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EDIT: Problem solved, post #3




I wasn't sure where to post this. It's the continuation of this archived thread.

Kind of WIP or technical discussion about a possible Modders Resource.


I'm trying to figure out Skyrim's UI. I got all the needed stuff from here and here, a copy of Flash CS5 and I am doing some things.


I want to change the behaviour of two elements of the UI

- messages at the top left of the screen (Debug.Notification)

- message box (Debug.MessageBox)

so they can show localized strings like MCM does

For example, given this localized string:

$HelloMessage{}<tab>{} says Hello
a Debug.Notification("$HelloMessage{" + name + "}") would display: "Lydia says Hello" instead of "$HelloMessage{Lydia}"


I am a bit of stuck because I don't like to replace the vanilla menus. I don't want distribute an altered version of "messagebox.swf" because there are other mods that do this.


The specific problem is that the method I'm using with the "HUD Menu" doesn't work for the "MessageBoxMenu"


The Debug.Notification part is already done:

- inject a swf file into the Hud menu using SkyUI's "widget trick"

- this swf hooks the "ShowMessage" function and translates all strings sent to the messages area, using SkyUI's translation utilities.


The below code works with "HUD Menu" but it does not with "MessageBoxMenu".


string[] args = new string[2]
args[0] = "TranslateUtilsContainer"
args[1] = "764"
UI.InvokeStringA("HUD Menu", "_root.createEmptyMovieClip", args)
UI.InvokeString("HUD Menu", "_root.TranslateUtilsContainer.loadMovie", "TranslationHelper.swf")
TranslationHelper.swf has an onload event that writes stuff to the skse log file, that's how I know it works or not


Any ideas? Help!

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Moving to Skyrim General Discussion.  The Modders resource section is really just for posting stuff for others to use or grab.  Troubleshooting should be in the game specific section.

By all means if you get everything figured out to post a guide in the tutorials section.




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OK it was a matter of path and folders... How silly


The Hudmenu is located in Data\Interface\exported, as so my custom swf

The MessageBoxMenu is located in Data\Interface, the parent folder


So for Hudmenu it is loadMovie "TranslationHelper.swf" because they are in the same folder

and for MessageBoxMenu is loadMovie "exported\TranslationHelper.swf"

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