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I keep wanting to play EVE but I remember how boring the combat is, probably getting the wrong impression because all I've really done is level 4 missions with a raven half asleep. Somebody sell me on fun things to do!


I can certainly understand how you would find the game boring if all you've done is L4s in a raven. I would suggest trying PvP out in one form or another. The game is much more exciting when there's actually a chance of you losing your ship! What's fun for one person might not be fun for another but I personally enjoy high-sec piracy. Ninja salvaging and looting, can flipping, suspect baiting, suicide ganking, awoxing etc. I also enjoy messing with null bears in my stealth bomber. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than reminding people that nowhere is 100% safe in EVE. If that sort of thing isn't your cup of tea you could also try url=https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Factional_Warfare]Faction Warfare[/url] or url=https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Red_Vs_Blue_%28RvB%29]Red vs Blue[/url].


It would be more fun if you could actually control the ship in combat. Makes me long for the old days, playing TIE Fighter. God, that game was great.


While it will never be the same as a flight sim, there are various manual piloting techniques you can use in EVE to give yourself an advantage over players that simply target and set their orbit. Some of these techniques include the The Slingshot as well as

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I keep wanting to play EVE but I remember how boring the combat is, probably getting the wrong impression because all I've really done is level 4 missions with a raven half asleep. Somebody sell me on fun things to do!

I can certainly understand how you would find the game boring if all you've done is L4s in a raven. I would suggest trying PvP out in one form or another. The game is much more exciting when there's actually a chance of you losing your ship! What's fun for one person might not be fun for another but I personally enjoy high-sec piracy. Ninja salvaging and looting, can flipping, suspect baiting, suicide ganking, awoxing etc. I also enjoy messing with null bears in my stealth bomber. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than reminding people that nowhere is 100% safe in EVE. If that sort of thing isn't your cup of tea you could also try url=https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Factional_Warfare]Faction Warfare[/url] or url=https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Red_Vs_Blue_%28RvB%29]Red vs Blue[/url].



It would be more fun if you could actually control the ship in combat. Makes me long for the old days, playing TIE Fighter. God, that game was great.

While it will never be the same as a flight sim, there are various manual piloting techniques you can use in EVE to give yourself an advantage over players that simply target and set their orbit. Some of these techniques include the The Slingshot as well as


I'm going to try those, thanks.

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I forgot to mention before but you could also try joining up with a new player friendly corp such as Brave Newbies. Regardless of which route you take, I'm sure you'll find it more enjoyable than running L4s.

My difficulty with joining a corporation is I don't have a lot of time to play, so i wouldn't be a reliable asset. Had the same problem in WOW - I was never around for raids. My goal is to be a sneaky, very fast soloist. Piracy sounds fun. :)

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Piracy is fun, or at least I think it is! If you're interested, I can explain various methods and how they work or you can probably find information online.

I'd love some methods. It's why I started the thread. Thanks! :)

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Well, there's a number of things you can try out, though some require more skill points than others.


Suicide ganking probably requires the least amount of SP but will require at least one partner to scoop the loot. The most popular form of suicide ganking is probably against miners. You'll want to fit a Catalyst (destroyer class ship) for as much damage as possible along with a warp scram so your target can't escape. If you have a friend that's able to give you a warp in it will help but not necessary. Most miners aren't paying attention. Warp to the asteroid belt and approach your target but don't start locking on until you're actually in range to start firing because your time until concord shows up is limited and if you have to warp scram them before you can start shooting, you'll lose valuable dps time. Once Concord pops you, hopefully you will have destroyed the miner first and you can warp off while your partner scoops the loot.


You can employ similar tactics to catch people autopiloting with valuable loot in their cargo holds. For this you'll want to use either a Thrasher (another destroyer), Moa (cruiser), or a Vexor (cruiser) depending on the types of ships you're looking to gank. An Artillery fit Thrasher is good for destroying pods (for the lulz, they don't drop loot), shuttles, rookie ships and maybe frigates. The reason I suggest a Thrasher in this case instead of a Catalyst like before is because you'll need to be able to tank the gate guns for a few seconds while you kill your target. A Catalyst isn't very good at that. Now, if you're wondering why you would want to suicide gank a shuttle or a rookie ship, you would be surprised how often people transport PLEX in these ships and that's more or less what you're hoping to catch, or some other expensive stuff.


