, it worked for me. I'll check again.


Odd thing, there is no AB02.201 event through the some events need it.

Am I missing something?


There is not, indeed, it's just a planned event. Every time it should be commented out. Hopefully.

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Sorry, but all poll tax event (375) does not have text at all, is this intended?


I've checked, and it doesn't have text for me, too. And neither some of my other events.


They worked before, and the only culprit I could think is Horse Lords DLC and all the other changes it took along (I got it after the last uploading of my mod).


Now all my events have text on my machine, again. I'm working on some other changes, hopefully I'll put up an update on weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was wondering if you would care if i build ab02 into the mod im working on, alot of the events and other things will be modified 

i was also wondering may i use the images from ab02 for my mod


Surely you can take anything and everything, modified or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...


i was wondering if you would care if i build ab02 into the mod im working on, alot of the events and other things will be modified

i was also wondering may i use the images from ab02 for my mod

Surely you can take anything and everything, modified or not.

when i wake up ill update my mod. then can you give it try and tell me what you think
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

That is my favourite CK2 adult mod so far. It isnt as over the top like the other mods I´ve seen so far. I also like the events. There is a lot of creativity to them and the most of the event pictures are really good. I hope you continue to work on this mod.

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Help! It works sometimes but after a few save it doesn't anymore.  I am runnning v. 2.3.2.


Sorry, I had never had this problem, and still I barely have any idea how CK2 and the mods work.


But theoretically, very few things depends on version - so far I have not really touched anything "deep".


Actually Horse Lords has nerfed the title system, so my title (Queen of Love and Beauty) without fixing only works well in a pre-HL enviroment.


All stop working? Or just some parts? It should be quite modular. And bear in mind, if your ruler has some traits (from eunuch to kind or just), it could bar you from some events and decisions.



It seems that I can't access any of the rape features if I start from the viking era


No idea either. Shouldn't count - I tend to begin there and no problem for me. Your ruler is surely up to the raping, in body and mind? :)




Visiting the country, controll event (for female ruler)
#character_event = {
# id = AB02.389
# desc = EVTDESCAB02.389
# picture = GFX_evt_stone_church
that event does not seem to work, but the male version does, i am assuming its cause this one does not lead anywhere?



Yep, as you see, it's commented out completely with those pesky #s, so it doesn't do anything. I plan to write some events for female rules, and re-write some existing ones.



It's not abadoned, I have wrote some more silly and badly written events for the country visits, and made some fixing and cleaing, and I collected a tonful more pictures. but nowdays mostly I just study vanilla events and other peoples' mods to learn how things done. And there were Age of Decadence and there is Sword Coast Legends and there will be Fallout 4...

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  • 1 month later...

I like this mod, I actually already went into a bit of the mod files and changed a few things to make it a bit easier to read and etc.


One thing that is weird is the vassal_decisions block, because thats a one time event per person.  I moved everything to the targetted decisions block to be consistent with raping a court lady then added a new block for people who have characters with kind, just, and honorable traits.  That block allows rape for those traits, but adds the effect of losing the trait.


 I'm thinking of fleshing out the mechanics and descriptions a bit more, but I'm still scratching my head at the event programming (How the hell do you decide which events equal which decisions made).  


UPDATE 1:  I used CK2 Validator to see any errors.  Long story short, needs alot of work.


UPDATE 2: Updated decisions to fit update 2.4, add to mod inside the <whatever location CK2 mod folder is>/AB02/Decisions


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