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Unofficial Patches


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Doing a fresh install from a system image I made when I built my comp (speficallyĀ to play a moddedĀ Skyrim on) and for the first time, I am going to go ahead and install the unoffical patches (I was always afraidĀ to install it mid-game before).


My question has to do with the unoffical texture patch though.Ā Since I already have the official high res texture packs (packs 01, 02 and 03), how do I proceed with the unofficial high res patch? Should I remove Beth's first or is this something I can install with Beth's already installed?





EDIT: Good Christ! I would have to post something that I found the answer for only seconds after asking the question... DOH!


NVM and thanks anyhow!

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Then correct me on this...


I was going off of the SMIM description page, though I have used the Skyrim HD 2K packs in the past as well. To be honest, I feel like whenever I get my mods working right it's just as much on accident as it is with me trying to read up and piece together what I can beforehand. The SMIM page doesn't reference the 2k packs, but as I've said, I've used them before.


So my question then is, are you referring to the 2k packs or another set? And whichever you mean, I am assuming that you are running only those in the absence of the official high res packs and/or the unofficial high res patch? I just want to be clear on this as I still feel like my grasp on modding is loose at best... whichever texture packs I use, I either use the official/unofficial, or something like the 4 Skyrim HD 2k packs, but not both (as it would seem I'd be overwriting the hell out of things unnecessarily)


And thanks psammeticus!


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