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How advanced is SexLab?

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Hello Community,


I don´t know if this is the right topic or sub forum, but since everyone is asking questions here, and it is related to the technical aspect somehow, I hope that it Is ok to ask this question here. I loved the whole lovers mod(s) for Oblivion and when Skyrim came out I was really exited, but I also knew that it would take quite some time for the modders to actually create something like Lovers. Well now we have the Sexlab Framework, and I don´t even know how old it is, but the things who are already possible seems quite interesting to me, but I don´t know what to expect. So my question is: What can Sexlab do and what not? Is it possible to compare it to Lovers? Does it work on a whole new or different level? Do we have some serious animations or just "pictures" or "poses" I would really love to experience it by myself but I don´t want to install the framework with to high expectations. 


I would be really glad if someone could explain to me what this framework can do :) 

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There are many mods that do different things with SexLab; there is rape, prostitution, some casual sex, pregnancy and there even are some stories in progress. Most of the mods are very good and the animations are well made.

I don't think you'll be disapointed.

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SexLab is a full multi-stage stripping foreplay-capable animation engine. There is motion, voices, shakey-cams during orgasms and (admittedly buggy) freecams.

I don't know how Oblivion was, having never played it, but SexLab is more than enough for most meet n' fuck playing, and also rape/assault.

We don't have good transitions between standing before the act and the animations, but there is the possibility for the animatiors to add 'insert' animation stages.

Ashal has really made something great here.

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Bugs aside, SexLab in its current state (including all user-created addons, because the Framework by itself doesn't do anything) is at least as developed as Lovers was when I tried it in Oblivion. Like Lovers, we have combat rape mods, random sex mods, consensual sex mods, support for hetero and homo pairings, creature sex, and even a handful of quest mods in development. However, I think some of SexLab's functions are more advanced than Lovers was, as I don't remember Lovers having stuff like enslavement mods and the ability to check NPCs for animations based on variables like their factions, morality, and relationships with each other.

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If you're talking about from a framework perspective for what it enables a modder to do, I'd argue SexLab has surpassed Lovers with PK in that respect. Most of the API I've developed on SexLab hasn't seen much use with most SexLab mods that just stick to the basic "start sex" functionality, but the advanced functionality is there for the modders to take advantage of whenever they want, and is my primary focus during development. But the amount of functionality and ease of use far outstrips Lovers in my (probably bias) opinion.


The only advantage Lovers has at this point is it's age has allowed modders more time to develop for and figure out content.


As for bugs, again I'm probably bias here, but since day 1 SexLab has always been relatively bug free for me, otherwise I wouldn't be releasing the updates that I do. Probably 95% of the bugs people complain about in SexLab are user error, bad installs, the result of a recklessly modded Skyrim, or the result of a 3rd party sexlab mod that in turn gets blamed on me. Half of the "bugs" I fix are really just me making sexlab more idiot proof to compensate or the result of optimizations making up for the users poorly optimized game. Not saying there aren't real bugs, but I'd honestly have to dig deep to find them and I could probably count them all on one hand.

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