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Ants lived alongside the dinosaurs.

Ants evolved some 130 million years ago during the early Cretaceous period. Most fossil evidence of insects is found in lumps of ancient amber, or fossilized plant resin. The oldest known ant fossil, a primitive and now extinct ant species named Sphercomyrma freyi, was found in Cliffwood Beach, NJ. Though that fossil only dates back 92 million years, another fossil ant that proved nearly as old has a clear lineage to ants of present day. This suggests a much longer evolutionary line than previously thought, leading scientists to estimate the appearance of ants on Earth as somewhere around 130 million years ago.





Ants are also spectacularly resistant to radiation. In an experiment a powerful radioactive source (sufficient to kill humans in short order) was left by a nest of common European black ants. After a long period (some weeks or months I think) most of the surrounding plant matter had died but the ants were seemingly completely unaffected.





All this could mean ants will die when Earth will. It could be the most evolved species on Earth. You, me, all of us are absolutely no match for ants.

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If a black hole the size of a quarter were to form inside the earth, the earth would be consumed. However because of the high gravity caused by the black hole the amount of time we would perceive this to take would be quite long. This is due to principles relating to the curvature of space time. Hubblesite.org explains it better than i ever could and the full link is here.

However I can explain that there is also a very small chance that we could be hit with a Gamma Ray Burst. Which would subsequently destroy all life on Earth. These most commonly occur when a massive star goes supernova. The gamma ray burst comes from its rotational poles, which would have to be aimed at Earth. That makes it so unlikely to happen in your lifetime that you might as well not even know about it. Even if it did happen, you probably wouldn't notice, as it would be quick. Like speed of light quick.

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As there are black holes, a lot of scientists believe there are white holes as well.


"In general relativity, a white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime which cannot be entered from the outside, although matter and light can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, which can only be entered from the outside, from which nothing, including light, can escape."


These sources might interest you if it is your thing :


White Hole / Black Hole



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  • 2 weeks later...

The American Revolution, was not the last time America fought the British in a war. The British returned in The War of 1812, and burned down The White House. This was the war in which the American National Anthem was written.

The War of 1812 actually lasted until 1815 during which the final major land battle occurred. It comprised of a British assault on New Orleans, Louisiana during which the British suffered 2000 casualties, and Americans took fewer than 50.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Battle of New Orleans (8 January, 1815) took place after the peace treaty (the Treaty of Ghent) was signed (24 December, 1814).  Such was the slowness of communications at the time that word didn't reach the combatants until after the battle was over.

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Its 4 cups to a quart and 4 quarts to a gallon, in case you didn't know your imperial standard fluid measurements. But oddly enough its only a little less than 32 ounces to a liter. Its only 8 ounces to a cup. So then a quart and a liter are close to the same amount as far as fluids go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Al Capone protected the president (sorta)


With the December 7, 1941 attack on the U.S., the government needed a way to protect the president from possible assassination attempts.  Due to regulations at the time, no car could be armoured as it would cost far more that the maximum allowed.  Time constraints were also a factor, and the end result was that the government needed a car *right now this instant*, not "in the near future".  Solution: Take Capone's confiscated 1928 armoured Cadillac until another way could be found.  The car was overhauled over night, and the president rode in it the next day to deliver the "Day of Infamy" speech.



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  • 2 months later...

:exclamation:  :exclamation:  :exclamation: How agriculture destroyed the health of the human population



