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"The Need for Speed: Frostfall is about to get fast"


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It's amazing how Skyrim - and other Bethesda titles that are open for modding - keep developing over the years thanks to the modding community. Just think of the Skyrim memory patch or the script scalpel or the Unofficial Patches Series and what have you.


If only all game developers would make their games moddable this could result in PC gamers finally getting good games instead of crippled console ports. And no, I'm not a console hater, I'm just severely pissed about what the screwed up software marketing suits keep throwing at us. It gets worse and worse. Sorry for the rant.

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yep why Skyrim is a good game but modded skyrim is a great game. Plus I am sure Beth loves it, means their olds games keeps selling and they can check out what modders due and add those changes to future games.


But this sounds really cool, I hope this new threading becomes common place in scripted mods. It will make them so much more stable and let you have a lot more.

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But this sounds really cool, I hope this new threading becomes common place in scripted mods.

Could be one more little revolution. Papyrus is quite slow and aged. Just imagine someone would get it done to mod the vanilla scripts to be handled in multiple threads. Not to speak of all the scripted mods.



yep why Skyrim is a good game but modded skyrim is a great game. Plus I am sure Beth loves it, means their olds games keeps selling and they can check out what modders due and add those changes to future games.

Exactly. If I had a game dev company and the say in the market department my games would always be moddable. When people still are buying Oblivion and Morrowind there must be something right with keeping your games open for modding. Plus you can really limit your own bugfixing effort - the modders will do it.


Dear game devs: Keep the prices low for your games and sell them as beta versions (officially declared, I mean - they are beta and sometimes alpha anyway) and let those who really love gaming do the rest.

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It's amazing how Skyrim - and other Bethesda titles that are open for modding - keep developing over the years thanks to the modding community. Just think of the Skyrim memory patch or the script scalpel or the Unofficial Patches Series and what have you.


If only all game developers would make their games moddable this could result in PC gamers finally getting good games instead of crippled console ports. And no, I'm not a console hater, I'm just severely pissed about what the screwed up software marketing suits keep throwing at us. It gets worse and worse. Sorry for the rant.


I'd love to see those innovations to be extended further, if possible, to older titles (personally I tried NV for a month but the fucking CTDs prevented me from going any further, even as I fought to stabilize NV like Skyrim).

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It's amazing how Skyrim - and other Bethesda titles that are open for modding - keep developing over the years thanks to the modding community. Just think of the Skyrim memory patch or the script scalpel or the Unofficial Patches Series and what have you.


If only all game developers would make their games moddable this could result in PC gamers finally getting good games instead of crippled console ports. And no, I'm not a console hater, I'm just severely pissed about what the screwed up software marketing suits keep throwing at us. It gets worse and worse. Sorry for the rant.


Slightly off topic but can anyone remember what the original Skyrim looked/played like....

I might have to try it, just to see the difference.


Really looking forward to an updated Frostfall

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I've had Frostfall in my game since... well since I started modding again. It just feels like a gameplay essential to me alongside iNeed. Even if I was just playing around and didn't have either of them running in my play-sessions. 


I'm extremely excited about this, even just to hear that Chesko is still looking at it having a major update. I mean, Yes. I am one of those familiar with the "Scripts too slow!" message.


And what's this Campfire mod about? Going to check that out too. 



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