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Anyone see a massive drop in FPS with new ENB binaries?

Guest Vendayn

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Guest Vendayn

Copied the d3d9 or whatever .dll and the enbhost.exe...since everything else KENB (purelights) covers and I don't want to overwrite all its files and redo all that shit or download it again.


Before...30-40 fps (completely playable for me), but I was getting artifacts on certain items (mostly shiny steel stuff and daedric stuff) (and the "fix" is to update)...cause I guess a lot of people were reporting to get that and they said updating fixed it


great...no more artifacts on certain items...all artifacts are gone...


what do I see? Now I get 15-20 FPS.


Anyone see the new ENB as a massive loss in FPS? But I guess if I used the old one, I'd get artifacts again...


Which is funny. Before it updated, I never got artifacts...suddenly it keeps telling me to update and then I get artifacts on certain items (and I checked, not my graphics card...plus it went away after updating. So if it was my card, it would still happen). Seems like a lame thing to force people to update.


Granted, my PC is pretty shit except for my GPU...but still...I was getting way better FPS than I do now. And only thing I updated was ENB.

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Actually a lot of people report that updating Nvidia graphics drivers screws skyrim up past the update 314.22 driver that seems to work great with skyrim. Later updates have issues with ENBs.


I've actually upgraded my drivers to newest versions and I'm gettting massive fps drops when I sually get 45-55 fps outside, now i'm getting 20-30 fps with no change in mods. So I'm rolling back to 314.22.


Of course that's assuming you have Nvidia.

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how is the fps with useeffect=false set in enbseries.ini?


i ask that because if its the binaries, it would be slow without running the shader effects, if its fine without the shaders on, its not the binaries, its the shaders.


i usually get between 60-80fps outside and upwards of 150fps inside with useeffect=false, effectively turning the enb off... i use latest enb binaries, nvidia gtx 660 with the latest whql nvidia drivers.


when actually using the enb its anywhere from the same to 10 fps depending on the severity of the enb shader calculations.


using kyo's latest?...i believe its meant for screenshots.


try turning off the skylighting, ambient occlusion and depth of field...

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Actually a lot of people report that updating Nvidia graphics drivers screws skyrim up past the update 314.22 driver that seems to work great with skyrim. Later updates have issues with ENBs.


I've actually upgraded my drivers to newest versions and I'm gettting massive fps drops when I sually get 45-55 fps outside, now i'm getting 20-30 fps with no change in mods. So I'm rolling back to 314.22.


Of course that's assuming you have Nvidia.

I'd be falling back to the last binaries that worked well if it was me, way before even contemplating rolling back to gpu drivers that are over a year old. That advice was being touted as a resolution to the sun ray problem mainly if I recall, and that was resolved quite a while back now. 


Personally I don't bother with the latest binaries unless I happen to be using an enb that demands them. If that's the case here, it might suggest that the enb author has made some changes to their preset to take advantage of some of the newer effects and that's hammering you, but because you were previously on older binaries you weren't seeing the additional overhead. I used Somber for ages and was very happy with it,  then one day the author decided to make some tweaks while updating to whatever the latest binary file was at that stage,  and I couldn't run it properly anymore, been that way ever since. 

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I'd be falling back to the last binaries that worked well if it was me, way before even contemplating rolling back to gpu drivers that are over a year old. That advice was being touted as a resolution to the sun ray problem mainly if I recall, and that was resolved quite a while back now. 




Ah is that true? they fixed it? I just barely came back to skyrim and that's how it seemed to be at the time.

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I'd be falling back to the last binaries that worked well if it was me, way before even contemplating rolling back to gpu drivers that are over a year old. That advice was being touted as a resolution to the sun ray problem mainly if I recall, and that was resolved quite a while back now. 




Ah is that true? they fixed it? I just barely came back to skyrim and that's how it seemed to be at the time.


Yep, you won't have that issue with the later binaries and drivers as long as bFloatPointRenderTarget is on.

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I think it's not only Nvidia also with my AMD i had feeling some FPS drop with latest ENB 254.


Seasons of skyrim with 236 i got 40fps avarage 2560x1440p and with 254 i got around 35 fps.

Yeah I think you're right. I normally get 40fps avg outdoors with Saraan Suum and 244, but I seem to be losing maybe 7 or 8 fps with 254 testing in the same places, and the frame drop seems more erratic too. I rolled back to 244 today and everything's much smoother again.

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I think it's not only Nvidia also with my AMD i had feeling some FPS drop with latest ENB 254.


Seasons of skyrim with 236 i got 40fps avarage 2560x1440p and with 254 i got around 35 fps.


I've actually gotten more performance out of 254 on my AMD. 

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Guest Vendayn

Well, without doing anything with graphics drivers (I actually updated it AFTER updating ENB...since I thought maybe my drivers were bad since I suddenly had a huge drop in FPS.)

I went back to previous ENB version...back to normal :D And actually the new drivers gave me more FPS than I had...I get about 5 more FPS on average. So 35-45 fps with KENB purelight...


And as an extra test...briefly went back to new ENB...back to 20-25 FPS



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Guest Vendayn

But my PC is the little engine that could train gaming PC! I don't need to upgrade to a modern gaming system! My money is 300 dollars (yup my bank balance)! And this train cost me 1500! And that was 6 years ago! I overload Skyrim with stuff and force my PC to chug chug!


Sometimes I use a whip to make it go faster. Sometimes I talk nicely to it


In the end...it chugs along...but sometimes I have to beat it into submission to make it run my overloaded Skyrim faster. Cause even though its overloaded, I gotta get that epic pay (in other words, not removing anything in my mod list at all).


But all I say is nice things, use my whip and sometimes I have to talk dirty to my PC...it then starts chugging along.

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