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Construction Set AI Packages


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Howdy all...


I'm pretty new to the actual building of mods and am learning the ropes, so to speak. I've built my own version of Bravil Docks with about 100 NPCs with detailed AI via packages...but, have run into a snag. I have several merchants who sell their wares in outside cells along the dock's boardwalk. But when 20:00 hrs rolls around and the sell package ends, the NPC/merchants refuse to move on to their next package (eat elsewhere). Instead, they chase me all over the docks as per me breaking into the fellow's shop. They don't go so far as to tell me to get out (of Cyrodiil...lol), but they do stare at me with big grins on their faces...irritating. An EVP via the console does work on the NPC, but surely there's a better way. Is there a simple script in the CS that does an EVP at a certain time or is such a thing doable on a universal level? Or would each NPC need an unique script of their own?


Finally...since I'm a fresh newb at scripting...what might such a script look like?


Any help is appreciated. I suppose putting all these dorks into interior cells would work...but that is also irritating...lol. Another way around the issue is to make all outdoor vendors 'Shady Sams' (no move 24/7 sell package). But who works 24/7?



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Not familiar with the EVP acronym, or I'm having a 50s moment and not remembering it.  :P


I've done some AI package work, and just like gregathit (and others) mostly I've learned through trial and error of hacking others work. I've reused the AI packages from From2ch Lives and related MODs successfully. I've also learned more from the GGC set of MODs, which was originally Valeria Caresse, and also from Companion MODs Vilja and Eyja. Those last two I feel are two of the most complex and advanced, AI-wise.


My immediate first guess is you need to possible add in a travel package, to move them from their sell package to where they should possibly be running their eat elsewhere package, which is one I don't recall if I've used before. Also I've had better success getting NPCs to move to specific locations via adding in reference objects for them to go to. And last but not least, the Pathing (follow path) features in Oblivion have been described as being as dumb as dirt, so I've avoided using it and have left it up to AI Packages to get them where they need to be.


The other thing to review for your specific packages is the various options that can be ticked on or off, and make sure you are beginning with the right package type, a mistake I made when I first got into hacking AI stuff.


The best to review for AI Packing sets and structuring, IMO are From2ch Lives,  Ta22's 01Army and 117NPCs. I successfully reused and added those in F2LAddon_MSElves to Zodiac Companions and they work quite well.



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Vendors in shops have the 'continue if player is near' flag, so they don't suddenly attack you as a trespasser mid-sale at close of 'business'.

Do your street vendors have that flag? An open air vendor wouldn't need it and it might account for strangeness.

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They may also need a AddFoodScript for the eat elsewhere package. Here's a very simple one from From2ch Lives:



ScriptName aaaTa22AddFoodScript
Begin OnLoad
    If  (GetItemCount Potato==0)
      AddItem Potato,1
    If   (GetItemCount Ham==0)
      AddItem Ham,1
    If   (GetItemCount Apple==0)
      AddItem Apple,1




Just add it in via CS/E, then add it to each vendor.

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Vendors in shops have the 'continue if player is near' flag, so they don't suddenly attack you as a trespasser mid-sale at close of 'business'.

Do your street vendors have that flag? An open air vendor wouldn't need it and it might account for strangeness.


Symon: That might be the ticket as they all have the standard 8x12 service package which does have the 'continue if player near' flag. I'll be trying a unique sell package without the flag. Now ~why~ didn't I think of that as I was trying different combos of sell packages earlier? Perhaps my oversight is the issue. Will test tomorrow...



Varenne: I'm pretty sure all the pathing is functioning as intended. The only odd bug I've spotted is NPCs from the docks wandering across on the other side of the river where the main road runs south. But I have a sneaking suspicion Oblivion just drops them there at game load due to the radius of the wander package reaching over that far in a few spots. Food also isn't a problem as the majority of NPCs have -1 values for food (unlimited). Those that don't have unlimited food have their own food sacks and barrels. AI packages are set-up according to time and priority...universal packages on the bottom (those with all "any" conditions). Seems to work when they're not chasing me all over Bravil...lol.