Here's what the grain of thought Mark Sisson, American fitness and nutritional authority, author of the bestseller Primal Blueprint and blogger Mark's Daily Apple. 
The majority of adults in Western countries is overweight, a large part of overweight and obesity for children is increasingly present. Half of the population is taking medication, older take at least three types of medication. Does that sound normal? Do you have a chronic illness and the thickness of the normal state of existence for man? Are we genetically defective so that we can not keep living without pills and doctors? However, it was not always like this ... 
The first major shift occurred 10 000 years ago with the agricultural revolution. Just before some 10 000 years ago, when hunter / gatherers began to plant crops in neatly organized rows, something happened. The population has expanded since then, we get a constant source of calories. Villages and towns are springing up, because we're not supposed to migrate for food, it could have been easily grow to where we lived. This sounds pretty good, more food and permanent shelter - it's good is not it? 
Yes, but it happened and something else. The generation of these early farmers growth was lower than they were hunter / gatherers before agriculture. Farmers did not live as long as hunter / gatherers and had smaller brains. The more they suffered from infectious diseases and dental caries. In short, the farmers were not as healthy as hunter / gatherers. The same genes, the same homo sapiens, different environment - poor health. 
But do not grains healthy? Each state institution recommended that whole grains are larger part of our diet. How is it possible that the grains caused all these health problems in our ancestors? The point is that the grain of wheat is its fruit, which is not yet complete plant. To become a grain of wheat must enter the country, germinate and grow into a plant. As the hen sits on the egg and thus keeps the egg which is not nearly as wheat and protects its fruit - grain. As the grain has no legs, teeth, wings or claws may not be physically fight and escape from predators. But corn is not so hopeless as it looks while sitting on the slim stalk of wheat. 
Zito has developed chemical defense. Grain cereals containing various chemicals for their defense. Containing lectins, gluten, phytic acid, and other compounds. These substances interfere with digestion, cause inflammation, inhibit the absorption of nutrients and minerals. All grains contain some or all of these antinutrients, so when our ancestors started to grow cereals and grains become their regular meals, accordingly followed the deterioration of their health. 
With the help of the fossil record can prove that agriculture has brought disease and poor health of the human population, but we do not know whether these early farmers were obese. Probably not. When we look at old pictures from the early 20th century, almost all of them were slim, how come? 
Another major shift in diet occurred late 70s. Before that, there was not much thick. But early 80s suddenly obesity rates began to rise and is still growing. Two-thirds of the western world are overweight or obese. Is this normal? Of course it's not normal. It 70s experts have declared that fat makes you fat and cholesterol kills. Insanity lean diet is started ... Now, to avoid eating these "horrible" fat, began to eat more grains, carbohydrates and processed foods. 
Grains consist mainly of carbohydrates (starch). Starch and sugar raises the level of insulin in the body. Insulin is needed nutrients like carbohydrates and proteins enter the cell. When we eat carbohydrates, insulin is secreted and stores the sugar where it needs to. But when we eat too many carbohydrates - because we were told that they are fat dangerous and that we should not eat fat, but we need to eat cereals, and when it does not exercise like crazy - then our body is constantly pumped too much insulin, thus becoming resistant (resistant) to insulin. 
When we become insulin resistant, longer tolerate carbohydrates and they are converted into fat and deposited on the body, and the more you have fat on your body that are more resistant to insulin. What we are more insulin resistant less nutrients into our cells, which means that we remain hungry while we eat, then eat more carbohydrates that do not endure. And it is this vicious circle that has brought us to this mess in which we find ourselves. 
To make matters worse, many carbohydrates that we eat come from sugar or a cheap replacement visokofruktoznog corn syrup. Both of these forms of sugar have high levels of fructose, which the liver converts glycogen, supply of energy. This inventory is limited and fills quickly and empties poorly, because most of us do not use that glycogen after sitting all day in offices, cars or front of the TV, and all the surplus entered fructose is converted to fat. 
A diet rich in sugars and refined grains, and low in fat, has led to overweight, sick population we see today. And that's the bad news. But luckily there is good news. The solution is quite simple, at least on an individual level. Cut out grains. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates. Increase your intake of healthy fats. Does this sound familiar?
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  • 4 weeks later...

Years ago, when Van Halen became famous their contract rider indicated that a bowl of M&M's with all the brown ones removed, was to be placed in the dressing room. Most people assumed it was the epitome of star caprice. In fact, it wasn't.


Van Halen's shows were huge, tons of gear were transported and assembled every night. Their contract rider was very important because it contained every technical requirements, that could lead to security issues if not respected. But technical staffs, more often than not, didn't thoroughly read the contract rider and thus didn't fully complied with it, which lead to accidents like road crew being nearly-electrocuted, flooring sinking in, etc.


Tired and worried of these issues, the band decided to add the infamous "no brown M&M's" requirement. This way, upon arrival, they went directly into the backstage area and could see if the work was correctly done in a blink of an eye. Otherwise, they would line-check the entire production, ensuring that everything was done as demanded.

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just look at this and you might question the greatness of our capitalisme !!!


problem is not with raw milk

problem is pasteurization...


and trust me if you are never drink milk directly from cow's udder then you don't know what milk it is...

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  • 1 month later...

The Wilhelm scream


In a western movie from the 50's a man is eaten by an alligator. While the film itself has been forgotten by history, the sound effect recorded for this scene still lives on. In fact, for more than 60 years, it has been used in hundreds of films like star wars, Indiana Jones, reservoir dogs... "The wilhelm scream" has become a private joke among sound designers, and you surely have heard it several times throughout your life in your favorite films.

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