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nmm and mods

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im having problems downloading mods and then using nmm to put them in the game I hit add mod from file then it puts it in the download manager and then it just sits there downloading but never works does anyone know how to fix this ? when It puts the mod in the download manager it never completes downloading it just says downloading

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If the file is to big, 1 GB and bigger, NMM stuck sometimes. Put your mouse cursor at the bottom of the NMM box, little bit lower "download" bar. It will expand your downloading section. If there is a standard "Pause" light blue icon, you have to press "Play" light blue icon to reactivate downloading.

Also, if the downloading is broken, NMM will write "error" in downloading section. To reestablish downloading do as I described.


When you file is being downloaded it gets red "X" that means is not active. You have to double click on it to activate it. The downloaded mod gets green checkmark.

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I also get this warning about trace log errors ----- that means that NMM didn't connect to the downloading site. It can also mean that the Nexus site has an issue. I would suggest you following. If automatic downloading via NMM is broken, create a folder for downloads from Skyrim and when being on Nexus site, download mods manually. Once it's downloaded, add the mod by NMM.

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That is your problem Killer. MO if set up to handle NMM links it will handle them. NMM will not work afterwards. Only one manager works with that at a time. If you have MO you don't need NMM to download your mods. There is a thread for MO questions here on LL. ( check my sig. ). However I will give this quick advise to set up MO for NMM. Open MO. Navigate to the tools ( wrench screwdriver icon on the top toolbar) There you will see a Nexus tab. Click on that. There you can have MO automatically log in. Put in your log on and pasword. Also you can set up any download servers. Useful if you have a Premium account or have an server nearby.

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I seeee -download manager is MO. I forgot that it is the same thing. Thank you for reminder ritualclarity. If I would only notice that at the beginning.  Mod organizer is the same thing as download manager. Somebody has to make one unique name for it, so that morons like me won't have a problem and being confused :) That's why i didn't gave a proper suggestions. My apologies.

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The issue is the OP didn't mention he / she had both installed. They can fight over the download rights. That is likely an issue however I never heard of it doing what is stated by the OP.

Mod Organizer is an manager with NMM downloading capability along with the same features NMM has with regards to checking for updates and such for the mods installed in MO. It can even open up the Nexus page where the mod was downloaded .. much like what I think NMM can do with the current version. Don't know though as I haven't used NMM for a very long time.

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The issue is the OP didn't mention he / she had both installed. They can fight over the download rights. That is likely an issue however I never heard of it doing what is stated by the OP.

Mod Organizer is an manager with NMM downloading capability along with the same features NMM has with regards to checking for updates and such for the mods installed in MO. It can even open up the Nexus page where the mod was downloaded .. much like what I think NMM can do with the current version. Don't know though as I haven't used NMM for a very long time.


Yea, i remember the time when I was trying to learn how to use MO. Some things amazed me and were better then in NMM. But, unfortunately, as I go through progress I stacked several times didn't understand the program and what and how it is doing things, especially when asked me something that I didn't understand at all. By saying this, I'm not saying that Mo is bad, rather I'm not smart enough to use it.

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There is a thread that you can use to play and work with. You can try it again and get help there. There are several individuals perhaps even someone that speaks your language natively that might help the process on those few things that you get stuck on.



If you have MO set up it might still be trying to take control over the NMM files as you try to download from Nexus. I unfortunately don't know how to turn that function off. There are a few MO links or perhaps try to uninstall MO and maybe that will release that function? I really don't know



Ninja'd by Germanicus.. lol


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Oh and Killer. There is a befit of manually downloading. Many modders manually download. They then drag the file into a folder with other info. I gather the web link, readme or make one with all the instructions version etc ( version usually on the folder inside the main one. ) For example Sexlab/Sexlab1.35 Sexlab 1.55, Sexlab 1.58b, Sexlab, 1.59 with any necessary info inside the particular sub-folder. Later you can always return to the folder and reinstall, edit,and always know where and what you have and what to do if there are any requirements and such. ( including version numbers.) I did this somewhat in the past and doing more now. Currently in the process of doing a rework of my files and cleaning up the old damaged one ( from a failing drive) and such now. Keep in mind many versions of mods and more particularly entire mods disappear from the web.

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There is a thread that you can use to play and work with. You can try it again and get help there. There are several individuals perhaps even someone that speaks your language natively that might help the process on those few things that you get stuck on.



If you have MO set up it might still be trying to take control over the NMM files as you try to download from Nexus. I unfortunately don't know how to turn that function off. There are a few MO links or perhaps try to uninstall MO and maybe that will release that function? I really don't know



Ninja'd by Germanicus.. lol


I know that since had that issue in the period of learning  using MO. That reminds me - I watched some videos on youtube, red some tutorials with pictures about using MO, and still couldn't figure it out how does it work and what it "wants from me". It looks like there wasn't a love at the first site between Mo and me. Regard, NMM, I hadn't had 10% of struggling using it since it is much simpler.

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Killer. MO or NMM should automatically start and download. You not downloading can be many reasons. One Nexus might have that mod or section off line or slow. The Nexus or server might be blown out, Might have some issue with your account or even your internet connection. That is harder to figure out. You should always be able to manually download. I have a few more minutes before I leave for the night so let me know which mod it is I can try

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Yes you should have. .. Use a program like 7zip or Winzip. Extract it.


I believe you can't. Because it is corrupted. You might need to redownload it.



You are trying to install an esp/esm or other non compressed file into NMM. It sees you are trying and it is looking but not doing anything because it don't work with those files. You will need to compress them using a simple windows compressed folder or one of the programs above. Then the mod should install.

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:D.. I ninja'd you now Germanicus..



you aren't actually "downloading" the mod anymore in the situation you have described above. YOu are having problems installing the mod. "Downloading" term is generally reserved for the act of downloading the mods from the site the first time. No problems just an FYI.. Had we known this earlier the focus would have been different.


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