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Review embargo by publisher on a game: TotalBiscuit view on the matter


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Pretty much everything he mentioned in there is completely valid and factual. One thing he mentioned was how the game studios burn their consumers with this stuff and he's completely right about that it does and I personally believe it's this practice of constantly burning their consumers that has lead to an increase in game pirating.

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It's just like I said earlier it's bullshit like this that is the reason more and more people are prescribing to the "Try BEFORE you buy" A.K.A "Pirating" mentality for video games rather then straight up pre-ordering or release day purchases. Who wants to spend $60 to $80 for a piece of shit that they likely won't get a refund for?!

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I think this video ties into the subject of 'publishers burning their consumers'. It's not from TotalBiscuit, but still someone I have great respect for. Here, he talks about how Ubisoft nearly drove him to piracy because of their flawed and short-sighted attempts to stop piracy. Ironic.


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To correct the OP a bit here, Totalbiscuit stated that CynicalBrit wouldn't accept review copies for games with post-launch embargoes on them anymore. 





Review embargoes are okay when they're used to give reviewers a fair playing field, otherwise if an outlet manages to get a review out way before other outlets are even given a chance that first outlet will receive a huge majority of views/clicks leaving the others in the dust. Of course, embargoes allow developers to keep information hidden if they lack confidence in their product. Post-launch embargoes really lay at the end of the crazy spectrum. The ACU embargo lasted until 12 hours after release IIRC. Talk about shoddy business practices...

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Not that it will change much.


And don't have some block-buster-movies a similar embargo by not showing their films to critics before theatrical release? Big business ...time to gather around the fireplace and sing a song in protest!



What Total Buscuit in this video say i already did 6 years ago.

I boycot UBISOFT-EA and all greedy bastards out there already for years i know im only one among a few who actually do something about it, but i know they won't get my money.


Do i miss out on those games no because there are plenty left and my principals are more worth then my need to play a game even when i like it a lot.


And i also these days refuse paying for PC games 60 euros while most of the time they are crappy consoles ports.


I leave it to masses to feed the evil empires im done with crap.


Have so many DRM FREE games(old games and GOG.COM) that i don't need triple AAA games from greedy companys.


Im lately also more and more disgust with steam who more and more become a facebook and personalise to your needs.


Im back to my OLD SCHOOL MMO Asherons Call 2 Free2play but no crap with action houses or items shops or any modern crap, its still 100% as it was back in early 2000s. Best MMO community ever friendly and always some one who help you. No ADHD kids eather:P

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