'EVP' is the console command for 'evaluate ai package'...click on the npc and run...works in most situations with odd NPC behavior.


Greg: I'll have to try your method of reusing handy scripts. I'd be 'dangerous' if I can figure out scripting/dialogue/quest stages properly...I'm learning. I am amazed I've gotten to this level...heh. This particular project is a remake of the original 'Bravil Docks' as opposed to the Better Cities version which is also nice. But I've combined skooma addiction from the file uploaded...not sure exactly where I got it from. Here perhaps? Anyways, my Bravil is heavy on the skooma dens and what not. I altered the skooma addiction esp on my rig to make skooma a food item as well as making its effects more apparent. That is, I added paralyze as well as a drain and damage fatigue effects which effectively knocks out an NPC after prolonged skooma use. Hot time in the ol' town last night as the NPCs are passed out all over the place...love it. I've tried other skooma addiction mods...but this one is my favorite.


I doubt Bravil Docks (the DogOnPorch version) would ever be good enough for uploading...but, perhaps with a future project I can make a mod that would work properly on any Oblivion install. If anyone is still using it, that is...


Thanks for all your responses.


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  • 4 months later...


Vendors in shops have the 'continue if player is near' flag, so they don't suddenly attack you as a trespasser mid-sale at close of 'business'.

Do your street vendors have that flag? An open air vendor wouldn't need it and it might account for strangeness.


Symon: That might be the ticket as they all have the standard 8x12 service package which does have the 'continue if player near' flag. I'll be trying a unique sell package without the flag. Now ~why~ didn't I think of that as I was trying different combos of sell packages earlier? Perhaps my oversight is the issue. Will test tomorrow...



Varenne: I'm pretty sure all the pathing is functioning as intended. The only odd bug I've spotted is NPCs from the docks wandering across on the other side of the river where the main road runs south. But I have a sneaking suspicion Oblivion just drops them there at game load due to the radius of the wander package reaching over that far in a few spots. Food also isn't a problem as the majority of NPCs have -1 values for food (unlimited). Those that don't have unlimited food have their own food sacks and barrels. AI packages are set-up according to time and priority...universal packages on the bottom (those with all "any" conditions). Seems to work when they're not chasing me all over Bravil...lol.


'EVP' is the console command for 'evaluate ai package'...click on the npc and run...works in most situations with odd NPC behavior.


Greg: I'll have to try your method of reusing handy scripts. I'd be 'dangerous' if I can figure out scripting/dialogue/quest stages properly...I'm learning. I am amazed I've gotten to this level...heh. This particular project is a remake of the original 'Bravil Docks' as opposed to the Better Cities version which is also nice. But I've combined skooma addiction from the file uploaded...not sure exactly where I got it from. Here perhaps? Anyways, my Bravil is heavy on the skooma dens and what not. I altered the skooma addiction esp on my rig to make skooma a food item as well as making its effects more apparent. That is, I added paralyze as well as a drain and damage fatigue effects which effectively knocks out an NPC after prolonged skooma use. Hot time in the ol' town last night as the NPCs are passed out all over the place...love it. I've tried other skooma addiction mods...but this one is my favorite.


I doubt Bravil Docks (the DogOnPorch version) would ever be good enough for uploading...but, perhaps with a future project I can make a mod that would work properly on any Oblivion install. If anyone is still using it, that is...


Thanks for all your responses.



I'm interersted! I plan on trying to add a "black market" dealer at the base of the hill Kvatch is on and an inn/trade post there and maybe a black market guy with a tent somewhere near ALL the standard cities if I can. I'll put "illegal" items like skooma, bitterleaf (which is basically pot), moon sugar, and some rarer "dark" items like poisons and human hearts and black soul gems. I mean if there's a thief's guild there should be a black market for any criminal to use too. maybe even add a quest for "goody two shoes" characters to bump them off using trickery like poison apples and such.


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