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How to Move an Entire Directory?


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I recently got a new, custom high-endish computer, and I had the OS installed on an SSD(120G), with the intention of having it totally separate.  This was going well, until I found out that half of the memory on it has been eaten up by this particular folder:

It takes up 82GB.  I need to safely move it to my main HDD, meaning that all of the pathing of the programs that automatically store data there don't all break.  I tried just moving it...and I had to do a system restore.  Not my best idea.
So I went and did some research on how to safely move it all, and I found these:
I tried running the command line in the format it shows, but I keep getting an error saying that it is incorrect and cannot be executed.  Evidently, I need to figure out the proper syntax, which I have been unable to do thus far.
Does anyone know how I would do this?  I want to move
...which has a folder with the same name, just way less stuff in it.
I need to know two things:
1-Is this the proper way to do it?
2-If so, how do I do it correctly?
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Use C Cleaner so you free some space free version available.


If this folder have files not use in last 24hours you probably can remove it.


Or old programs you downloaded but not use any more.


C Cleaner will do the job.


You maybe still have all the downloads from your OS in the temp download map that's why its so huge. The programs you have install for you updates and OS you can then safely remove the downloads stored in temp download map, you don't need them anymore.


If your OS install is old at least a year i say do clean install ALWAYS BEST.

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You'll need to change the temp path:




Restart after applying the change and you should be able to safely delete the old folder location.

Just did what the tutorial said, will get back with the results in a sec.

It worked!  I know because my pinned tabs on Chrome didn't load once I restarted.

I am moving the entire file over to my alternate directory, with a total of 80.8GB, 1,026,484 items being moved.


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