If you want to try to pop larger ships like T1 haulers, you'll want to use a rail Moa or a blaster fit Vexor (both cruisers), pick whichever you have more SP for. T1 haulers can easily have over 100m ISK worth of loot in their holds and usually aren't tanked so they can be a quick and easy pay day.


In either case, what you'll want to do is sit on a gate or warp back and forth between gates near a trade hub or some other high traffic area and watch for people autopiloting (they'll land around 15km from the gate instead of directly on it). Once you find someone autopiloting, blow them up and hope for the best! Same as before, you'll need a partner to scoop the loot for you because you'll get destroyed by Concord.


Now, if you don't have a partner to work with, there are some other more devious methods you can use. The first being "Awoxing", which is a term used for killing members of your own corporation (Concord doesn't interfere with corp on corp hostilities). You'll want to look for some mining corp and convince them that you want to join them in their carebear ways. Once you're in the corp, look for a mining op with expensive ships like Hulks and Orcas and then destroy them. They'll cry rivers of tears while you loot their wrecks and the CEO/Directors cannot remove corp members while they are out in space, so if you want to be a real villain you can demand a ransom in order for you to leave their corp. This can be done in pretty much any ship fit for combat but I would recommend a high dps cruiser or battlecruiser.


Lastly I'll mention ninja looting/suspect baiting. This will require the most amount of SP because not only do you need decent combat skills but you'll need good scanning skills as well in order to scan down mission runners. What you want to do is take a T1 scanning frigate or a CovOps frigate and scan down battleships running level 4 missions. Once you get a lock on their position, save the location and switch to a combat ship. I prefer to use an assault frigate for this but if you're feeling ballsy a normal T1 frigate can work. Warp to their location and hopefully the mission rats will be dead, if not warp out and wait a minute or two and warp back in. After they've finished killing the rats (or close to it) start looting all their wrecks. This will give you a Suspect Timer which allows anyone to shoot at you without Concord intervention. You're hoping the mission runner will shoot at you. This is because even though your Suspect Timer lets him shoot at you, you're still allowed to defend yourself without Concord intervention. The catch, Battleship guns are really bad at hitting small, fast targets like frigates. So once he shoots at you and misses, you can warp scram him and start shooting and hopefully kill him eventually. Even if you don't have the dps to kill them, you can still try to extort a ransom in order to let them go (you have them warp scrammed).


Sadly, most of the time they won't shoot at you but even then, you can still scoop all the loot which can be valuable as well (10-50m ISK). This tactic can be used if you find someone mining in to an unsecured jetcan as well. Fly up to the can, loot the ore and hope he sends his drones at you. Scram him, kill the drones then him.


This post is already getting a bit long so I'll end it here. If you (or anyone) wants more info shoot me a PM! :D


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Ahahaha! I won't have a partner (for the same reason I don't want to join a corp), so suicide ganking is out. Your description of Awoxing is hilarious, but I don't think I have it in me to be quite that evil. Guess that leaves ninja baiting.  :D

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A couple of other thing you can do as a solo pilot that I find to be quite amusing!


1) Take a stealth bomber and go mess with people in sov null sec. Null bears freak out when a non-blue enters their systems and you simply being there can halt all of their operations indefinitely, causing substantial economic damage. You can cloak up and go AFK for hours and they'll be too afraid to do anything because they don't know when you'll strike. Of course, if the opportunity to kill a juicy target presents itself, you can take it, but keep in mind they could be trying to bait you as well.


2) Also using a stealth bomber, head to low-sec and hunt down explorers running exploration sites. They aren't fit for combat and aren't able to defend themselves very well but can have tons of ISK worth of loot in their cargo holds if they haven't been to a station in a while to dump their loot. A good guide on this can be found

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ahh the battle of B-R5RB :)


Such a fun couple of days that one was.


I somehow managed to dodge out of that one completely. It wasn't at the height of the fighting, but 8 Titans were already down. I was in a Catalyst, just trying to get the heck out of there, because I knew something huge was going to happen. I just wasn't expecting -that-. :) No, I wasn't affiliated with either side, I had just finished running a small package to someone else in PL for a cool six mil, and I wanted to live long enough to spend it.

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